Imagine the scene in a hospital delivery room as a child is born. The delivery was long and fraught with difficulty. The child's life was nearly lost several times, but eventually the child is born. It is completely healthy. The announcement is made to the family and community that a healthy new child is born. There is a great celebration and much back slapping. The parents are congratulated extensively and the child is shown to everyone with great pride and joy. Then the child is told to eat healthy food, learn quickly, that they are always a part of the family, and that the door will always be open. After that the child is placed on the sidewalk and the family and community goes about their business as normal.

A Christian tells someone the gospel of Jesus. After consideration this person accepts Jesus as their savior. They come forward and make a public profession of faith and they are received with great joy. They are given a bible and a schedule of worship services and church events. Everyone takes great pains to ensure that the new Christian knows how welcome they are, and they should immerse themselves in the word and learn quickly. Then they are left on their own.
Now the first description above may happen, but it's rare. The second description is of something that happens all the time.
For most of us hearing about something like what was described in the first paragraph above would fill us with horror and have us demanding retribution for the responsible parties.
For most of us in the church hearing about something like what was described in the second paragraph would make us feel a little sad, but oh well...

Consider how defenseless a newborn is. Every day parents struggle to protect, care for, and teach their children.
At first the child must be fed by the parents. Later on the parents must simply provide the food and show the child what is good or not good to eat.
Later on when the child is walking, the parents must take great care to see that the child does not walk off of a ledge or into something that will hurt them.
When the child begins to poke, prod, and pull on things the parents must watch to ensure that the child doesn't do these things to something that will hurt them.
Eventually the child will be running, playing, and learning at an astounding rate of development. The parents often have to struggle to keep the child safe, and as these things take the child more and more out of the parent's sight the parents often get outside help. They talk with the child, the child's teachers, parents of their friends, and in bad times with medical care givers or law enforcement personnel.
In time a moment comes that the parents have longed for and feared for a long time. The child leaves their protection and puts what they've learned to use.

Now imagine the Newborn Christian. They are new to faith. They need to be given spiritual milk until they are able to digest more solid teaching. As they grow we need to make sure that good teaching is available for them and that we teach them how to discern between teaching that will help them grow and teaching that will hurt them.
As they begin walking in their faith and examining the world about them with their new eyes and heart, we need to be there for the inevitable bumps and scrapes that come with the falls. We need to be there to help them discern the danger of ledges and objects that will hurt them.
Eventually the Christian will act on their faith and begin to follow the Spirit's guidance outside of the churches protected environment. That is when we must keep in touch with the new Christian, the believer's that they are working with and in constant touch with the Holy Spirit through prayer on their behalf.

The above two examples are generalizations, but when compared they make a strong statement.
How many of us in the church would scream and fight to make sure that a newborn child is protected and cared for?
How many of us in the church would do the same for a new believer?

The church needs to stop abandoning the children placed in her care. We need to do everything we can to care for, protect, heal, and encourage our new born Christians. We follow Jesus and His last command to us before leaving this world was to do just that.

Matthew 28:19-20
Imagine the scene in a hospital delivery room as a child is born. The delivery was long and fraught with difficulty. The child's life was nearly lost several times, but eventually the child is born. It is completely healthy. The announcement is made to the family and community that a healthy new child is born. There is a great celebration and much back slapping. The parents are congratulated extensively and the child is shown to everyone with great pride and joy. Then the child is told to eat healthy food, learn quickly, that they are always a part of the family, and that the door will always be open. After that the child is placed on the sidewalk and the family and community goes about their business as normal.

A Christian tells someone the gospel of Jesus. After consideration this person accepts Jesus as their savior. They come forward and make a public profession of faith and they are received with great joy. They are given a bible and a schedule of worship services and church events. Everyone takes great pains to ensure that the new Christian knows how welcome they are, and they should immerse themselves in the word and learn quickly. Then they are left on their own.
Now the first description above may happen, but it's rare. The second description is of something that happens all the time.
For most of us hearing about something like what was described in the first paragraph above would fill us with horror and have us demanding retribution for the responsible parties.
For most of us in the church hearing about something like what was described in the second paragraph would make us feel a little sad, but oh well...

