Praying For Living Stream Ministry of Myanmar


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Dear brothers and sisters;

Mei Kor
is a CFS member and lead Pastor at Living Stream Ministry of Myanmar. Their Church plant is 1+ years old and still in the replanting stage.

As many of us are aware, Church plants are not easy but remain a noble task to those called by God to further His Church plants in challenging areas of the world.

Please join
Mei and pray for His spiritual discernment of God's vision and plan for their Church. They are surrounded by a large influence of Buddhism and Myanmar's military which presents a hindrance to the Christian faith and Mei's Church family.

Your prayers and any encouragement you can share to
Mei will be most grateful.

God bless
you all and thank you.
Thank you bobinfaith for putting this prayer request for us.

I really appreciate it, and God bless you!

We are requesting everyone to kindly pray and bless our ministry.

I have been in the ministry since 2014 and as a missionary pastor since 2018. We rent houses from place to place and engage in evangelizing. We have preached and gathered at home with a few believers, but when we move out, we leave them and restart in a new location. We have been a home cell for many years. Our situation remains the same as many years ago.

The Lord spoke to me last year through Rev 21:6 about the Living Water to provide freely to those who are thirsty. The free gift is from the Cross, Jesus, where flows the Living Water. The phrase “water of life (living water) to provide freely” is a very beautiful word in Burmese. So I asked a friend of mine, a pastor, to pray for me and pray with this phrase to give this a new ministry name. He suggested "Living Stream Ministry." As the given vision, I make it our logo.

Before I gave the ministry name, I was moving here and there in rent until landlords permitted or until the house was sold. If no rent was available nearby, I had to move to another location with new people, and that took time. We were like randomly doing the ministry.

The challenge is more as the Lord put me in a certain ministry even after now. But we pray that we carefully choose the location this time, and we will write down all that the Lord wants us to do in this ministry to make it happen. We started the LSM in the midst of COVID and the military coup in our country. The COVID situation is better, but the military regime ruling the country presents a lot of challenges that can’t be expressed in words.

As Habakkuk 2:2 said, write down your vision so that anyone can read it. Therefore, I have written down our vision and mission that the Lord gave me on a website. We have the ministry website that was launched recently. We appreciate pastors, friends, and elderly to young people who live near or far for their suggestions and advice until today.

Therefore, we urge everyone to kindly pray for us that the ministry:
  1. Will bring many unbelievers to see Christ.
  2. Will have a stable church plant or location (ministry required).
  3. Will provide better education and safety for children, especially orphans.
  4. Can send church planters to the region.
  5. Can provide Sunday School materials to very rural village churches.
  6. Can bring some development to the community and follow-up.
  7. And most importantly, to win many souls.

May God bless you all!
Hello Pastor Mei;

Thank you for sharing an anointing post. It made me think of Solomon when God was pleased with his prayer requests in 1 Kings 3:10-11.

Your Church plant and mission is structured with humble motives that will glorify God and His Church at Living Stream Ministry of Myanmar.

Despite the challenges at LSM, I love your positive and hopeful attitude. This is what your Church family sees in you and will go a long way.

Press on, Pastor Mei, and please know you are loved and prayed for at Christian Forum Site.

God bless you, brother.