Please give testimony to personal incidents of Spiritual gifts in your life

One thing that helps me a lot is to specifically look for how God manifests himself to me in my own life, not how he does to other people in their lives.... So many people are looking for "Great Wonders" and "Mighty works" - that they forget the little things in daily life where God simply provides that little thing for you right now....

Then... Pay attention and thank God...

For example - when I first moved into my house... I had to put up the mailbox. I bought a mailbox post - but the top wasn't big enough for the mailbox. *Grumble* As I was driving around - I said to myself - "Gosh, I really don't want to go to the hardware store to buy a whole board for this mailbox..."

Then - as I am driving past the dump - there's a piece of wood laying on the ground... So - I stop and pick it up, and it turns out to be just about right for the mailbox.....

I see what you did there God....

Are you paying attention?
Are you LOOKING for the blessing?
Do you recognize this provision?
Are you willing to Stop and to Receive it?
Are you going to thank God for it?

Amen! That was a good one...
Be encouraged. Healing by faith and prayer is still available today.
Here is a short video testimony from a lady named Danielle Nelson, who was healed miraculously from Mutltiple Sclerosis.
"By his stripes we are healed."

Do I believe people are healed today? Yes, yes I do. My wife will one day be healed even if that day is when she goes to be with her Savior.

She had been prayed for, prayed over, anointed with oil, hands laid on and she believes and has faith, yet she continues to deteriorate.

She is once again relying on a wheelchair after the birth of our son.

I can tell by listening to her words that she is cognitively getting worse as she jumbles words or uses a completely different word than she meant.

No one on the face of this earth wants her healed more than me so she can be the kind of moon she telly wants to be to our children. Every day throughout the day my prayer is for her healing and the response is My grace is sufficient.

So again I say, she will be healed even if it's the day she goes to be with her Savior.
Has anyone ever prayed for the sick and they recovered (and I do not mean instantly but these are fine also), or had a manifestation of a word of wisdom that though not you intent or plan was exactly what the recipient needed (and it was effectual in their life) or a word of knowledge that you could not know about a person you were witnessing to or other such things....

brother Paul
Cool thread!

I have given scripture to people, sort of out of the blue, and they told me they knew it was an answer from God through me. I have also said things that it seemed like it was the Holy Spirit taking over because afterwards I'm thinking to myself, "where did that come from?" but it was what the person needed to hear.

This is not of me, but I had childhood cancer when I was 3. People from all over the country coordinated prayer at the same time and when I had my MRI the next day (after 3 months of chemo), the doctor told my mom that he could not explain it, the cancer was gone and there was no damage - like scar tissue - where the cancer had been. It was in my inner ear, down into my eustachian tube.
I died in 05 was without a pulse for 20 minutes. My brother drove 4 hours to make a derision about unplugging me from life support. When they got the call his wife got on the phone and called everyone she knew asking people to pray for me. My brother arrived he was told the brain damage was so I would never function in society again. There was a lady who knew me in the ICU unit where I was after my brother introduced himself he told her he was going to pray and she could pray with him or leave. I started to breathe on my own still assisted. They moved me back to my home state after I was stable. I knew who I was 2 months later being fed through a tube and peeing in a bag.
I was unable to sit up due to the brain injury(lack of oxygen) after being taught to sit I was able to be put in a wheel chair. I had to be taught to eat again because I would try to inhale my food due to lack of muscle control. They removed the bag and taught me to transition from bed to chair and back. The they began teaching me to walk again, from walker to cane to belt. People thought I had a stroke because I dragged the left side of my body. The cognitive rehab went on for years after leaving the nursing home. In Aug. of 07 the anniversary of my death:D I did the first triathlon I had ever done and one the next 2 years 08 and 09.
This is all a testimony of my God. He gave me a ministry of poetry, I am the gas pump poet I recite any and everywhere He prompts me. All the poetry is about Him, there have never been little pieces I have to go back to work on. I write everything at once.
He is my portion.
This is God!
Has anyone ever prayed for the sick and they recovered (and I do not mean instantly but these are fine also), or had a manifestation of a word of wisdom that though not you intent or plan was exactly what the recipient needed (and it was effectual in their life) or a word of knowledge that you could not know about a person you were witnessing to or other such things....

