Revelation Vision 2. Christ the Heir of Creation. (ch. 4 & 5)

In Revelation Ch. 4 we are given the second vision of our Lord Jesus Christ, His wonderful investiture with `power, dominion & authority. Previously we know that when Christ ascended to heaven He sat down at the right hand of the Father.

`When He had made purification of sins He sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high.` (Heb. 1: 3)
`I also overcame & sat down with My Father on His throne.` (Rev. 3: 21)

And we know that God the Father has given His Son the highest place in all the heavens & in to eternity.

`Higher than the heavens... The Son who has been perfected forever.` (Heb. 7: 26, 28)

Now we are shown this position of power & authority being `set` up in heaven. The picture of the throne is the symbol of this power & authority.

`behold, a throne set in heaven, & One sat on the throne,...` (Rev. 4: 2)
Throne – in Gk. is `thrao` meaning a stately seat, power.

This whole scene was also shown to Daniel. He saw Jesus, the Son of Man invested with power & authority over all the kingdoms of the world.

` And behold, one like the Son of Man,.... He came to the Ancient of Days,..To Him was given dominion & glory & a kingdom,....(Dan. 7: 13 & 14)

Then before the throne are the 7 lamps of fire which are the` 7 Spirits of God.`

`And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God.` (Rev. 4: 5)

In Hebrew, the word seven, means to be complete. Thus this is a picture of the Holy Spirit in His complete, seven fold ministry in relation to Christ.

`The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom & understanding, The Spirit of counsel & might,The Spirit of knowledge & of the fear of the Lord.`(Isa. 11: 2)

We are then shown a description of the one who is being given this power & authority. He is as two exquisite gems, the Jasper & Sardius stones.

`And He who sat there was like a jasper & a sardius stone in appearance;...` (Rev. 4: 3)

The beauty & richness of these jewels enrich our appreciation of Christ`s glory while their particular meanings reveal Christ`s authority. These gems were on the High Priest`s breastplate and represented the tribes of Israel which pointed to Christ, the heavenly High Priest – Conqueror & King. (Gems -Ex.28: 17 – 21 Tribes -Num.2)

Christ the Conqueror.

`And He who sat there was like a jasper.... stone` (Rev. 4: 3)

Jasper – for the tribe of Naphtali – meaning `I have prevailed.` (Gen. 30: 8)
Prevail – to gain the victory, to conquer. (The Concise English Dictionary)

The Jasper stone was the last on the breastplate of the High Priest. It represented the tribe of Naphtali whose name means, to prevail, to conquer. Christ was the last Adam & He prevailed over the world, the flesh & the devil. He has secured the supreme victory over the greatest foe.

`For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that He might destroy the works of the devil.` (1 John 3: 8)

Jesus fulfilled the Father`s will in all aspects & finally laid down His own life as an offering for the sins of the whole world.

`...nailed the cross. Having disarmed principalities & powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.` (Col. 2: 15)

The `blood-red,` colour of the gem indicates the priceless cost of our redemption – Christ`s precious blood.

`Christ......with His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption.`(Heb. 9: 12)

Christ the Righteous King.

`And He who sat there was like .....a Sardius stone.` (Rev. 4: 3)

Sardius – for the tribe of Judah – meaning `to use the hand.` (Gen. 29: 35)
Judah – from the Heb. `yadah,` meaning to use the hand, indicating power & dominion, (a sceptre)

This stone was first on the High Priest`s breastplate representing the ruling tribe of Judah,from which Jesus was born. (Gen. 49: 10 Matt.1: 1)

Christ was born King of the Jews & King of Israel.

`Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?` (Matt. 2: 2)
`You are the King of Israel.` (John 1: 49)

However, long before His manifestation, Christ held this high & honourable office.

He is called the King of Glory by King David.

`Who is this King of Glory? The Lord of Hosts, He is the King of Glory.` (Ps. 24: 10)

He is called the King of Heaven by the prophet Daniel.

`Now I,....praise & extol & honour the King of heaven, all of whose works are truth, & His ways justice.`(Dan. 4: 37)

He is called the King of Righteousness & Peace by the writer to the Hebrews.

Jesus the High Priest `king of righteousness, & then also....... king of peace...` (Heb. 6: 20 & 7: 2)

Then Christ is also called the King of the Ages, by the Apostle Paul. He is the King at the centre of this great universe, the one who is directing everything toward the achievement of an eternal purpose.

`Now to the King eternal, ( of ages) immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honour & glory forever & ever.` (1 Tim. 1: 17)
Eternal – Gk. Word `aion,` age, eternal, forever.

And one glorious day, Christ will be King over the nations of the world.

`Lord God Almighty. Just & true are your ways, O King of the nations.` (Rev. 15: 3)

Christ, the Covenant.

`and there was a rainbow around the throne, in appearance like an emerald.` (Rev. 4: 3)

God declared that the rainbow would be His visible sign for His Covenant with man.

