Needs v desires

im not sure if this ought to be placed in
Fellowship as I'm not sure I understand this concept.
Anyway, I was reading today about needs v desires and I was asked a question, which stumped me.
" have you got everything you need?"
And I couldn't get past that. I first thought, well yes, I think so. I've got a nice house, my family are happy, and healthy, enough money to live on, to get me through the month anyway. Basic stuff. so obviously I got everything I need right? As far as it goes I couldn't wish for any more necessities wise.
Then I started to think about my desires. As far as my physical needs goes, I got it. They are clean cut. But desires scare me... I don't know why, I would love to have a great godly man in my life but I think it's because I see myself as not a very great godly woman just yet.
So how could this desire become a need?
I mean, it's a desire, really isn't it? I haven't got to the point of dying a horrible death if I don't have one but ya know...

Both biblical and personal advice much welcome
im not sure if this ought to be placed in
Fellowship as I'm not sure I understand this concept.
Anyway, I was reading today about needs v desires and I was asked a question, which stumped me.
" have you got everything you need?"
And I couldn't get past that. I first thought, well yes, I think so. I've got a nice house, my family are happy, and healthy, enough money to live on, to get me through the month anyway. Basic stuff. so obviously I got everything I need right? As far as it goes I couldn't wish for any more necessities wise.
Then I started to think about my desires. As far as my physical needs goes, I got it. They are clean cut. But desires scare me... I don't know why, I would love to have a great godly man in my life but I think it's because I see myself as not a very great godly woman just yet.
So how could this desire become a need?
I mean, it's a desire, really isn't it? I haven't got to the point of dying a horrible death if I don't have one but ya know...

Both biblical and personal advice much welcome
I like to start with definitions, which is key.

Want, Need. These words are often used interchangeably, but should be discriminated. Need implies the lack; want also implies the lack, but couples with it the wish to supply the lack. "Some men need help, but will not ask for it; others want help (that is, they need help, or think they do, and ask for it) and get it, too."​

Biblical word definition:

- Transliteration: Machcowr
- Phonetic: makh-sore'
- Definition:
1. need, poverty, thing needed
a. need, thing needed
b. lack, want
c. need, poverty​

- Transliteration: Chacer
- Phonetic: khaw-sare'
- Definition:
1. to lack, be without, decrease, be lacking, have a need
a. (Qal)
1. to lack
2. to be lacking
3. to diminish, decrease​
b. (Piel) to cause to lack
c. (Hiphil) to cause to be lacking​
Deuteronomy 15:8 (KJV)
But thou shalt open thine hand wide unto him, and shalt surely lend him sufficient for his need, in that which he wanteth.​

Desire: (Noah Webster 1828)

1: [Noun] An emotion or excitement of the mind, directed to the attainment or possession of an object from which pleasure, sensual, intellectual or spiritual, is expected; a passion excited by the love of an object, or uneasiness at the want of it, and directed to its attainment or possession. Desire is a wish to possess some gratification or source of happiness which is supposed to be obtainable. A wish may exist for something that is or is not abtainable. Desire, when directed solely to sensual enjoyment, differs little from appetite. In other languages, desire is expressed by longing or reaching toward, and when it is ardent or intense, it approaches to longing, but the word in English usually expresses less than longing. We endeavored-to see your face with great desire. 1 Thess. 2. Thou satisfiest the desires of every living thing. Ps. 145. Desire is that internal act, which, by influencing the will, makes us proceed to action..
2: [Noun] A prayer or request to obtain: He will fulfill the desire of them that fear him. Ps. 145..
3: [Noun] The object of desire; that which is desired. The desire of all nations shall come. Hag. 2..
4: [Noun] Love; affection. His desire is toward me. Cant. 7..
5: [Noun] Appetite; lust. Fulfilling the desires of the flesh. Eph. 2..
6: [Verb] To wish for the possession or enjoyment of, with a greater or less degree of earnestness; to covet. It expresses less strength of affection than longing. Neither shall any man desire thy land. Ex. 34. Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts. 1 Cor. 14..
7: [Verb] To express a wish to obtain; to ask; to request; to petition. Then she said, did I desire a son of my Lord? 2 Kings 4..

