over time, I've changed my mind... Has anyone else?

Your unsaved family and friends are not interested in your changed beliefs. Calling them 'wishy washy' is an attack on you / Jesus in you. Jesus / the light in you causes offence and does not change. You either have Him or you don't.

They do not care about you better explaining anything. Though it is a foot in the door (y).

I would share the basic teaching / elementary / unchanging principles of Christianity in Heb 6.

I know they are not interested today...but my accountability to God is to give them the Word anyways. Who knows? Maybe I'm planting seeds, someone else will come along and water them...and God will reap the harvest...unbeknownst to me until I get to heaven!
I know they are not interested today...but my accountability to God is to give them the Word anyways. Who knows? Maybe I'm planting seeds, someone else will come along and water them...and God will reap the harvest...unbeknownst to me until I get to heaven!
You definitely planting seeds, good luck!
I find for myself that the second I get too comfortable in any belief I begin to get suspicious. This isn't to say that you should constantly recycle and toss out everything you believe all the time, but I think it is a sign of growth and maturity and is very healthy to constantly question everything you believe, to challenge it, and to test the strength of it. Get a second opinion. Get a twenty-second opinion. I don't think there is anything anyone can say to you that is going to make you any worse off - even if they give you bad advice.
There are several Christian doctrines which I started believing one way because that's how I was taught, then as I got older and investigated and researched for myself, I have sometimes changed my mind about them.

I'm sure many of you have had the same experience.

Over the years, family and friends to whom I've witnessed, have noticed that some of my beliefs have changed, and a couple of them have asked me, "Well how does anyone know what to believe? So many different beliefs and practices...even you have admitted believing differently. Why should I believe anything so wishy-washy?" (paraphrased, of course)

How have some of you handled this question? I really cannot blame my friends and family for questioning this.

I don't want to discuss which doctrinal beliefs have changed for me. I would really like to hear about your experiences though.
Over the course of my life as believer, there have been changes in my doctrinal beliefs. As others said, it is more of knowing Word of God. Our relationship with God is something that keeps on growing. I will only have a problem if someone says they have never changed their beliefs right from the day they accepted Christ! That would be insane..