Returning to Romania

I will be praying for you Pastor Bob.
It must be so exciting.
God Bless.
Bob, is this certificate to keep your pastorship here in Calif? I ask because I'm wondering what California has to do with Romania? Praying.

Hey crossnote;

In 2022 California mandated a Child Abuse Awareness training and exam, AB506, requiring all volunteers, administrators, employees including clergy to be trained and certified.

What does this have to do with our mission trip, I'll know at our meeting this Thursday morning.

Thank you for praying, brother.
Good morning, brothers and sisters;

We had our meeting, first of 4+ before we travel to Romania on October 31st. The required certificate for the Child Abuse Awareness Training (AB506) was not brought up nor was it asked.

I may lead the devotion at our next meeting on August 8 and made a note to ask about the AB506 for overseas if it's not brought up.

Our mission trip will include 2 Sundays. We may visit up to 3 Churches per Sunday and have been asked to give sermons for each visit with an interpreter.

you all for your prayers as we prepare.
Bob. how did that meeting go?

Good morning, crossnote;

The meeting went good. The logistics are coming together but the AB506 certification and Live Scan still need to be completed by some who are going so I thought to ask later why these are required for overseas. I may ask at the next meeting when we get near October 31.

I need to turn in 4 sermons including the Communion message in September so the interpreters in Romania and Ukraine will be prepared.

We have a meeting in September and two more in October before we leave on October 31.

Aside from the preparation, prayers for each other and our trip are most important.

Thank you, crossnote, and others for your prayers.