Need/want denoting a lack we wish to fill. We NEED Jesus.
Desire is an emotional state where the heart is involved. God says we're to DESIRE spiritual gifts.

Genesis 3:16 (KJV)
Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
- Transliteration: T@shuwqah
- Phonetic: tesh-oo-kaw'
- Definition:
1. desire, longing, craving
a. of man for woman
b. of woman for man
c. of beast to devour​

which comes from:
- Transliteration: Shuwq
- Phonetic: shook
- Definition:
1. to be abundant (meaning probable)
a. (Polel) to give abundance to
b. (Hiphil) to overflow​

While each word has its own meaning, let's look at the letter meanings for each word in Hebrew (separated by a comma):
Desire: תשוקה - mark/sign/covenant, eat/consume/destroy, nail/peg/"and", horizon/behind, behold/grace/look
Abundant: שוק - eat/consume/destroy, nail/peg/"and", horizon/behind​
Want: חסר - wall/fence/separation, support/prop/hand on staff, head/person/first
Need: מחסר - water/chaos, wall/fence/separation, support/prop/hand on staff, head/person/first

Notice that want and need are different only by one letter מ (mem). Need includes chaos with the want. Want is the separation of support to the person. The root word for desire comes from שוק which means abundant, or overflow. This word's letter meaning is to consume what's supplied. This meaning is surrounded by the letter for covenant and grace. So desire is to have a covenant to make a part of us (consume) what's supplied in grace.

Hebrew is very creative, so there isn't a one-for-one translation relationship. One letter has multiple meanings which leads to words having multiple meanings. The best way to understand this is each letter and word indicate a theme and thereby tells a story.

My favorite example of this is the Name given to Moses for God:

The Name of God in the Hebrew Scriptures is יהוה and the pictograph for this is:

open hand (י), LOOK! (ה), nail (ו), LOOK! (ה)

What do these letters reveal?


The meaning of the name of God has a dual meaning via the pictograph:

Work of Grace and Grace!
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im not sure if this ought to be placed in
Fellowship as I'm not sure I understand this concept.
Anyway, I was reading today about needs v desires and I was asked a question, which stumped me.
" have you got everything you need?"
And I couldn't get past that. I first thought, well yes, I think so. I've got a nice house, my family are happy, and healthy, enough money to live on, to get me through the month anyway. Basic stuff. so obviously I got everything I need right? As far as it goes I couldn't wish for any more necessities wise.
Then I started to think about my desires. As far as my physical needs goes, I got it. They are clean cut. But desires scare me... I don't know why, I would love to have a great godly man in my life but I think it's because I see myself as not a very great godly woman just yet.
So how could this desire become a need?
I mean, it's a desire, really isn't it? I haven't got to the point of dying a horrible death if I don't have one but ya know...

Both biblical and personal advice much welcome
awesome post

very thought provoking

Philippians 4:19 says God will supply ALL our needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus

Psalms 68:6 says God puts the lonely into families

Psalms 37:4 says if we delight ourselves in the Lord, God will give us the desires of our heart

i see a lot of blessing in these scriptures

our needs are supplied and if a person is lonely, that might now fall under the category of ALL our needs

and if it does not seem like a need then it might fall under the category of those who delight in God will receive their desires from God

why are our wants being supplied in direct correlation to us delighting in the Lord?

imo, when we delight in the Lord, we are staying close to Him and communicating with Him/reading His word/ gaining His heart attitude/spending time with Him

imo this puts us in the perfect place/state of knowing what pleases God, and also believing/knowing God wants to supply our wants and needs

Jeremiah 29:11-13 says I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. 12 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.

imo Jeremiah 29:11-13 confirms the fact God has an extravagant desire to bless us - supply our needs and our wants - again connected to us seeking God

but more than that, Jeremiah 29:11-13 indicates to me that God actually has plans for our lives - and we are to seek Him to find out what those plans might be - and what He might want us to do

personally, i don't need much, or even desire much, but i am now in the habit of asking God what He wants me to do each day

amazingly as i follow His instructions for my days, i end up getting blessed and receiving my wants and needs and things i never even dreamed or imagined, as per Ephesians 3:20-21 - Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

God Bless you my dearest friend

your post really blessed me and got me thinking/praying about what God's answer to your question might be
and if it does not seem like a need then it might fall under the category of those who delight in God will receive their desires from God

Amen Brother! !
Far too many Believers quote this scripture as if rubbing a magic lamp and a genie pops out and says your hearts desire is my command.

