Poem#49 God’s Meat, Devil’s Salad

Poem#49 God’s Meat, Devil’s Salad

Job 11, Romans 1:20

Even after losing everything God’s attributes remains to be found

Even if covered in disease the circumstances we face can’t change

The Truth which is God being Good & Faithful it’s who He is

Those that don’t understand often make word salads to feed on

Where God’s already given the meat of His word to strengthen us

Lies we chew on is what makes pride big with envy or pitiful

Even in days where no New Testament could be found before Christ

The Attributes of God remains to be seen that’s clear who God is

Might not have know Him as the Great I Am, but known He’s Real

Sin blinds us from knowing God’s heart still we give opinions anyway

Forgetting the covenant God made with Abraham that’s everlasting

That’s tied with His seed of promise made in Genesis 3:15

God finishes what He’s started, once Spoken Words like Rain fall

Not coming back until waters the seeds in us to grow in our soil

Higher are God’s thoughts, God’s ways beyond the tissues of lips

The Abundance of the heart clouds the thinking before speaking

Is No rainbow without the Son of God making our heart righteous

Even when it rains the Joy of the Lord remains the Son is given