Thank you yet again for clarifying my assessment of you. It is common courtesy when creating new topics, that you give your own opinion, but of course we know that will never happen. What exactly is your purpose and agenda on these forums? All you do is make a number of statements implying you believe in the natural conclusion , in this case that David saw modern day aircraft carrying out air strikes, yet you never give any direct answer as to what you believe yourself. I think you really do believe these things , but you are too scared to admit to it from fear of ridicule and mocking. We are all capable of reading and understanding what the Bible says, funny how you are the only one who is trying to push a different interpretation on us and then claiming that you are right, well you dont claim anything you just hide behind your standard replies and statements about just reading what it says in the Bible and its not you saying it. Another question you will not answer direct and continually avoid , is , why do you think that understanding prophecy correctly is important to ones salvation and entry into heaven?
Remember that question I asked you several postings ago?
"But tell me on what basis other than simple disbelief do you NOT believe the account and description of David as HE has told it??"
Is it safe to assume, from your continued avoidance and evasion of it that I will not be getting an answer to it?
People can see for themselves the things I have said and the things you have said. Let them judge between us for themselves whether or not your accusations are justified. But before you repeatedly ask for answers you already have it would pay you to answer the questions asked of YOU.
But my purpose here is to help people explore and ponder the written word of God FOR THEMSELVES and the nature of the faith and trust to which the Lord has called them. To understand FOR THEMSELVES the true nature of the reality they live in that the Lord Himself has revealed to them. To uphold the overriding and sole authority of the written word of the Lord to declare what is and what is not true in the matters it speaks to.
If, as some here contend, the word of churches, denominations, traditional teachings, and interpretations and theologies have greater authority than the written word of the Lord then we may as well all have remained Roman Catholic and Martin Luther could have saved himself a lot of trouble. We would all be doomed of course.
Basically my purpose here is to serve my Lord and bear witness of Christ and the truth of HIS word. To declare no other doctrine than the doctrine preached by the PERSONALLY APPOINTED Apostles and Prophets of my Lord and Saviour King lest I too be accursed by God according to Gal 1:8-9 or Jeremiah 23.
THIS is my purpose here. That and to enjoy the fellowship of those here who are my brothers and sisters in Christ, and to extend to those who come here seeking the truth, not only the actual truth but also the love, caring, encouragement, and embrace Christ has for them. I am a servant of Christ and I am here to serve Christ.
THAT is my purpose here .... what is your purpose here?