The staff at CFS would like to remind all members about Rule 3.2d.
We strongly suggest that anyone seeking relationship assistance from members, OTHER THAN ASKING FOR PRAYER, should not post the specific details of personal relationship issues at CFS. Seek assistance from an appropriate licensed, insured and bonded advisor in your home area. If we see any posts with specific details regarding relationship issues, those posts will be edited or eliminated from CFS and warning points issued.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Rule 3.2d Due to liability concerns, CFS does not, under any circumstances, allow the posting of professional, clinical or psychological advice for members. This is especially enforced in the "Personal" posting areas. Anyone who offers professional, clinical or psychological advice may face warnings or banning from CFS and all posts will be removed. Even those persons who are licensed psychologists or therapists MAY NOT offer professional advice at the CFS Forum or by way of Private Messaging.
We strongly suggest that anyone seeking relationship assistance from members, OTHER THAN ASKING FOR PRAYER, should not post the specific details of personal relationship issues at CFS. Seek assistance from an appropriate licensed, insured and bonded advisor in your home area. If we see any posts with specific details regarding relationship issues, those posts will be edited or eliminated from CFS and warning points issued.
Thank you for your cooperation.