Nugget of Truth

If there is one single molecule in this universe running around loose, totally free of God’s sovereignty, then we have no guarantee that a single promise of God will ever be fulfilled.”
―R.C. Sproul,
Read the life of George Mueller you will be inspired. He had nothing in his bank account yet God gave him a dream and. mission to fulfil and it was amazing.

Gladys Aylward worked as a maid and she could hardly even afford to go to bible college. She had what, two pennies? But God got her to China and he did amazing things through her.
Read the life of George Mueller you will be inspired. He had nothing in his bank account yet God gave him a dream and. mission to fulfil and it was amazing

I thought it awesome to see Isaiah 55:1 in action... knowing that His faith in Adonai providing for him, the workers and the children through people sending him money from all over the world, and The Holy Spirit prompting the people in the community (Like the milkman and the baker) to bless them as well.

Great story of encouragement I agree