Consider how defenseless a newborn is. Every day parents struggle to protect, care for, and teach their children.
At first the child must be fed by the parents. Later on the parents must simply provide the food and show the child what is good or not good to eat.
Later on when the child is walking, the parents must take great care to see that the child does not walk off of a ledge or into something that will hurt them.
When the child begins to poke, prod, and pull on things the parents must watch to ensure that the child doesn't do these things to something that will hurt them.
Eventually the child will be running, playing, and learning at an astounding rate of development. The parents often have to struggle to keep the child safe, and as these things take the child more and more out of the parent's sight the parents often get outside help. They talk with the child, the child's teachers, parents of their friends, and in bad times with medical care givers or law enforcement personnel.
In time a moment comes that the parents have longed for and feared for a long time. The child leaves their protection and puts what they've learned to use.

Now imagine the Newborn Christian. They are new to faith. They need to be given spiritual milk until they are able to digest more solid teaching. As they grow we need to make sure that good teaching is available for them and that we teach them how to discern between teaching that will help them grow and teaching that will hurt them.
As they begin walking in their faith and examining the world about them with their new eyes and heart, we need to be there for the inevitable bumps and scrapes that come with the falls. We need to be there to help them discern the danger of ledges and objects that will hurt them.
Eventually the Christian will act on their faith and begin to follow the Spirit's guidance outside of the churches protected environment. That is when we must keep in touch with the new Christian, the believer's that they are working with and in constant touch with the Holy Spirit through prayer on their behalf.

The above two examples are generalizations, but when compared they make a strong statement.
How many of us in the church would scream and fight to make sure that a newborn child is protected and cared for?
How many of us in the church would do the same for a new believer?

The church needs to stop abandoning the children placed in her care. We need to do everything we can to care for, protect, heal, and encourage our new born Christians. We follow Jesus and His last command to us before leaving this world was to do just that.

Matthew 28:19-20
Very well said and that describes what happened to me almost perfectly. It took a long time but God did get me back although he had to use extreme measures to do it he didn't let me go because I did honestly give my heart to him when I was born again. (I was told that he would always be there....waiting)

That being said, I believe the new Christian also has some responsibilities that they have to fulfill also. If you do not put yourself in a situation where others can help you then you will be left on your own so I believe that both sides need to do their part. Nobody could have helped guide me after about a year of being saved because I simply quit going to places where Christians hung out.
Very well said and that describes what happened to me almost perfectly. It took a long time but God did get me back although he had to use extreme measures to do it he didn't let me go because I did honestly give my heart to him when I was born again. (I was told that he would always be there....waiting)

That being said, I believe the new Christian also has some responsibilities that they have to fulfill also. If you do not put yourself in a situation where others can help you then you will be left on your own so I believe that both sides need to do their part. Nobody could have helped guide me after about a year of being saved because I simply quit going to places where Christians hung out.

Can i ask....did you quit going because you felt not attended to or did you quit due to loosing interest in Jesus and the things of God?
Imagine the scene in a hospital delivery room as a child is born. The delivery was long and fraught with difficulty. The child's life was nearly lost several times, but eventually the child is born. It is completely healthy. The announcement is made to the family and community that a healthy new child is born. There is a great celebration and much back slapping. The parents are congratulated extensively and the child is shown to everyone with great pride and joy. Then the child is told to eat healthy food, learn quickly, that they are always a part of the family, and that the door will always be open. After that the child is placed on the sidewalk and the family and community goes about their business as normal.

