RootedWithGod - welcome to CFS


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RootedWithGod - Welcome to our Christian Community.

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Welcome to the CFS Forum.
RootedWithGod - Welcome to our Christian Community.

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Welcome to the CFS Forum.
Thank You appreciate the welcome I was reading through the Policies and Topics and was one of the reasons I thought this would be a good grounding place for me. You might be surprised or maybe not how hard it is to find a place to stay grounded in forums like this.
But I liked what the 1 and 2 said was very helpful.
Good morning, RootedWithGod;

Thank you for joining Christian Forum Site. I read your testimony and am looking forward to fellowship and sharing Jesus with you and everyone here.

My wife and I reside in the SF Bay Area. Tough crowd but we have a wonderful community of believers here at CFS when I log on.

God bless you, brother, and your entire family.
Good morning, RootedWithGod;

Thank you for joining Christian Forum Site. I read your testimony and am looking forward to fellowship and sharing Jesus with you and everyone here.

My wife and I reside in the SF Bay Area. Tough crowd but we have a wonderful community of believers here at CFS when I log on.

God bless you, brother, and your entire family.
Used to live in Benicia until we moved up here. I actually was born in SanFransisco.
Raised in Santa Clara valley as a kid it was still full of Orchards. Actually used to go shoot our BB guns right now where the stadium is.
I used to love living there. But as you mentioned tough crowd. I hope you keep finding that strength we are in some rough waters.
Thank you for the warm welcome.

Used to live in Benicia until we moved up here. I actually was born in SanFransisco.
Raised in Santa Clara valley as a kid it was still full of Orchards. Actually used to go shoot our BB guns right now where the stadium is.
I used to love living there. But as you mentioned tough crowd. I hope you keep finding that strength we are in some rough waters.
Thank you for the warm welcome.


Hello RootedWithGod;

My wife and I relocated from San Diego in 1988 to Walnut Creek instead of finding an apartment in downtown SF. We're familiar with Benicia and Santa Clara valley, both are nice cities. We reside in Daly City and have lived in the Bay Area 36 years this year. I took my wife to Gresham, OR for her birthday years ago. We spent time in Portland and had a great time at Saturday Market, the Japanese garden and it cost only a dollar to take the train both ways.

I read your thread, Retiring Pastor, and would like to post to it.

God bless you, RootedWithGod.
Hello RootedWithGod;

My wife and I relocated from San Diego in 1988 to Walnut Creek instead of finding an apartment in downtown SF. We're familiar with Benicia and Santa Clara valley, both are nice cities. We reside in Daly City and have lived in the Bay Area 36 years this year. I took my wife to Gresham, OR for her birthday years ago. We spent time in Portland and had a great time at Saturday Market, the Japanese garden and it cost only a dollar to take the train both ways.

I read your thread, Retiring Pastor, and would like to post to it.

God bless you, RootedWithGod.
Please do post it was just and open thought I made in retiring pastor.

Walnut Creek used to live in Brentwood before it grew larger was in Walnut Creek very often.
Was married in a Church in Walnut Creek in 1988 . That pretty interesting.
Wife worked at Chevron in Concord. Daily city reminds me of the Marine World when it was near there as a kid.
We live in the middle of the state only been to Portland a few times my self as we have about 50 family members where we live now.
Small world indeed.
Hello RootedWithGod
Welcome to CFS. Hope you enjoy being here with us.

I live in the UK so I don't know most of the places you are talking of.

Looking forward to seeing you around the board.
God Bless you and your family.
Welcome Rooted, it wasn't until I bumped into you on another's 'Welcome page' that I noticed you here.
I have been searching for a place to settle down in discussion. And when I have tried I think 7 places so far.
There is a battle right now. I feel it deep in my soul. Its a thing I can not explain well to others.
In my years I have seen wolves masquerading, I have become very in tune to it over the years. This is not a judgement.
But I know I have see the darkness, get right up to me and make its self known. A feeling I hope no one ever feels.
And because of that, I see pain in others I can't even avoid it. I am not proclaiming this is a gift from God, maybe it is,
but that is not been ever revealed. But because I see that in people, I also see the darkness from normal people just walking
down the street to avoid them. So I avoid situations when I can.
I joined groups being open about that journey, and the testimony here is limited. Sharing it here now, because its not a secret.
And :) you now may have inquiring minds as its been mentioned I have been in others groups.
Its my life with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I am not anyone, just myself. Just a servant to do as the Lord guides. Sometimes I
do not hear allot of direction not allot for years. Just doing what we all do. And then I tried to stop serving and then all this occurred.
So I have to move forward. I am 61. tired. But God won't let me rest yet. Let his will be done. Amen.

