Poem#93 Yes You Can

Poem#93 Yes You Can

1st Kings 18, Psalm 23, Psalm 91

Everything might be looking bleak now & feeling anxiety

Overwhelming thoughts running the mind why won’t it stop

The Lord’s waiting for us to just let it all go so He can Comfort

Going back to humble roots as that’s where will find God’s Stillness

Remember God’s Word is the Truth that frees the mind for renewal

Resisting the Devil’s lies so the devil will flee

Reading the Psalms going through the Mind of King David

Which He wrote while in hiding, on the run & need of repentance

God reminded He provides, He will protect us faithfully

Yes you can Still Believe the God of Elijah is still Faithful to Deliver

His Help is on the way, despite the little faith we show in His Word

The little flour we think we have won’t run dry until the rains come

God will provide what we need to get where He’s calling us to go

Through birds or through helping hands He will feed us, clothe us

Yes You Can Believe God’s still the Refuge we seek

Cattle on a thousand hills that’s God’s & His Kingdom is in our Heart

Repenting to all we think we have to turn our mind to all that’s His Grace

Yes You Can ask Jesus to help Unbelief so that will Surrender to Him