`I set My rainbow in the cloud, & it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me & the earth.`(Gen. 9: 13)

God then describes this `rainbow,` (around the throne) like unto an emerald. The emerald gem was on the breastplate of the High Priest & represented the tribe of Reuben, who was the firstborn son of Israel.

` Leah conceived & bore a son, & she called His name Reuben; ...` (Gen. 29: 32)
Reuben – Heb. word `Ruwben` meaning See a son.

The Lord Jesus Christ is God`s only Son & He is called the `Firstborn.....` The firstborn is not of birth but of manifestation. Christ is the first, the pre-eminent one.

`He is the image of the invisible God, the first-born over all creation.` (Col. 1: 15)

`conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the first-born among many brethren.`(Rom. 8: 29)

Christ ....`the first-born from the dead, that in all things He may have the pre-eminence.` (Col. 1: 18)

It is through Christ that God`s Covenant, God`s plan, is fulfilled because Christ Himself is the surety.

`God said, `I will give .....You (Jesus) as a covenant to the people...`(Isa. 49: 8)

Christ, the King Priest.

`Behold, a throne set in heaven, & one sat on the throne, & He who sat there was like a jasper & a sardius stone in appearance; & there was a rainbow around the throne, in appearance like an emerald.` (Rev. 4: 2 & 3)

So we see that God`s first-born Son, on the throne, is the great conqueror & king. The 3 beautiful gem stones are used to reveal these important titles of our Lord - the conqueror, (jasper) the King, (sardius) & God`s first-born Son, (emerald).

Previously we were shown Christ as the High Priest in the midst of the Body of Christ. (Rev. 1-3) Now we are shown that He has a throne, special authority – a priest on a throne, a king priest. This is most unusual as the two offices were never held by one man (in Israel). Yet here we see the Lord Jesus Christ, the King Priest on His throne.

So what is so special about that? What authority does it give Him instead of just being a king?

  • a priest needs to be from mankind to be able to represent man, while

  • a king needs to know God`s will to represent God.

    Thus the one who rules over all (under God the Father) needs to be able to sympathize with man as well as represent God in his dealings with man.

Christ the Kingpriest with other kingpriests.

Now the Lord Jesus Christ, the King priest was anointed of the Father.

`The Lord has sworn & will not relent, You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.` (Heb. 7: 21)
Melchizedek represents a kingpriest

However, Christ is not just `a` priest, but a `high priest.`

`We have such a `high priest,` who is seated at the right hand of the Majesty in the heavens.` (Heb. 8: 1)

So where there is a `high priest` there are other priests. And as this high priest is a royal priest, a kingpriest, then the other priests would also be of that type, that order – kingpriests. Thus as we continue to look at Christ on His throne as Kingpriest, we see others on thrones around Him. Now who are these? And how does God describe them?

`Around the throne were 24 thrones, & on the thrones I saw 24 elders, clothed in white robes; & they had crowns of gold on their heads.` (Rev. 4: 4)

24 elders – (2 x 12) the highest government.

On thrones – Kingpriests.

Around Jesus` throne – the Body of Christ.

Clothed in white robes – made holy through Christ`s blood.

With golden crowns – Victor`s, overcomers.

Thus we see, as Christ promised, the overcomers in the Body of Christ seated with Him on His throne, ruling as Kingpriests.

`To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame & sat down with My Father on His throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.` (Rev. 3: 21 & 22)

`...& has made us kings & priests to His God & Father,...` (Rev. 1: 6)

This group of 24 elders are representative of the whole Body of Christ & falling down in worship, they cast their crowns before Him.

`...the 24 elders fell down before Him who sits on the throne & worship Him who lives for ever & ever, & cast their crowns before the throne,...` (Rev. 4: 10)

It really is beyond our human minds to comprehend such glory, however, I believe the by the Holy Spirit, we receive this wonderful revelation that where He is, then we shall also be with Him.

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Christ`s 4 Fold Ministry.

To reveal Christ to us in Revelation, God the Father has presented three hundred & thirty references to the figures, shadows, symbols, types, patterns, persons & buildings found throughout His word.

So when we read of Christ, as a lion, or a lamb, or the morning star, or manna, or a jasper gem stone, etc we know that these are given for us to understand more of Christ, His character, & His ministries.

Thus in the throne room pictorial representation we are shown not only Christ the Kingpriest, but also His wonderful ministries. These, I believe are presented to us as these `living creatures.` They are Christ`s Spirit of life, shown separately as four, but in reality blended majestically into one Royal Divine Person, the Lord Jesus Christ.

`And in the midst of the throne, & around the throne, were four living creatures..... like a lion... like a a man, a flying eagle` (Rev. 4: 6 & 7)

Christ the King – Lion.

Christ the Sacrifice (Heir) – Calf.

Christ the Mediator – Man.

Christ the Creator – Eagle.

For Christ to fulfil God`s plan, His covenant to man, He needs to function in each area.

Christ is given the ultimate authority to rule, (Lion)

Christ humbled Himself to be the ultimate sacrifice, (Calf).

Christ is both God & man to be the Mediator of both, (Man).

Christ has ultimate power to create all things new, (Eagle).

