Reminiscing was it really over thirty years ago?

Sat in the dock
In the 80’s I found my self in the dock in York Crown Court
A wooden clad room,
looking at one panel in particular it was rumoured that if you could see the profile of the hanging judge, with a cloth covering his head you were going to be found guilty, the more defined the image the longer the sentence that was to be handed down!
The jury had been sent out, to deliberate , all the arguments made and the fate the accused was in their hands.
I was so glad I was the prison officer escort and not the accused sat in the dock awaiting my fate .
The longer this poor guy sat looking at this panel the more he convinced him self that he was going down for a long time!

Any way the jury came back into the court and gave a guilty verdict, then the defence barrister started his plea of mitigation, this isn’t as engrossing as it sounds and I was beginning to hear bla bla bla as my mind was drifting off.

I was dreaming, or was it a vision
I was in a dock and facing eternal judgment, it felt more real as I was actually sat in a Crown Court dock, not an experience many can or want to go through!
I saw Jesus, He stood up and give a plea of mitigation on my behalf.
He said ”I accept that my client is guilty of all the charges laid before this court and more besides,
But He is one of my Children when he came to the cross
All the things that he had been charged with I paid for on the cross

Then the judge gave His verdict, He said “I find this man not guilty He’s covered by the blood of Jesus and the cross

As He banged His gavel said “release the prisoner, Go sin no more, and further, making reference to Revelation 21:27 make sure his name is recorded in ‘the Lambs Book of Life’”

The banging of the gavel continued and I was back in the court room hearing the judge saying “ ten months concurrent , take him down”


Names were not used to protect the ‘innocent,’
Guilty as charged!?