I love treehouses!
I can recognize a tree house.
I've never experienced one though. But I can visualise me being in one.
I've climbed a tree, without being in a treehouse.
I want to live and own a treehouse.
I've no skills as a carpenter, yet I can imagine being in one when I get all comfy in bed and meditate on it.
Believing I've got a treehouse is part of the faith I need to bring it to Fruitation. Check.
It may take money, time, land and skills to bring this into fruitation.
Is that Gods Will, the How?
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for and not yet seen.
Must I go about my daily business with a feeling ( I'm pressed on thinking faith is is a feeling please correct me if I'm wrong) That Im living in a treehouse and when ever I get a free moment, and not otherwise engaged, to remember to imagine that I'll soon be going home to my new found treehouse and to rejoice in the Lord.
Is faith akin to feeling? What is the difference between belief and feeling it real?
I can recognize a tree house.
I've never experienced one though. But I can visualise me being in one.
I've climbed a tree, without being in a treehouse.
I want to live and own a treehouse.
I've no skills as a carpenter, yet I can imagine being in one when I get all comfy in bed and meditate on it.
Believing I've got a treehouse is part of the faith I need to bring it to Fruitation. Check.
It may take money, time, land and skills to bring this into fruitation.
Is that Gods Will, the How?
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for and not yet seen.
Must I go about my daily business with a feeling ( I'm pressed on thinking faith is is a feeling please correct me if I'm wrong) That Im living in a treehouse and when ever I get a free moment, and not otherwise engaged, to remember to imagine that I'll soon be going home to my new found treehouse and to rejoice in the Lord.
Is faith akin to feeling? What is the difference between belief and feeling it real?