That's funny, i as at a Disciple Now meeting and our college guy said teh same thing (which is when i decided i would stop) his name was Mike (lol, like you care

Um, all i know is that Melanie has been talked to by family members, even her pastor, and yelled at everyone of them. she won't listen. i am praying, along with others, and i just pray that God will help her. i don't know, i've never felt this way about anyone, but when found out she was going through that, it just hit me in the face several times like a sack of bricks layered with a silver caseing...hard.
I'm going to rewrite the letter and add my name in it, incase she does want to talk afterwards. if my friendship with her is broken because of this, i'll do everything i can to mend it, but, as i am not the one who will have broken it, i just pray that some day she'd come back and we can be friends again. thanks for your help, you have no idea how much it's helped me.
oh, those aren't the only books i'm reading, here's a list:
'Every Young Man's Battle' (read it already but gonna read it again)
'I Kissed Dating Goodbye' (read some of it, really good)
'The DaVinci Code: A Quest For Answers by Josh McDowel (haven't read that one yet)
'The Last Christian Generation' (Havn't started that one either)
I'll be getting two more books soon, one about the Ten Commandments in the court house adn another called "Boy Meets Girl". I also have a book i'm reading (not christian) called "The Holographic Universe".
These books are great and i hope that through them i can definetely show my faith in God but understand him in a whole new way.