Our Brother's Keepers

I, too, enjoyed Euphemia's post and thought she said it well. Initially, I came here, somehow thinking I knew better...I come now for learning and I sometimes find it in unexpected places, once I have digested, read and researched more. A word, a phrase, a verse...a civil discussion or even (less likely) a passionate debate. Perhaps it's selfish but I like this kind of self edification.
I had this thought earlier today. About this question. Because many people do not realize that loving our brother or sisters in Christ is very important to God, in fact it's a command by Jesus Himself. And when we hurt them with our words, we are behaving contrary to the way God would have us to act.

We are not loving our neighbor when if we do not agree with what they are saying, all of a sudden we turn around and attack them or yell at them, or call them stupid or something. It really hurts my heart to see things like this happen in a place where, we all love the same Savior, but have different ways of thinking. And i believe it grieves God as well.

Thanks for the thread, and the questions. I enjoyed hearing the answers!
Yes. Am I my brothers keeper? Yes all those who are in Christ. Those that arent, are not and one doesnt have to agree with them. Judas certainly did not agree with Jesus and likwise, they butted heads. Judas accused Mary of wasting the oil she used to anoint Jesus.
Judas did not pray with the others.
Judas thought Jesus would restore the earthly kingdom, and was disappointed when He did not.
Judas betrayed Jesus all the while pretending to agree. JEsus knew what he was about but Judas didnt come clean. The rest of the apostles he washed his feet except Judas.
John wrote in his letters about false brethren. Might pay to read it.
I learned the hard way in my walk I couldnt call everyone who claimed they were a christian brother or sister. Some were covetous. I still love them, bless them, but they are with the enemy.
John wrote in his letters about false brethren. Might pay to read it.
I learned the hard way in my walk I couldnt call everyone who claimed they were a christian brother or sister. Some were covetous. I still love them, bless them, but they are with the enemy.
Yes it grieves the holy spirit when ppl attack Jesus and refuse to listen to what He says and what He preached, and go after false teachers.
Yes. Am I my brothers keeper? Yes all those who are in Christ. Those that arent, are not and one doesnt have to agree with them. Judas certainly did not agree with Jesus and likwise, they butted heads. Judas accused Mary of wasting the oil she used to anoint Jesus.
Judas did not pray with the others.
Judas thought Jesus would restore the earthly kingdom, and was disappointed when He did not.
Judas betrayed Jesus all the while pretending to agree. JEsus knew what he was about but Judas didnt come clean. The rest of the apostles he washed his feet except Judas.

Can you show me in scripture where it says that Jesus did not wash Judas feet?
And what you are trying to point out about Judas?
Thanks! Be blessed
John wrote in his letters about false brethren. Might pay to read it.
I learned the hard way in my walk I couldnt call everyone who claimed they were a christian brother or sister. Some were covetous. I still love them, bless them, but they are with the enemy.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:44 to love our enemies, and speak well of them.....
Why say it may pay to read about what Jesus said regarding false brethren? Do you have something specific that i have missed?
If Judas had asked forgiveness Jesus surely would have forgiven him but too late, and he committed suicide rather than face up to Him.

Think same thing kinda happened with Saul.
Even when David commited adultery and murder he got down on his knees and asked forgiveness. He repented.
Cain did not do this. he was basically arrogant. But interesting thing was God had mercy on him, although he was marked for life.

Lanolin although scripture does not go into a huge bit about this i want to share some food for thought......
Judas came very close to repenting. His actions of throwing the silver was an indication of this...However it was not Judas heart that got him that day..It was satan who pushed the quilt of what he had done to the point Judas could not take it any more. I bet that old defeated foe was saying things like it is better that you be dead then face this you back stabbing trader to God. I can see the enemy filling judas mind with all sorts of lies and guilt and such.

Now remember this was before Jesus went to the cross so Jesus had not yet defeasted satan or death. Jesus still had this to do so as it is for us.....there is no condimnation for those in Christ and yet I bet judas was hammered with it. The devil had more authority before The Cross Lanolin and it was very much a different then....
I dont know but I think this is the origin of the mark of the beast....those of God have his name written on their foreheads, those that dont have the beast, or satan.

Literally or symbolically..as the first commandment says, love the Lord your God...with all your MIND and STRENGTH.
Head and hands.
You see orthodox Jews trying to follow this commandment using phylacteries. Well we christians dont need to do this literally, but its true his words are written on the tablets of our hearts thus in our minds and in our hands the way we think, and the way we act.

Lanolin that is with all your HEART.....this is the very first thing.
John wrote in his letters about false brethren. Might pay to read it.
I learned the hard way in my walk I couldnt call everyone who claimed they were a christian brother or sister. Some were covetous. I still love them, bless them, but they are with the enemy.

Do you think that Christians who display covetousness are not Christians? You do know that Christians are not perfect people, and that they grow in their faith walk, don't you?

You said it grieves the Holy Spirit when people attack Jesus. So, what about your judgment of His children who have a problem with coveting? How do you as your brother's keeper abide by that aspect of the Christian's life?
A keeper may also be called to answer for the misdeeds of his charges.

