Poem#162 Simplicity

Poem#162 Simplicity

Matthew 13

Mankind out of all God’s Creation makes simple complicated

Every other Creation with a heart beat understands its survival

Carnivores need meat, herbivores need plants to Live

God gave mankind 10 simple commandments to live to thrive

Simply obeying God, wasn’t enough Mankind had to add more

600 do’s & Don’ts because Mankind refused to understand God

Fast forward to the Birth of Jesus to Jesus walking among those

Claiming to know the Father of our fathers yet missing God in Jesus

That’s because they refused to believe the simplicity that is Jesus

Not even the Parables Jesus told would get through Traditionalist

Those of the old school religion that profited off God’s sacrifices

That proclaimed to be good we’re really robbing God so they thought

Nothing gets passed God His plans as Jesus Christ to Save Mankind

Those whosoever choose to Believe Jesus is the Son of God who died

Saving us from condemnation with the Simplicity of needed Jesus

The Simplicity of the Parables of God is we simply need Jesus

Only Jesus can forgive us, only Jesus can save us from Sin, from

Our unbelief that Jesus could die for us because He Loves Us

Believe in the Simplicity of God that He Loves for the Simplicity

That God Loves us for Who He Is & that He made us Different

Then any other Creation to be Simply Like Him in His Likeness
Hello Kyle;

I enjoyed reading Poem#162 Simplicity

You opened with Mankind out of all God’s Creation makes simple complicated is so true.

May I ask how many total books have you published?

God bless
you, brother, your family and thank you.
Hi Bob, thanks its an amazing honor to hear the Holy Spirit as I was preparing for Thursday night Bible Study on Matthew 13 and the way Jesus spoke parables in simplistic terms that the Pharisees and scribes in the crowds should have understood, yet chose to make things complicated as their hearts were hardene.

I’m currently working on book number 12 “10th in poetry” the goal is to write to #175 then their passed on to my publishing partner.