Read Luke Chapter 4

How can I get the most out of One Chapter a Day?

Read the assigned chapter daily. Then leave a brief, positive comment in the comments section that describes the “nugget of truth” that God dropped into your heart during your reading. Leaving a comment further plants the truth into your won heart and turbocharges your spiritual growth. It also blesses others!

What is your take?

Share the verse that was special to you today and why. Be brief. Read the comments of others. Interact with them. Be encouraging.
The wilderness was the quiet place Jesus went to be alone with God; it was a place of renewal and relationship for Jesus. It was a place of renewal because this was where he reconnected with his Father and his Father's will. It was a place of relationship because Jesus would speak directly and privately with his Father. After being wildly successful blessing people and making things better, Jesus is now fully committed to going to other villages and sharing the Gospel because that was his mission. If Jesus took time to be alone with God in a special place, then we must follow his example and do the same. If we don't, then we will continue to be distracted by urgent things and lose our focus on the things most essential to our mission!
Though Jesus was (is) sinless, He fasted, Isa 58:6, so that He could face the devil. How many fast today to overcome their flesh, we being sinners, to face the devil, Rom 8:37.
Interestingly, Jesus was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit.
His response to every temptation was a correct application of God's
Word. Certain 'wilderness' type situations come into the life of
every believer, but not necessarily because the believer was led
into it.

VS 14 says Jesus returned from the wilderness as He went
into it... in the power of the Spirit. When we have been led into
difficult situations, we can be sure of sufficient supply to respond
in faith.
It's noteworthy that satan left Jesus and waited for another opportunity.
Jesus later says why He is sent, “I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because for this purpose I have been sent.” Mobs of people could not get enough of His teachings. What a sight indeed.