Our Strong Tower - Devotional

Proverbs 18:10-11 (NLT)
10. The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe.
11. The rich think of their wealth as a strong defense; they imagine it to be a high wall of safety.
As we run to God, we are safe and set on high (far above evil). The enemy cannot touch us in this place of refuge—which is the "name of the Lord". This to me is very profound. It is the name of Jesus that is our strong tower, our place of refuge!

When we feel afraid, anxious, lost or lonely, we need to run into the arms of Jesus—we do this by calling out to Him for help, declaring the mighty name of Jesus over our feelings and situations and inviting God into those very moments. He is with us always. We need to remind ourselves of that! He will never leave us alone, nor forsake us. He loves us too much to just abandon us. He is a Father to the fatherless. We but only need to call upon Jesus!.

As we stay under God's protective wings, we are safe, secure and at peace. We must never allow ourselves to come out from His protection by giving into our own fleshly wants and desires—because that leaves us vulnerable to the enemy of our souls. We also cannot come out from His protection because of pride—thinking we are secure because of wealth or status. This is a false wall of protection and security, because it can easily come crumbling down. God is the only sure and stable place of refuge.

In God alone, we must all place our hope and trust—because He is trustworthy. This world, and our own riches, are unstable and not trustworthy at all. Trusting in our worldly goods or status is like building on shifting sand—such foolishness!

The name of the Lord is our strong tower, so we need to lift up His name in praise, worship and adoration—with thanksgiving. And we need to lift up His name in prayer for ourselves and also for others. Praising the name of Jesus and praying in His name is so powerful—and sends the demons on their way, trembling in fear!

© By M.S.Lowndes


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