That's as far down that trail as we will go. I'm not locking this thread, but will make liberal use of the edit and delete features to keep this thread on track. Now, who wants to talk about Revelation 17?
That is my get out the Word of God as best I can.
The way some of our threads get bogged down in personal matters speaks to the great ability of Satan who can so easily turn Christians against one another over "nothing" except words. For that, I appologize to any who were offened by our conversations on these threads and my goal for a new year is to speak directly to Bible verses posted and not opinions or questions that would draw one into a conflict or confrontation.
Life is just to short and hard to live to spend any time as I have before argueing certain theolocial points of contention. So then..............for Revelation 17:
I believe that Rev. 17 describes the "Great Harlot" which is that part of the church that will remain after the Rapture takes place. It will be made up of those who never trusted Christ. Some, many, will be religious and will have thought that their church attendance and doing good works was enough to save them from the judgment....but als they find themselves in the middle of the last days. This is the group that enters the Tribulation Period.
"She sits on may waters".
According to verse #15 the "WATERS" refer to the great masses of people and nations.
"The kings of the earth committed fornication".
That show that there is an un-holy alliance between church and state during this period of time known as the Tribulation Period.
Then the question in Rev. 17 uselly comes down to who is the "MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT" in verse # 4-5.
Many people over the years have identified this to be the Roman Catholic church. Personally I believe it goes all the way back to Genesis 10 and the "Land of Shinar" which was ancient Babylon under Nimrod.
His wife was named Semeramus and her son was named Tamuz. She is referred to in the Scriptures as the "QUEEN OF HEAVEN'.
It is from this fountain head of abominations, sex, alcholhol, idol worship that tells me this HARLOT is more than Romanism. It is IMO an amalgamation of all religions. When the Rapture removes all believers, there will be nothing on this earth to prevent men from doing all the evil that is in their hearts and that is exactly what they will do.
BABYLON IMO will be a composite of a religious system that includes Romanism, Protestantism, Islam and every cult you can think of rolled up into one which will be headed by the A/C.
God bless you all!!