Thank you all for the prayers - Gene is recovering. From Gene:
No need to worry, I’m in good hands, I must say however, I have entertained the thought a few times in the last six weeks to please let me come home, this has been brutal, in all of my 66 years I haven’t suffered or experienced anything like this, but your loving Heavenly Father reminds me I owe Silk a couple of stories. (grin) I can’t sit, I have to keep my legs extended and I can’t walk very far, about ten yards to the bathroom and back, other than that it’s flat on my back in bed.
I’m totally convinced this is a pestilence that Jesus talked about coming at the end, there is no cure, at first I read on the ‘net it lasted about fifteen to twenty days, that has changed in the last six weeks to there are people that are still suffering from the virus after six months, last week in the paper they announced it could even last for a year and a half! That tells me they don’t have any idea why it has arrived on planet earth or what to do about it, the French doctors are probably the most up on the virus because of all the territories they have in the tropics. They believe it originated in or around India and has spread in the tropical zones from there, they have issued a warning for the States in the tropical zone, Florida could be the state the most affected this Spring, because the virus has spread from Guiana to the Caribbean and there doesn’t seem to be any way of stopping it, unless Father intervenes of course, so you, dear one, can praise the Lord you live in cold snowy New York where this one particular variety of mosquito can’t survive!
There isn’t any cure, just take aspirin for the pain, the virus attacks the joints and any old injuries, body is full of injuries, one thing they have recently learned is it seems the virus rests in the liver, so they are pushing natural , what is that, “homeopathic” products to detoxify the liver, I started taking them yesterday, whew...., I’ve probably drank two gallons of water in the last twenty four hours and I’ve lost count of the trips to the bathroom, ...I sure hope this works.
So, it’s hard for me to type with my leg outstretched in front of me while sitting on the bed, so you talk to me, ...I’ll listen.
Luv ya sis and many thanks for the prayers,