OT law & New Testament giving

Also, Abraham tithed 100s of years before the Law. If tithing was only under the Law then why did he tithe and why did God accept his tithes? Why didn't God say, "Oh Abraham, thou are a fool, it's more just about your heart, remember I put you under My grace - I don't want you giving Me the tithe..." Yet that is not what we find: we find that God received his tithes and poured out THE blessing on him in answer.

I have some pretty simple answers to those questions. PM me if you want to talk about it.

To summarize my position in general (since you didn't read through, understandably, there is a lot there) I don't think "we don't have to tithe anymore" exactly, I just think that the modern tradition/version/interpretation of tithing is difficult to support from a Biblical perspective.

I think if you've given 10% of your income to your local church, which has helped pay for your church's overhead costs, admin salaries, mortgage, new sound system/projector, Bible study materials, new library books, etc, you've been a good steward of the responsibilities you've taken on as a member of that church. But you have not yet given your tithe. And we do not want to rob God of His tithes...

I don't want to overstate the point here, so send me a PM if you want to discuss further.
I have some pretty simple answers to those questions. PM me if you want to talk about it.

To summarize my position in general (since you didn't read through, understandably, there is a lot there) I don't think "we don't have to tithe anymore" exactly, I just think that the modern tradition/version/interpretation of tithing is difficult to support from a Biblical perspective.

I think if you've given 10% of your income to your local church, which has helped pay for your church's overhead costs, admin salaries, mortgage, new sound system/projector, Bible study materials, new library books, etc, you've been a good steward of the responsibilities you've taken on as a member of that church. But you have not yet given your tithe. And we do not want to rob God of His tithes...

I don't want to overstate the point here, so send me a PM if you want to discuss further.

Here is a thought that you have not mentioned. The church titheing on their tithes.
As children of God we give because He gives to us. God blesses us and we bless others.
We seed and we tithe and we give gifts and we buy this and we buy that and we give because we are Givers BECAUSE through our tithes God has rebuked the devour for our sakes.

We are redeemed from the curse of the law so we are redeemed from the curse of poverty and we give because we are lenders and not borrowers and we give because it is as joy to give.

No one forces us. Givers do not debate what is required or what is legal or not. We simply give unto God for wer love and honor Him.
Any more questions....lol
No one forces us. Givers do not debate what is required or what is legal or not.

That's actually the point I began with, but yes, I agree!

- We tithe (like they did in the OT) from our inheritance from God
- They tithed from a finite inheritance, we tithe from an infinite, eternal inheritance
- So you can stop giving when you've reached 10% of infinity.

We simply give unto God for we love and honor Him.

You are too right mate. Thanks for your thoughts. We do what we do because the love of God compels us.
Yeah, and notice how God did not simply say "You break the Law if you don't tithe" or "You sin if you don't tithe" but He goes out of His way to say Not Tithing = Robbing God of what is owed to Him.
We have to be careful with the application of that verse. We are not God's mafia. All we have is from Him. Giving back to God is NOT needed. Supporting a ministry IS needed. Humungous difference.

Jews were considered robbing God as much like Ananias and Sapphira they had agreed to do X / received instruction from Malachi to do X. We are not Jews. We have not agreed to anything Peter or a disciple has proposed / we are not in Ananias and Sapphira's shoes.

Jews had an entire tribe in full time ministry 1/12. Do we have that at our church? 10% was fair as it would equate to a Levite living on par with the average Jew. Do we have that at our church?

We must give. We must support the place we fellowship at. That is a no brainer. 10% is a fair / affordable percentage if we know much work is done on charity and outreaches. Not 5 000 give 10% to one preacher's mansion.

I agree with regular tithing of 10 or so %. But if anyone enforces it or proposes we are robbing God, then the NT and the cross is flying over their head.
We have to be careful with the application of that verse. We are not God's mafia. All we have is from Him. Giving back to God is NOT needed. Supporting a ministry IS needed. Humungous difference.

Jews were considered robbing God as much like Ananias and Sapphira they had agreed to do X / received instruction from Malachi to do X. We are not Jews. We have not agreed to anything Peter or a disciple has proposed / we are not in Ananias and Sapphira's shoes.

Jews had an entire tribe in full time ministry 1/12. Do we have that at our church? 10% was fair as it would equate to a Levite living on par with the average Jew. Do we have that at our church?

We must give. We must support the place we fellowship at. That is a no brainer. 10% is a fair / affordable percentage if we know much work is done on charity and outreaches. Not 5 000 give 10% to one preacher's mansion.

I agree with regular tithing of 10 or so %. But if anyone enforces it or proposes we are robbing God, then the NT and the cross is flying over their head.
Hey Brother KJ, I didn't say I was enforcing it, I am just saying what God has said. We must teach the Truth with all boldness. Returning the Tithe to God is our responsibility; if we teach it as optional we are lying and misleading God's people and blocking them from all the promises of Mal 3 v 10 to 12 and Deuteronomy 28 v 1 to 14, and we keep them from becoming like Abraham, whom we are blessed the same as...

Not tithing in faith is what keeps the vaults of Heaven closed up and prevents God from emptying out the Blessing on us, and rebuking Satan off our stuff and what keeps us from being a delightsome land...

God is the One who instituted the Tithe and it is what keeps us connected to His blessing. It is how depression and recession bypass us.

We must teach the Truth, regardless of what any might think, say or do.

Notice also again Hebrews 7 v 8. There is no getting around that; Jesus is waiting for our tithes up there.

And yes we are Abraham's seed; Gal 3 v 29 says every promise made to him is ours now in Christ, and additionally, 2 Cor 1 v 20 says EVERY promise God has ever made is ours in Christ Jesus - they are all already yes, and amen. There is never a no answer when it comes to the promises of God.