Patience - December 13th, 2010

Patience and Prayer
Patience and prayer are not the same thing, but they are related to each other because at times we must be willing to be patient to receive the things that we ask in prayer. Many times we are led to believe, either by others or even our own misconceptions, that when a prayer is uttered it is supposed to be answered immediately. Many prayers are, but many times we must be patient and wait for the appropriate time for things to occur.
God does things in his own time. He does not rush things, and He knows the right time to give us gifts; He knows the right time to answer prayers. And if your heart is patient, you can be hopeful that you will receive what you asked for.
We also must remember that we must be honest in our hearts when we ask for things in prayers. God does not judge us on our words but our hearts. Many times we do not receive things because we ask amiss. And many times, we may think that God is not hearing us because He is not giving us 'signs and whispers'. Even though God might not show you something spectacular when you pray, it does not mean He doesn't hear you, or is ignoring you. He may answer you in a different way.
We cannot see ahead into the future, and when things are being worked out by God, you and I do not know how it will work out. But however it will, rest assured that it will be perfect. For with God nothing is impossible [Luke 1:37].
Dieu vous bénisse. God bless.

- Yasmine