The `living creatures,` each have 6 wings, & are full of eyes, saying `Holy, holy.` `Wings,` represent movement, functioning, & `eyes,` represent spiritual insight.

` Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was & is & is to come!` (Rev. 4:8)

Thus these `living creatures` are the four ministries of Christ that are functioning continually by the Holy Spirit, with all wisdom & knowledge, displaying God`s holiness.

Christ the Heir.

In Rev. 4 God`s Son has been revealed to us as the Kingpriest upon His throne. Now in Rev. 5 we are shown how Christ, God`s first-born is worthy to receive His inheritance. God had appointed His Son as heir of all things, the earth, its lands & its peoples are His inheritance.

`God....has appointed (His Son) heir of all things.` (Heb. 1: 2)

`Ask of Me, & I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, & the ends of the earth for Your possession.` (Ps. 2: 8)

Now we know that the firstborn in a family is often the heir of the father`s estate or goods, however in Jacob`s family (Abraham`s grandson) his first born was to be given three portions above the other brothers.

  1. The Birthright – land, property etc.

  2. The Priesthood – access to God.

  3. The Kingdom – ruling the other brothers & tribes.

Jacob`s first born was Reuben, & he could have been the heir, plus being a king & a priest. But because he sinned against the father, each of the portions was given to other brothers – Joseph (birthright), Levi (priesthood), & Judah (kingship).

Then we realise that Christ is God`s firstborn & that He never sinned, thus He never gave away His full inheritance as Heir of God`s estates, dominions, rule etc.

Now we begin to realise that God is revealing His Beloved Son to us, the first-born Heir, with the entitlement of the three portions of His inheritance.


  1. The Birthright – represented by the scroll, the title deeds of the earth.
    Christ is Heir of the world.

    2.The Priesthood – represented by the gem stones which are on the High Priest`s breastplate. Christ is the High priest with continual access to God.

    3.The Kingdom – represented by the throne, meaning authority, rule. Christ is the sovereign King over all realms in God`s great kingdom – in the heavenlies & over the earth.

The Pictorial Representation: The Search for a worthy man. (Rev. ch. 5)

We now see a very interesting drama that shows why Christ should receive His inheritance. It is presented as a search for a worthy person who would have the right to receive dominion over the earth, (birthright) intercede for man, (priest) & execute the judgments needed to restore God`s rule, (king).

`And I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a scroll written inside & on the back, sealed with seven seals. Then I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice,

“Who is worthy to open the scroll & to loose its seals?”

And no one in heaven or on the earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll, or look at it. So I wept much, because no one was found worthy to open & read the scroll, or look at it.` (Rev. 5: 1 – 4)

The Apostle John was rightly very sad. No one was found in all heaven or earth to restore mankind & rule over them. Man had given away his dominion over the earth at the fall & thus sickness, disease, warfare, decay, & death ravaged mankind. If no one was found worthy, then mankind was doomed.

Jesus is the worthy man receiving the authority to rule the world.

But, praise the Lord, we know that Jesus came to this sin-sick world as the second Adam. He never gave away His right to dominion of the earth,(birthright) He did the Father`s will, (king) & He paid the ultimate sacrifice for the restoring of mankind, (priest).

`But one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll & to loose its seven seals”

And I looked, & behold, in the midst of the throne & of the four living creatures, & in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as though it had been slain, having seven horns & seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth. `(Rev. 5: 5 & 6)

Jesus` credentials are now described in detail. He is from mankind, a man, from Israel, God`s ruling nation & of the ruling tribe, Judah(right to rule – Kingship). Then we are shown, pictorially that Jesus is a `Lamb as though slain,` (priesthood) with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, (the seven-fold Spirit of God).

God the Father is then shown as the one who gives Jesus His inheritance & the authority to rule over the nations. Jesus `in the midst of the throne,` then takes the scroll, the symbol of the title deeds of the earth with the executive power to rule over it.

`Then He came & took the scroll out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne.`(Rev. 5: 7)
`The Father...has given Him (Christ) authority to execute judgment..` (John 5: 27)

Worship of the Lamb.

Finally there is a great anthem of praise & worship from the Body of Christ (24 Elders), the myriads of angels & the `living creatures,` the outward manifestation of Christ`s ministries, proving that He is truly worthy to receive the 7 fold blessing, the complete glory.

`Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power & riches & wisdom, & strength & honour & glory & blessing.`(Rev. 5: 12)

Summing up, we have looked at the Lord Jesus Christ as Conqueror, King (/priest) & now as Heir. He has all power as King (/priest) the highest position as Lord & has possession of all, as Heir. How He will use this power in the fulfilment of God`s great Covenant with man, we will see as we further study this great prophecy of Revelation.

Hi JG27 chili,

I`m so glad that you appreciate what is being said about our precious Lord. Thank you for the encouragement. I pray that I may keep true to what God says & not voice opinions. I`m sure people will let me know if I stray.

Hi chili,

Great, will do. I love hot chillies. Also I am appreciating this forum & look forward to getting to know others even if we don`t agree on certain topics.