Does this give the keeper any right to impose his will on his brother?

Greetings Siloam,
I have had a few runh ins with people who claim to be thy brotherrs keeper and it is almost as if they are Christian Hitlers.....lol I will explain.....
Those who I have dealt with feel it is a commandment from God to air all the faults of others and to get arrogant and push their ways on others. They insist that God has said we must correct everything about them. I mean they get quite stupid and disrespectful.

However........I believe as Brothers in Christ if we see something that another brother is doing wrong that will get them hurt or cause big problems we need to stop and think. Is this going to happen right now ? If so then step in but we should be this way to every one.

Now dealing with a Brother who may be in sin or making bad choices....Go to God in prayer and seek how He would have you handle it. God may say pray and no more..... If it is something illegal then pray and do what is called for.

I do not believe that we as His Children are to go around correcting each other for this would just be butting our knose in places it does not belong......
Any way I guess I really wanted to just say these things because of the brothers I have known who take this term in a new direction.....
Have a blessed week
Not to belabor the questions that arise from the Cain & Abel story but when Cain slew Abel, he also slew all of Abel's descendants. We are told that both brothers, one a shepherd - the other a farmer, made sacrifices to God and Cain's sacrifice was found wanting. One can't help wondering at first, if God preferred lamb as opposed to salads (jest joking) or was it the attitude with which the sacrifice was given....begrudgingly or lovingly. Jewish apocrypha indicates that Cain's real motivation was that Abel got the sister to wife that Cain wanted. Either way, Cain is covetous/envious of Abel and his solution is to get rid of the competition. I can't get my head around trying or thinking you can fool/hide anything from God. And it occurs to me that you'd have to have a lot of arrogance that blinded you to imagine you could. There are so many aspects to this story. I think God wanted and gave Cain the chance to learn and repent from this but it doesn't seem he did.
Not to belabor the questions that arise from the Cain & Abel story but when Cain slew Abel, he also slew all of Abel's descendants. We are told that both brothers, one a shepherd - the other a farmer, made sacrifices to God and Cain's sacrifice was found wanting. One can't help wondering at first, if God preferred lamb as opposed to salads (jest joking) or was it the attitude with which the sacrifice was given....begrudgingly or lovingly. Jewish apocrypha indicates that Cain's real motivation was that Abel got the sister to wife that Cain wanted. Either way, Cain is covetous/envious of Abel and his solution is to get rid of the competition. I can't get my head around trying or thinking you can fool/hide anything from God. And it occurs to me that you'd have to have a lot of arrogance that blinded you to imagine you could. There are so many aspects to this story. I think God wanted and gave Cain the chance to learn and repent from this but it doesn't seem he did.

I believe that you are right, because God told cain that if he did right, he would be accepted, but if he refused to do right to watch out because sin was knocking at the door eager to control him, and that he must subdue it and be it's master (Genesis 4:7). And this was prior to him killing able.
I believe that you are right, because God told cain that if he did right, he would be accepted, but if he refused to do right to watch out because sin was knocking at the door eager to control him, and that he must subdue it and be it's master (Genesis 4:7). And this was prior to him killing able.

YES!! God tried to warn Cain from the path he was headed down. One gets the impression, that with Cain - everything revolved around Cain and you were either helping him or in the way. It seems very childish and immature from my point of view. What do I know? ROFL...but to quote a cliche that few seem to practice - violence is never a good solution.
YES!! God tried to warn Cain from the path he was headed down. One gets the impression, that with Cain - everything revolved around Cain and you were either helping him or in the way. It seems very childish and immature from my point of view. What do I know? ROFL...but to quote a cliche that few seem to practice - violence is never a good solution.

Some people's mindsets are more self centered than others. Nothing that the Love of God cannot fix, and some gentle guidance. Just another way to love our brothers and sisters and like 2 Corinthians 12:22 and Romans 15:1 say to value and come alongside, and lift up the ones that seem weaker, by gently teaching them what the Word says.
I thank everyone who has responded to this thread.

My own viewpoint is that we are to be the servants of the welfare of all. This has a special meaning if the other person is our spiritual brother, just as it would be different again if he were living under the same roof, but we should serve the welfare of all around us as the Spirit provides us with opportunity and leading. We can do a little for those far away, but our primary purpose is those we come in contact with.

I believe that welfare includes both the body and the spirit.

Being servants to their welfare rather than to their desires may protect us from becoming caught up in their need.

Being servants means that from time to time our needs are the ones that require consideration. We cannot love others as ourselves unless we first love ourselves. That means serving our own welfare (spiritual and physical), which may not be the same as serving our desires.

Being servants means that we are not to be judgmental of the hearts of others, even when we judge their actions to be unspiritual, or take into consideration the harm they may do.

Being servants to their welfare also does not make us responsible for their ultimate fate. We can leave that to the Lord.

Being servants means that we must be thankful for the opportunities of serving Him.

I could provide much in the way of scriptural justification for this post, but I have left that out. I am not claiming authority, and anyway I think that this audience is not unaware.