Okay so, you believe: 'Creation of man is exactly how Genesis describes it in 6 literal 24 hour days.'
And of course in those 6 days God created everything.
And you also back this up with : 'I would say that the human race is indeed only 6,000 years old and the advancement of civilizations (languages, inventions, medical, industry, et cetera) clearly evidence this fact.'
Thus stating your believe in a young Earth.
However, you also state: 'However, I believe that the earth is very old.'
How do you explain how you hold these two contradictory views to both be true at the same time?
Finally someone asked "The question".
You see, Old Earth proponents do not accept evolution in any way. They believe the Genesis account of Creation just as you do. There is no verse in the Bible which causes us to accept a young earth as the only answer. The Bible does not say, "Thou shalt believe in a young earth." The fact is, no verse in the Bible makes any claims as to the age of the earth. All the so-called verses that young earth proponents point to can be interpreted by the reader to mean old or young. Also, the key doctrines of the Bible are not affected by either interpretation.
Nowhere in the Bible does it teach that the earth is young. The Bible does not say "the earth is 6,000 years old." Nor does it say "the earth is 4.5 billion years old.
Now just think with me for a second outside of the box. Most people get hung up on a 24 hour day will make a defense of the "days" of creation being literal 24-hour days. Is that the actual case??????
The truth is, there is no claim in the Bible that states the length of these days. The "day" as we know it didn't even begin until the fourth day of creation, when the sun and the moon were created according to all who read those Scriptures. Wouldn't it be hard to firmly and dogmatically stand on the 24 hour day when the Sun and Moon were not hung in the sky until the 4th day????? It is only a question posed to allow us to think for just a moment.
I am not posting these as my opinions but the belief's of those who hold to the Old Earth position. If that is the case, then Is there an undetermied time frame between verses #1 and #2. That is commonly called the "Gap Theory" which I know has come under a lot of pressure in recent years.
Then secondly.........was there a creation before Genesis?
IF there was then that alone would explain the "water" on the earth before the Creation process began in verse #3. It seems to me that there could have been a pre-Adamic creation in which God destroyed with water.
Please.......Please do not say I am adding to the Word of God. I know very well that those words and that teaching is not there. I am only postulating a theory or hypotheses not a doctrine. It doesn't matter how long the period of creation is, God's power is beyond comprehension, beyond anyone else's capabilities, and He remains omnipotent no matter how long creation lasted. I could say “An all powerful God could have created the world in six seconds. Why did it take him six days…he must be weak.” This obviously is not true.
So then, anyone can accept either one of those positions and still accept the 6 day creation account which begins in verse #3.
Thanks for asking!