I have gone 3 days (which just so happens to be my limit) without smoking, in the past. I use e-cigarettes and can go for awhile too. That's the closest I have come to quitting. When I worked, eons ago, we could smoke at work. I tried quitting on a Wednesday which was filled with people I counseled. The next Wednesday, all these people brought a pack of my brand and left them in my office.
Pray for me.
Ok, I finally have something for you, Praise God! So, you rightfully think smoking is a sin. This will also help you overcome anything not RIGHT!
Romans 5:17 (KJV)
For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)
We're sinners, even if we never sin, correct? It's a noun, condition, not a verb. And our condition is that in which we were born into because of Adam. So, if you have Jesus Christ, then you have received abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness, right? Almost! Let me explain:
REIGN IN LIFE through Jesus Christ!
When you don't reign in life, then the devil does. So you need to receive #1, the abundance of grace, and #2, the gift of righteousness. This isn't to say you're not a Christian, but that you need to claim these items for your LIFE so YOU can REIGN over your life through Jesus. So when you reign in your life, your addictions do not. What is "righteousness"? It means "all is well, correct, right." Righteousness is a gift. GIFT GIFT GIFT. Since it's a gift, and since you can't earn it, you can't lose it either because you didn't earn it. Make right what you know is wrong. Since it's a gift, it's NOT a reward! You cannot earn it! It's all about faith through Jesus'
finished work! Look at it like this. You're a terrible speller (sinner) and you're using Word to write (live) your life, but without the spell check turned on. You know there are misspellings, but you are seemingly powerless to correct it. Righteousness, when turned on, produces those red underlines in your life so you can right-mouse click and get the correct answer: that's Grace. You didn't point out the error, and you didn't fix the error, you just gave Word permission to fix it for you!
You already have the tools through Christ, use them! The righteous shall live by faith. Why by faith? Because since Adam, we all have the disease of sin in our bodies. We live day in and day out through faith. Each thought is lived through and by faith. Every day we're bombarded by unrighteous thoughts. Our problem is our thoughts. Through Jesus, God sees us a righteous. The word of God says we are righteous. Therefore we are righteous, just not in the mirror. That has to change. WE don't believe, trust, or have faith, that we ARE righteous. So we let sin reign in our lives, Romans 6:11-12.
This is because of the teachings of our parents: do wrong, get punished; do good, get reward. And it works. But not with God. Our good is not pure, it's tainted by our inherited sin. THAT'S NOT FAIR! Exactly, this is why Jesus came:
Romans 5:19 (KJV)
For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.
Through Adam, we're made sinners even before we commit our first sin! So through Jesus we are made right, correct, good, guilt-less! You are not righteous by what you DO or DON'T do, but by ONE MAN's obedience - Jesus! The warfare is by taking captive EVERY thought to the obedience of Christ, 2 Cor 10:5; Romans 4:1-5! No matter what you do or don't do, the Accuser (haSatan in Hebrew), the legal term for prosecutor, whose job it is to find everything wrong about you, will accuse you are wrong doing. You pray, he comes and says "you didn't pray enough." If you don't pray, he comes and says "you didn't pray." All these thoughts MUST BE TAKEN CAPTIVE. Jesus,
our Lawyer, says, "by this covenant, that wrong has been paid for, they are innocent!" We just have to believe it, 2 Cor 10:5.
Look at it like this: if you work for someone, they pay you your debt. You work, they pay. If righteousness were that same way, then by your good works, God owes you, and God owes NO ONE! We are the ones that fall short, not God. (Read what Elihu said in Job 32 on). Righteousness comes by grace, not by works! It's a gift! How can you earn a gift? Then it's not a gift. I know you know all this, but bear with me. Once you establish the foundation, you'll see HOW to use these two things, grace and righteousness, to break whatever bondage you have. When you ask for something, God gives you a seed. When you take a seed and plant it into the ground, it dies, then springs to life producing fruit with MANY more seeds! That's how good God is! You need an acorn and God gives you a tree filled with them! When He gives us the seed we need, we don't know what to do with it and more often than not, ignore it. It must be planted (trusted) and watered (repeat the truth). Then God gives the increase.
