problem posting

problem posting

I hate to mention this I know how busy you are, but have put it off for quite awhile now hoping it would get fixed. Since we got this new upgrade, 4 I think it was, I have had a problem posting. It seems to be happening more often.

If I need to correct something on the post or want to type more than this space holds I had to type 'blind'. I can't see it because after I click the place and begin to type it scrolls back up to a couple of lines above where I am typing. This is extremely hard to do. I can't type like this anymore. Even if I have it correct and post it on here, sometime I still see a correction to make or want to add something to it. Please correct this glitch. Thanks
There may be a compatibility issue that can be resolved by going to the top of your screen and on the right side of the address bar is a white icon that looks like two pieces of paper torn in half. That icon is the compatibility view. Click on that icon and it should make you compatible with the upgrade. Then try to post something and see if the skipping has stopped. If not let me know and I will report it. This was the same thing that happened to me and this is what I did to fix it.

Hope this helps,

Thanks Godbe4me.

On the right side of my addressss bar is the 2 green arrows for REFRESH (F5) , X (Stop ecsc) and a Yahoo search with a drop down arrow on the right for options. There is no 'white icon that looks like two pieces of paper torn in half' not is it on that option.

I'll try searching for " compatibility view" on here
Thanks but you don't need to do that yet. It has to be somewhere on my browser. I'll let you know if I don't find it. OK?
I have several tool bars on mine and found a place on mine where I can add this site and did so. It should be ok now.

But it doesn't happen all the time, so I'll tell you if it still won't work.
I ‘m pasting this real fast and disabling this thing .

It was autmomatic typing!
in in in an an and

can't type at all now

whats the deaL?
I am having problems with the page jumping up to the top whe I am doing a correction and also the bold will not bold all the time and have to do it several times until it works and the same with the size.

That first problem was like automatically completeing a word on search but over and over, even when I didn't want it to. I'm trying to find where to turn that off.
Anoher problem noted today ... I was signed out and noticed my name was still on the list as signed in .
I'll look at these problems.

But most of them are bugs which the developers need to remove from this software. They've been delaying updates and fixes for quite a while and so many vbulletin board owners have been affected.
These are the recent announcements from the software developers: Now Running 4.0.2
Update: 4.0.2 Status
Update 4.0.2 Status and Explanation of QA Process

I'm regularly checking their site for updates. I've also been forwarding your suggestions to them. :)

So dont stop posting your suggestions and bugs you find.
They've been delaying updates and fixes for quite a while and so many vbulletin board owners have been affected.

Yes I thought they were suppose to have the updates earlier this month.

I've also been forwarding your suggestions to them. :)


So dont stop posting your suggestions and bugs you find.

Okay Jeff :)