To know “there is no God”, one would have to know all things, because God could be within what they do not know. Even if one were to have 50% of all the knowledge and experience that would still mean that there is 50% they cannot know nor have experienced. So to know God is not, one has to know all. Now secondly, to know there is no God, one would have to be in all places simultaneously, because God could be revealing Himself only in a place you are not. Thirdly you would have to have known all and been everywhere during all of the past, the present, and the future in case God was revealing Himself when you were not. And finally, you would have to be aware of all that which is and/or has been known or experienced by all individuals of all times, in case He had revealed Himself to only certain peoples at certain times. So in effect, to know there is no God, you would have to be omniscient, omnipresent, eternal, and present for any who may be able to receive illumination or revelation that God is. One then has to be exactly what is called God.
Now consider what is“empirical evidence”…
Empirical = based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic; originating in or based on observation or experience; relying on experience or observation alone often without due regard for system and theory ; capable of being verified or disproved by observation or experiment.
So to believe there is no God one must be in denial of the empirical evidence of millions of people from every walk of life from every culture (both genders) and all different ages though out all time. Do you deny all this empirical evidence? Many have seen Him (though you may have not). Many have heard His voice (though you may have not). Many have been transformed and forever changed (though maybe not you). Prophecy rebukes the accusation from statistical probabilities (but you cannot see that many things have been prophesied that came to pass). Too many people have been healed (not all) to be blown off by the “mere coincidence “ argument. You can test Him and do what He says, and see for yourself if you do not get the promised result (but some are afraid and like being their own lord). I could go on but you can see how absurd a position it is which believes with any conviction that God is not. Can they disprove God by their observations or experiences or experiments? In more than four centuries it has not been accomplished.