1. If our kid worried and feared the dark we would NOT let satan lose on them! I can't believe you believe that.KJ Hello,
What good loving parent is not obsessed with their children's salvation and future? I have nothing but respect for Job if he feared for his kids.
1. It is one thing to be concerned and another to worry and fear. The written word of God tells us so many times to not worry or fear. Does this mean unless it is about your kids ?
God is not evil if He tests us. God put satan and every fallen angel on earth with Adam and Eve for a reason other then testing them?
2. God test us ? How is this ? Not through trials and persecution for those do not come from God.
Yes our Faith or our growth is tested in these - for it show who we really are or what we are made of.
God did not put satan any place to test us. Where did you get this idea from ?
God has killed many, but He is not evil for allowing / doing it. He knew He was with Job / Job was trusting in Him through it. If Job was losing his faith / God causing spiritual death, it would be a different story.
3. This makes no real sense here KJ
I do believe God is eager to put us all through trials and tribulations. Not to break us. Not to test if we are His. Rather for us and Him to gauge the depth of our devotion. Job knows what he endured for God. God knows what Job endured for Him... for all eternity.
4. Kj then by what you say here - well it makes what Jesus said and recorded in John 16:33 kind of wrong then huh lol well we know Jesus did not speak lies so what you claim above can not be 100 percent correct now can it. Behold KJ ..
John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in ME ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation; BUT be of good cheer; I Have Overcome the world.
So we see two things here KJ
1...In Jesus we have Peace
2...In the World we have tribulation
Easy read ....In Jesus is Peace - In the world is tribulation.
Imagine you knew your wife was tempted with adultery like no other and she resisted it like no other. If everything was smooth and perfect there would be no growth toward God.
5. Now that is a far stretch- so if she fell there would be growth ? We grow through His word and learning to put His word into practice. Pain-suffering-sin-tribulation-trials- satans attacks do not promote growth.
We grow in faith in God. Not faith in everything being perfect. God being able to do anything / make everything perfect is a given. It takes no faith
6. Sure God being God could do anything He wanted BUT HE WONT. He is bound by His word.
To walk upright before God takes faith for we can not please God out side of faith and please do not come back with chistiananity 101 faith in God or faith that God is God.
Have a blessed day KJ
2. Us being tested was G0d's plan from the beginning. From when He put the tree in the garden and satan on earth. You ask where I get the idea that God wants satan to test us? Is it not obvious from satan being put with us?
3. I am saying that God is not evil for physical death and pain. I don't understand what don't you understand..?
4. You are changing the subject now. But anyways, tribulation in the world can be something like temptation to sin. With Jesus we have / can get victory over all sin. Or tribulation can be persecution. With Jesus we can have a peace that surpasses all understanding Phil 4:7. Ie it makes no logical sense. Ie We can be at peace when we are not supposed to.
5. Well God would not put us through anything we can't handle. Job's suffering was for a period. God knew the time to end it. You are missing my point of the wife enduring temptation. Pain, suffering, tribulation, trials and satans attacks do promote growth.
6. No Jim, you are putting God in a box that you have created. You want God to be your puppet. You want to pull God's strings. Don't you see that? YOUR faith causes God to jump or sit. Jim, I mean this in love, but that belief is really really really ridiculous!! Please see this for what it is already!!
God wants a bride that will cross any muddy hill for Him. I am sure He frowns at one that demands to be fetched in a limo and not simply trust / accept / have faith in the vehicle / path He has provided / made available / desires us to travel. The only requirement to walking in His full provision and on the route He desires for us is righteousness. The path of the righteous are lead by the Lord.
You nor I will ever be as close to God as Job will. This is a fact we need to accept. You and I will not endure what Job did, because God does simply not trust our faithfulness as much...

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