A Christian tells someone the gospel of Jesus. After consideration this person accepts Jesus as their savior. They come forward and make a public profession of faith and they are received with great joy. They are given a bible and a schedule of worship services and church events. Everyone takes great pains to ensure that the new Christian knows how welcome they are, and they should immerse themselves in the word and learn quickly. Then they are left on their own.
Now the first description above may happen, but it's rare. The second description is of something that happens all the time.
For most of us hearing about something like what was described in the first paragraph above would fill us with horror and have us demanding retribution for the responsible parties.
For most of us in the church hearing about something like what was described in the second paragraph would make us feel a little sad, but oh well...

Consider how defenseless a newborn is. Every day parents struggle to protect, care for, and teach their children.
At first the child must be fed by the parents. Later on the parents must simply provide the food and show the child what is good or not good to eat.
Later on when the child is walking, the parents must take great care to see that the child does not walk off of a ledge or into something that will hurt them.
When the child begins to poke, prod, and pull on things the parents must watch to ensure that the child doesn't do these things to something that will hurt them.
Eventually the child will be running, playing, and learning at an astounding rate of development. The parents often have to struggle to keep the child safe, and as these things take the child more and more out of the parent's sight the parents often get outside help. They talk with the child, the child's teachers, parents of their friends, and in bad times with medical care givers or law enforcement personnel.
In time a moment comes that the parents have longed for and feared for a long time. The child leaves their protection and puts what they've learned to use.

Now imagine the Newborn Christian. They are new to faith. They need to be given spiritual milk until they are able to digest more solid teaching. As they grow we need to make sure that good teaching is available for them and that we teach them how to discern between teaching that will help them grow and teaching that will hurt them.
As they begin walking in their faith and examining the world about them with their new eyes and heart, we need to be there for the inevitable bumps and scrapes that come with the falls. We need to be there to help them discern the danger of ledges and objects that will hurt them.
Eventually the Christian will act on their faith and begin to follow the Spirit's guidance outside of the churches protected environment. That is when we must keep in touch with the new Christian, the believer's that they are working with and in constant touch with the Holy Spirit through prayer on their behalf.

The above two examples are generalizations, but when compared they make a strong statement.
How many of us in the church would scream and fight to make sure that a newborn child is protected and cared for?
How many of us in the church would do the same for a new believer?

The church needs to stop abandoning the children placed in her care. We need to do everything we can to care for, protect, heal, and encourage our new born Christians. We follow Jesus and His last command to us before leaving this world was to do just that.

Matthew 28:19-20

I have not ever seen a church like that. They may not all have been as on the spot as others but for the most part it was upto the new person. I mean if they chose to stay in the shadows there is not much you can do for you can not force them.

I was like that in the first church I was in and a special brother sister simply asked me point blank......Now Jim tell me the real reason why you do not want to go.......It hit me like a ton of yea I got changed and went to this special thing and never looked back.
Hmm. I think what you describe is like how Jesus said to feed my lambs and my sheep.
This is what most christian and decent parents do and most churches do look after each other and newbies in this way.

But there are parents who neglect their responisbilities and there are also now churches that mirror this exactly. Ive heard it said they are goat churches because they just let the kids run around free.

I think if you do find yourself in that situation examine yourself whether you in the faith. God puts the lonely in families...but also I see a lot of broken families cos beleivers marry unbelievers, knowing they do so...despite the warning in the Bible not to...and thats hard for everyone concerned, especially the children.
I have noticed the newer kind of churches called seeker-sensitive, the ones with hundreds of members, do not have the community feel to them, it is quite impersonal, and I dont think they are sustainable. if there is a mix of believers and unbelievers or doubleminded christians thats very unstable. Church is for believers, not spectators.

I could not go to a church and then find out half of them are not even christian just going for the entertainment and feel good sermons.
I have noticed the newer kind of churches called seeker-sensitive, the ones with hundreds of members, do not have the community feel to them, it is quite impersonal, and I dont think they are sustainable. if there is a mix of believers and unbelievers or doubleminded christians thats very unstable. Church is for believers, not spectators.

