Not all who call "Lord, Lord"

No problem. For me, I simply believe scripture is the key that unlocks scripture. This results in a proper understanding of revelation. But I respect your point of view as well. God Bless!

With all due respect - your questions would best be handled in a separate post on dispensationalism vs not......
No problem. For me, I simply believe scripture is the key that unlocks scripture. This results in a proper understanding of revelation. But I respect your point of view as well. God Bless!

We are in complete agreement my brother. Without question.

Dispensationalism is simply the Scriptures relating to a specified TIME divided two Bible events and how God relates to man during that time frame. That is all it is.

In Genesis alone, we read of Him DIVIDING light (Gen. 1:4), waters (Gen. 1:7), the earth (Gen. 10:5), and the nations (Gen. 10:25).
Dispensationalism then, encompasses the complete system of Bible study known by the biblical phrase, “rightly dividing the word of truth.”

R. J Vernon McGee states:
“A dispensation may fit into a certain period of time, but it actually means the way God runs something at a particular time; it is the way God does things.” The fact of the matter is that most Bible teachers, and authors (even if they know the word “dispensation” is not a “period of time”) refer to it as such, and have for about three hundred years now