Poem#17 Draws Near

Poem#17 Draws Near

Luke 24

Whatever road we’re about to travel despite whatever storm

The tragic event we’re about to witness know we’re not alone

Despite us not being for His as we Crucified, Jesus Draws Near

The seed of Christ was never about condemning whatever done

His Bruised heel is always been about crushing the one who stole

About coming to rescue to redeem against Death, against satan

Whichever road we’ve been on, about to reach the crossroad

The shadow of the cross remains as the Words echo Forgiveness

Forever shadowing the Glory that’s bin Risen that gives none

The Shadows we’ve been seeing from our lives are disappearing

As Jesus Draws Near the Light of His Glory overcomes any darkness

Jesus is the Light that makes black as night clear as day

Which means whatever road we’re traveling on a moonless night

God the Father sees as the Light of His Glory shines as the Son

Jesus Draws Near waiting for Faith what little is left to Remember

Then like a flood the Holy Spirit whispers Words Jesus told us

Even while we were goofing off the Helper was already helping

For when we need to remember when all hope is lost

Jesus Draws Near revealing once again that Jesus is Risen

As He said, even as the shadow of the Cross on zion remains

Power of what’s Finished by His Blood draws us like a Magnet

Which means whichever road we’re traveling on, turn up the Music

The storms were about to go through will be mere tunnels to echo

The Praises of the Name that Draws Near Peace Be Still Jesus