Not funny but that's kind of how I was taught many, many moons ago.
Thank God He Loves us and will get His truth in us if we allow Him too.

Proverbs 16:3 to me gives us an insight to Psalms 37:4
Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be establishedand succeed.

Our thoughts are related to our desires.

Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart.

So to delight yourself in the Lord would truly need rolling your cares and works over onto the Lord.
It's making Him first place in your life and doing what is written in His Word.

So as you very well know, when we live such as this, we are striving for His ways over our ways in every area of our lives.

Now our "hearts desires" are lined up with His Will and Plan for us and He Will See To It AND it is Always Far Better then anything we could have ever wanted in our own strength or thinking .

God Bless My Brother and Friend
But desires scare me... I don't know why, I would love to have a great godly man in my life but I think it's because I see myself as not a very great godly woman just yet.
So how could this desire become a need?

I think of your thoughts above this way....

God does not need for us to take a bath before He cleans us up, because it is His Sons Blood that makes us clean when we accept Him as Lord and Savior.

You desiring a godly man for your companion is not something you have to become better or more godly/sanctified in order to receive (for God can give you one you both can grow together with, or one you can learn from... you will complete each other in lots of ways). For now you make your requests known unto God (every detail you can think of) , believe you receive them (mark 11:23-25) because we know that God does not desire for anyone to be alone, and then while you wait for them to manifest... you keep drawing closer with the Lord.

Every person needs to have a very close relationship with God in order to be the best spouse we can be. It takes faith and walking in love like 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 says, and walking in love like in 1 Corinthians takes forgiveness. It takes us walking with our armour on and being able to take every thought captive, realizing that we are not fighting our spouse, but the enemy.. who is trying to get us against one another. Because he knows that where there is strife, there is every evil work, and his job is to.gst us to attack one another instead of him. So that our power as one flesh together will be brought to nought because we are in some kind of strife.

If we dont have our own close personal relationship with the Lord... we won't be constantly asking God for the truth when attacks come from the enemy. We won't even be concerned with who in reality we are fighting against, we will just sow a seed of strife, when one is sown against us.

As godly women of faith, having our armour on, can put us in the position of intercession for our spouse when we are apart... or being sensitive to the Holy Spirit, knowing when to pray for them even if they are not able to let us know whats going on.

It's walking in faith knowing that our prayers for our husband's advancement and wellbeing are so precious to the Father. For God is a shield for us.. our glory and the lifter of our head (ps 3:3) (which is our spouse). We trust that God is the one who takes full care of us, because He loves us. And our respect and love for our husband's create the open door for God to meet those needs that we may have, even if they are not met when we think they need to be by our husband. We don't have to get an attitude with him, because our trust is in God to supply those needs. And thus we stay walking in love which keeps the flow of the Father working within us. And we are more productive for the kingdom because we are not hindered by the works of the flesh.

There is a lot of benefits to being fully secure in Christ, when being in a marriage.

God bless you mightily sister. And keep thanking God for your godly man. As it has been said... when we delight ourselves in The Lord... He gives us the desires of our heart. :)
Amen Brother! !
Far too many Believers quote this scripture as if rubbing a magic lamp and a genie pops out and says your hearts desire is my command.

Not funny but that's kind of how I was taught many, many moons ago.
Thank God He Loves us and will get His truth in us if we allow Him too.

Proverbs 16:3 to me gives us an insight to Psalms 37:4
Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be establishedand succeed.

Our thoughts are related to our desires.

Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart.

So to delight yourself in the Lord would truly need rolling your cares and works over onto the Lord.
It's making Him first place in your life and doing what is written in His Word.

So as you very well know, when we live such as this, we are striving for His ways over our ways in every area of our lives.

Now our "hearts desires" are lined up with His Will and Plan for us and He Will See To It AND it is Always Far Better then anything we could have ever wanted in our own strength or thinking .

God Bless My Brother and Friend

very good points

i like that

God Bless you my dear friend