One thing that helps me a lot is to specifically look for how God manifests himself to me in my own life, not how he does to other people in their lives.... So many people are looking for "Great Wonders" and "Mighty works" - that they forget the little things in daily life where God simply provides that little thing for you right now....
Then... Pay attention and thank God...
For example - when I first moved into my house... I had to put up the mailbox. I bought a mailbox post - but the top wasn't big enough for the mailbox. *Grumble* As I was driving around - I said to myself - "Gosh, I really don't want to go to the hardware store to buy a whole board for this mailbox..."
Then - as I am driving past the dump - there's a piece of wood laying on the ground... So - I stop and pick it up, and it turns out to be just about right for the mailbox.....
I see what you did there God....
Are you paying attention?
Are you LOOKING for the blessing?
Do you recognize this provision?
Are you willing to Stop and to Receive it?
Are you going to thank God for it?
Amen! That was a good one...