brother Paul
My little daughter.. After she was born and just few days/weeks old, she used to have involuntary muscle spasms.. Mainly in her hands and legs. Mostly during her sleep (she slept most of the time!).. The frequency was increasing day by day. I had to take a video of the same and show it to doctor. She was almost sure it was seizures. Since she was way too young, she just wanted to give it a few more weeks before going to neurologist. So that she can manage the kind of tests she would go through. Me and my wife were so scared.

We started praying for her. We knew healing can come only from Lord. Doctors can give cure, healing is always from Lord. The doctor said, there are chances that it would fade away as she grows and immune develops and so on. But it would slowly fade away. But it all stopped instantly. It just stopped after happening and never ever came again. She is absolutely healthy now and it has never returned. It was definitely healing from Lord.

There has been many other healings.. Headaches and so on for my wife. Small things for which I would pray and she would receive healing. I have had some crazy healings :) Some months back, I started hearing some crazy noise in my ears. I lost sleep for a few days. Lord healed me from that. For few years I have had bleedings in my nose. It is not just bad weather. I have had it all through the year without any reason. Now it has stopped and certainly Lord has healed me.
Has anyone ever prayed for the sick and they recovered (and I do not mean instantly but these are fine also), or had a manifestation of a word of wisdom that though not you intent or plan was exactly what the recipient needed (and it was effectual in their life) or a word of knowledge that you could not know about a person you were witnessing to or other such things....

brother Paul
About word of wisdom.. It had happened for me only once.. It was when my wife had a miscarriage. The doctors declared the baby was already dead and we needed to get it out.. We were not sure what to do next.. Certainly Lord is able to bring back life.. So we told doctors, we will not do any surgery and let it come out naturally if that is the case. We had many people praying for us. We had one pastor from another Church visiting us for prayers. The night before, I was so compelled to tell my wife few things. I was just not able to control myself. It felt like I would explode if I don't tell those things to my wife. Few things I told her, she was not demon possessed.. This is not happening because of any generational curse. Jesus took all the curse and do not worry what she might have done wrong when she was hindu or what her forefathers did wrong. And finally, this is not because she is lacking in faith. She will be victorious even out of this.. The events which happened the next day would have raised more questions in her life if I had not comforted her with those words.. The next day the pastor came and he did certain things.. I don't have anything against him and I still like his ministry. I just don't agree with him on certain things and let's leave it there. My wife was more confused and I simply told her to remember whatever I told the day.. There have been other smaller instances.. But this one would stand out for me, always..
When i was 17, i was healed of asthma. I felt it one night as we were passing out flyers for a rocker church. A few years ago i was healed of rosacea. I had been very careful of my diet, and one day while i was reading, i felt the Lord tell me to stand on His Word that i was healed. So i did and i still do to this day, and i do not have any special diet or anything.
When cold or pain symptoms try to come on me i just rebuke the symptoms and tell them that they are tresspassing. And Glory to God they do not stay!
About 8 or 9 months ago i was praying and had the urge to pray for my mom's neighbor and her girls. I was prompted to pray ps 91 over them and a hedge of protection. When i talked to my mom later that evening she said that her neighbor girls had a scare, a man that they did not know stopped them supposedly looking for his puppy that got loose. Well they didn't believe him (glory to God) and they instead ran home and later found out that that he was up to no good. My mom a few days later told the mother that i had prayed for the girls, because she was trying to share God with her due to her being a Jehovahs witness. But all the glory goes to God! For everything! He is my source, and my life! My inheritance, my cup of Blessing, He guards all that is mine (ps 16:5)