Poem#46 Death, Name & Keys

Poem#46 Death, Name & Keys

Revelation 3, Isaiah 22:15, Matthew 16:16-19

Without Repetition strengths become weak to point of death

Even as Christians brought back alive once, now dead again

Because of neglecting the Word that keeps us Alive

Being Christian doesn’t make us immune to attacks of satan

In fact puts a bullseye on backs Truly following Jesus Christ

In attempts to push us off the narrow road like road rage

The Good News is Trusting the Given word of Christ who Drives

When we’re humbled in being the Passenger focused on Jesus

It’s the devil that gets run off the road by the Holy Spirit

Everyone that comes before Jesus has a past name

Until seeing Jesus as God’s Son leaves the Cross a New

After leaving Sins on the Nail & Getting a New Name

God’s mark on our forehead overcomes any mark by satan

Thanks to the Forgiveness & the Blood of Jesus we’re Adopted

With a New Name that can never be erased

Through the Holy Spirit we’ve been Risen in Jesus Christ born again

Through the Renewing of the Spirit asking Him to raise us alive again

We can dust off the Keys Jesus gave Remembering We’re His Alone
Hello Walker;

The beginning part you write,

Without Repetition strengths become weak to point of death

Even as Christians brought back alive once, now dead again

Because of neglecting the Word that keeps us Alive

It's so TRUE. When we read the Word it's like getting fed and quenched. Our bones don't get dried up. Sure, as a Christian we will run into challenges, we will be in spiritual battle and persecuted. Still, I can't go a day without reading the Bible.

God bless you, Kyle, keep writing!