The United States has officially entered into the territory of persecuting Christians (or by precedent any 'faith') through legislation -or- the 'law'.
Ky. clerk's office will issue marriage licenses Friday — without the clerk
I am not stating this is a brand 'new thing': what I am trying to convey is that it is now open season for people of 'faith' (and yes "Christians" are the primary target) to be removed from any public official office through enforcement of the law.
This tactic has been slowly being used for a long time, but now it's getting put in your face as fear mongering to either get people of faith out of office, keep them out of office or make them bend to the will of the Beast through the 'law'.
In one article it states she was arrested because she 'took an oath' and an 'oaths mean things...'. Tell that to our crooked politicians who took an oath to the US Constitution.
You see, the 'law' only applies to those not in the System of the Beast; if you are in the system-especially the higher in power you get; the more 'immune' to the law you become. So for "law-abiding Christians"; you get the proverbial book thrown at you.
This is not the first case-it won't be the last- and it is not going to get any better; UNLESS God's people repent, the nation repents and turns back to God and turns back to God's law-not man's.
I fear the USA is well beyond that as a nation....
So we in the USA may not be getting beheaded in the streets (yet); but there is definite persecution by 'law'- Satan's law, going on.
But yet the LORD allows it- thus I can only believe that we are overdue for persecution in this weak 'ultra-grace' driven contemporary church we have here in the USA. We are lukewarm at bes. Will we learn as a Church form this?
Ky. clerk's office will issue marriage licenses Friday — without the clerk
I am not stating this is a brand 'new thing': what I am trying to convey is that it is now open season for people of 'faith' (and yes "Christians" are the primary target) to be removed from any public official office through enforcement of the law.
This tactic has been slowly being used for a long time, but now it's getting put in your face as fear mongering to either get people of faith out of office, keep them out of office or make them bend to the will of the Beast through the 'law'.
In one article it states she was arrested because she 'took an oath' and an 'oaths mean things...'. Tell that to our crooked politicians who took an oath to the US Constitution.
You see, the 'law' only applies to those not in the System of the Beast; if you are in the system-especially the higher in power you get; the more 'immune' to the law you become. So for "law-abiding Christians"; you get the proverbial book thrown at you.
This is not the first case-it won't be the last- and it is not going to get any better; UNLESS God's people repent, the nation repents and turns back to God and turns back to God's law-not man's.
I fear the USA is well beyond that as a nation....
So we in the USA may not be getting beheaded in the streets (yet); but there is definite persecution by 'law'- Satan's law, going on.
But yet the LORD allows it- thus I can only believe that we are overdue for persecution in this weak 'ultra-grace' driven contemporary church we have here in the USA. We are lukewarm at bes. Will we learn as a Church form this?