Rare Bethlehem “Superstar” Tonight: Venus and Jupiter Converging for First Time in 2,000 Years - See

In the US, the moon has been viewed over the last few days as having a red tint, and that is because of the vast forest fires in western Canada that has spilled it's ash and smoke high up into the atmosphere, and the jet stream has taken it down into the middle part of the USA.

Oh..interesting...well,imma need Smokey the bear to get on it and prevent these forest fires lol
Is it just me or does it seem several states seem to be constantly on fire? I mean when we aren't being flooded or tornadoed all over the place?
In the US, the moon has been viewed over the last few days as having a red tint, and that is because of the vast forest fires in western Canada that has spilled it's ash and smoke high up into the atmosphere, and the jet stream has taken it down into the middle part of the USA.
Funny! I was thinking last night as I was going to bed that the full moon looked orangey instead of white like a full moon usually is.
Is it just me or does it seem several states seem to be constantly on fire? I mean when we aren't being flooded or tornadoed all over the place?
God's protection is being removed from the USA. Just look at the Drudge.com headlines to see why. Since the SCOTUS ruling on marriage, debauchery and evil and judgement are not in just one or two headlines, but almost every one of them! It is so very sad.
God's protection is being removed from the USA. Just look at the Drudge.com headlines to see why. Since the SCOTUS ruling on marriage, debauchery and evil and judgement are not in just one or two headlines, but almost every one of them! It is so very sad.

Perhaps it is more like trying to wake up a fallen to sleep church or body who would rather sit and complain and not humble them selves and put away their in-differences and unite together as one in Christ and over throw this crap through Prayer - hey God saw fit to give us the book of Daniel - Daniel knew how to get things done over the goverment - why dont us ?
Perhaps it is more like trying to wake up a fallen to sleep church or body who would rather sit and complain and not humble them selves and put away their in-differences and unite together as one in Christ and over throw this crap through Prayer - hey God saw fit to give us the book of Daniel - Daniel knew how to get things done over the goverment - why dont us ?
Brother, that ship's sailed. We've had two shmitahs to repent. This isn't just about the church being asleep, but the vast majority of those buildings are void of real Christians; filled with pseudo-Christians. America will not recover. And Daniel was third in power (second sometimes) with integrity in a monarchy, while we're in a rotting swamp of an oligarchy surrounded by bureaucracy which is surrounded by subsistence-loving auto prisoners. Read George Washington's Farewell Address to see he knew what would happen to America today. And he got it from the word of God:

Psalms 9:17 (KJV)
The wicked shall be turned into hell, [and] all the nations that forget God.​
Brother, that ship's sailed. We've had two shmitahs to repent. This isn't just about the church being asleep, but the vast majority of those buildings are void of real Christians; filled with pseudo-Christians. America will not recover. And Daniel was third in power (second sometimes) with integrity in a monarchy, while we're in a rotting swamp of an oligarchy surrounded by bureaucracy which is surrounded by subsistence-loving auto prisoners. Read George Washington's Farewell Address to see he knew what would happen to America today. And he got it from the word of God:

Psalms 9:17 (KJV)
The wicked shall be turned into hell, [and] all the nations that forget God.​

Hmm we shall see
I was thinking on this topic lately on how weather affects people.
jesus did warn of moon turning to blood and to watch the signs of weather like good shepeherds do. Then we will know what the day will bring.

I was watching this documentary last night about this guy who went all around the world visiting 80 different gardens. I saw episodes in India and was just fascinated by their climate. As you know India is a predomitnatly hindu country..and muslim. Anyway. They have monsoon season there. In the north, its as dry as desert, like a wasteland and stifling hot until the rains come.

Its just I notice christians tend to flourish in temperate climates. Most arab/muslim countries are incredibly hot, they have hardly any water. Maybe thats the key.
They were talking bout how in monsoon season just before it starts the sky changes colour like it goes purple. Then it rains and everyone just stands outside and gets soaked, so grateful for the water.

I just cant imagine it here..in nz we have abundant water..it used to be termperate rainforest. I think we shouldnt take this precious water for granted. Other nations dont have reliable water supplies, or they steal it from somwhere else.