So here's the seed: do you believe your righteous despite your negative emotions; regardless of your thoughts, do you believe? Notice that on the days in which you lose it, you're blessed. It doesn't make sense. That's because God is trying to show you it's not by YOUR works, but by His grace! We've been taught by our parents, friends, teachers, and society, that if you wrong someone, you're out of fellowship with them! This is NOT so with God. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, Heb 13:8.
So, to sum it up, let's go back to the first verse:
Romans 5:17 (KJV)
For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)
The word "receive" is
lambono in Greek and means literally,
to take. It is the verb tense active present participle which means this isn't a one-time event when you get saved, but a present, current, right now, this second, ACTIVE you-do-it event. It's not the past or the future, but NOW! Every single moment of every single day we are to TAKE the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness,
especially when you fail!! It's at that moment you learn whether you truly believe this or not! Yes, we all know this in our heads, but it's when we fail, we act out of our hearts what we truly believe! You must TAKE grace and righteousness when you FAIL! Does the doctor come to the healthy? Do you wallow in self-condemnation? Do you revel in guilt? Do you put up the wall of self-righteousness "O Lord I'm not worthy" and push Him away in pseudo-penance? ALL these are just wrong feelings and false truths. In God's eyes, you are righteous through His Son Jesus Christ. Daniel says the Messiah will come to
finish the transgression, and to make an
end of sins, and to make
reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in
everlasting righteousness. How long? Everlasting! That means you cannot lose it otherwise it's not everlasting, but based on YOUR works! If it's based on your works, then righteousness is not a gift! You cannot earn it, so you cannot lose it! Right believing produces right living. God doesn't want behavioral modification, but heart transformation! That is done through faith.
So, how does aaaaaaaaaaaaaall this lead us to freedom from continued sin? You've tried will power..... that didn't work. It might come through GREAT discipline, but that seed of want is still there lurking, just waiting for the moment to grow... so that doesn't work either... it is only overcome by receiving the gift of righteousness.
But how!!!!? Right? We are to transform our minds, Romans 12:2. We are to do this by the word of God which builds up our faith. We build up our faith by HEARING the word of God. So, with every puff, you speak with your mouth: ready???
I am the righteousness of God in Christ
So you light up, you inhale, you exhale:
I am the righteousness of God in Christ. And watch what begins to transpire. You will begin to reign over your life. If you don't say it, you're not taking the gift, you're not applying it to your life, and you won't change how you believe in your heart how to change, how to repent, how to reign over your life! Over time, you'll discover WOW! the desire to smoke is gone! NOW it's a heart transformation! BE TRANSFORMED by renewing your MIND (aka heart!) How do I know? Because the Greek for transform is in the PRESENT PASSIVE INFINITIVE meaning it is done FOR YOU, NOW, WITHOUT ACTION! Glory to God! He transforms us by His word!
Many will say this is a license to sin, but in reality, that's the lie of the devil by those who have tried and failed or worse, don't wish to stop!! Don't let their doubt - or even your own - keep you in bondage. Take it prisoner and believe the word of God. So then...
Hebrews 6:1a (KJV)
Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection...
Jesus came in the flesh, learned obedience, surrendered, obeyed, and GAVE us the POWER to do what He did through the same Spirit He had! Use the truth to break off the shackles, Psalms 68:6. When you confess the truth with your mouth YOU SHALL BE SAVED, Romans 10:9; 1 John 5:5; Psalms 37:30; Psalms 49:3; Roman 4:17; Proverbs 18:21; Philippians 4:13; Ephesians 4:29!
I hope this helped sister! Because
I sure needed it! Glory to GOD!