I could not go to a church and then find out half of them are not even christian just going for the entertainment and feel good sermons.

Then again if you show them the Love of God by actually doing the Love of God they may just become born again Christians.
I think we need to remember that "I" as a member don't gather together with other members for my own benefit but for the benefit of others. We come together to edify each other... to "Stir each other up in love and good works". If we go to church mainly for ourselves then we are missing the point.

I personally learned this pretty recently. I was under the false impression that I needed to go to church to be fed and to worship God so I could grow. I thought this because this is what taught and unfortunately is being taught in many churches.

On a side(but related) note....the answer to "am I my brother's keeper?" is :Yes you are!
In regards to the original post, life is not always idealistic for a gentle caring approach. Sometimes the ideal approach, where all else has failed, is tough love.
God wants us to love one another, thats the second commandment. I dont know how it got twisted round to being love just yourself.
I would say yes, we need to help new believers. But, it is not wholly our responsibility to keep another strong, because often times we ourselves are not. Also, we must remember, God is our father, and will he ever fail as a parent? No, of course not. So have faith, encourage your brothers and sisters, but don't think it's your job to be the parent, that's God's job.
I think we need to remember that "I" as a member don't gather together with other members for my own benefit but for the benefit of others. We come together to edify each other... to "Stir each other up in love and good works". If we go to church mainly for ourselves then we are missing the point.

I personally learned this pretty recently. I was under the false impression that I needed to go to church to be fed and to worship God so I could grow. I thought this because this is what taught and unfortunately is being taught in many churches.

On a side(but related) note....the answer to "am I my brother's keeper?" is :Yes you are!

A new believer needs to be nourished in God's love and prepared to ready him for service.

When I was a new believer (high school age), a strong Christian family saw to my spiritual nourishment and provided examples of living a life of service to the Lord. After a few months, that family put me to work teaching in Sunday School, under the mother's close supervision. The whole church nourished me as well as challenged me. This was a growth experience with the challenges at each stage being greater than and building upon those at earlier stages. I could never have started out doing the things I later did.

If anyone is in need of being served, then in church would seem to be a good place to be. They should not wait until they are strong enough to serve others.

No one is born ready for service. They need to get a firm hold on their new life before they can be expected to pass it on. This is as true in spiritual living as it is in physical life.

The Christian life should be one of service to each other, and to the community in His name, according to the maturity of the believer. One aspect of a strong life of service is being humble enough to solicit and accept the service of our brothers & sisters in our faith family. So yes, properly participating in the life of your church includes receiving their service for our personal benefit. We are not only our brother's keeper, but our brothers are our keepers.
There are three "stages" to a Christians grow. The first is "Babyhood" the second, "childhood", and the third, "manhood"
The five fold "ministry" is responsible to help all believers reach manhood. Once a believer reaches "manhood" their work is completed.

1Pe 2:2.. As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:

Eph 4:11.. And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
Eph 4:12.. For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
Eph 4:13.. Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
Eph 4:14.. That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

1Co 13:9.. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
1Co 13:10.. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
1Co 13:11.. When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

The "perfect" man is a mature man, a full grown Christian who is fully aware of his spiritual surroundings in the rel of the spirit. As the scripture says, "He that is spiritual judges all things, yet he judged by no man".
You will have very hard time finding any Church who id bringing forth saints to manhood. The Apostles had are time finding any, and so will we.

1Co 3:1.. And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.
1Co 3:2.. I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able.
1Co 3:3.. For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?

This is the sad state of the Church today that are dwelling within the four walls of the organised Church. How many times are they going to teach, and preach the some old things over, and over again?

Heb 6:1.. Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God,
Heb 6:2.. Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.
Heb 6:3.. And this will we do, if God permit.

Heb 5:12 For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.
Heb 5:13 For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.
Heb 5:14 But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

Most likely if you want to become a full grown man you will have to go somewhere were they are teaching those things that will cause this growth to happen.
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