I'd just like to add to this - from experience.If your heart has been opened to God, SOMETHING happened. You may be too close to the situation to immediately see what has changed, but will see it later. It is not a trade. It is not "Gee, if I do this, then the Lord must give me what I want."
It may be that your heart was not truly as open as you think. I am not saying that you have not been saved, but that opening our heart to God is something that is learned over time.
Many want what they see in long-time Christians immediately, without the growth to back it up.
My advice is: Do not get impatient with God.
People who tend to always be and always have been in a place of utter control, tend to struggle with this opening up part.
Being a control freak is tough to un-learn if you have lived that way a few years.
So be patient, daily, you learn to submit to Him more and more the next, remember, little here, little there.
God is not going to rush you beyond your ability, He made you and knows when you will break.