Reaching out to other groups is the only way I can stay grounded.
I wanted to retire. But I can't it appears.

In Awe of Him,
Thank You, everyone has been very welcoming. I do pray each day to find a grounding spot :)
I do hope this is the place. I know my spiritual wellbeing depends on having a peaceful place to praise him, and
enjoy his presence in a place with clarity in that area. I just let go and wait :) Funny how God works in that way they more you just stay open to the path, the path appears when we get out of the way :)

Thank You, everyone has been very welcoming. I do pray each day to find a grounding spot :)
I do hope this is the place. I know my spiritual wellbeing depends on having a peaceful place to praise him, and
enjoy his presence in a place with clarity in that area. I just let go and wait :) Funny how God works in that way they more you just stay open to the path, the path appears when we get out of the way :)
I would like to share with you that when I got here last October... I had just been eternally banned from a different site. HAHA.
I had completely lost hope in finding a good forum where Christianity was actually practiced. I first joined a Christian forum during the time prior to the 2020 US election and between that and the fighting regarding doctrine... I was like a cat backed up in a corner. It was AWFUL. I completely lost my respect for Christians.... and I thought Christian Unity was a MYTH.

When I joined here last October... I had little to no hope that I would even last a week. I was warmly welcomed... and then... I started sharing from my heart... and before I knew it... some members came along side of me in prayer and compassionate support. I went from that cat with its' back up to now... being able to REST in TRUST that I have a home here.

This place is my church... and some people don't like when I say this... but God knows my heart and my situation. Church in Canada is NO where near what church in America is. I envy those small little congregations that truly understand what discipleship means and what teaching good solid biblical truth means.

The staff here.... oh my goodness... let me tell you about the staff here.... they are truly dedicated to making this a safe and Christian place.
It took many months for me to truly surrender and completely trust that when ISSUES arise ( and they sometimes do ) that staff are right on it... and they all work to resolve any conflicts that occur.... not only that... respect and dignity is given to each and every person here. Issues are prayed about and I have on several occasions received some AWESOME Godly counsel from several staff members... when I have struggled with an "attitude" about something. HA.

Now... I am relaxed... and totally at peace here. I am just ME... and that is a wonderful thing.

I sound like a paid advertisement. HAHAHAHA... I assure you that my words are sincere and come from my heart.

It is much quieter than most forums... and that does take a bit of time to get used to... but the fellowship is worth it's weight in GOLD.

So there you have it... the little black sheep of the family has SPOKEN. HAHA.
It took many months for me to truly surrender and completely trust that when ISSUES arise ( and they sometimes do ) that staff are right on it... and they all work to resolve any conflicts that occur.... not only that... respect and dignity is given to each and every person here. Issues are prayed about and I have on several occasions received some AWESOME Godly counsel from several staff members... when I have struggled with an "attitude" about something. HA.
ok,ok, IAoH, enough of the fluff, how much did the staff pay you to say such things? lol
I would like to share with you that when I got here last October... I had just been eternally banned from a different site. HAHA.
I had completely lost hope in finding a good forum where Christianity was actually practiced. I first joined a Christian forum during the time prior to the 2020 US election and between that and the fighting regarding doctrine... I was like a cat backed up in a corner. It was AWFUL. I completely lost my respect for Christians.... and I thought Christian Unity was a MYTH.

When I joined here last October... I had little to no hope that I would even last a week. I was warmly welcomed... and then... I started sharing from my heart... and before I knew it... some members came along side of me in prayer and compassionate support. I went from that cat with its' back up to now... being able to REST in TRUST that I have a home here.

This place is my church... and some people don't like when I say this... but God knows my heart and my situation. Church in Canada is NO where near what church in America is. I envy those small little congregations that truly understand what discipleship means and what teaching good solid biblical truth means.

The staff here.... oh my goodness... let me tell you about the staff here.... they are truly dedicated to making this a safe and Christian place.
It took many months for me to truly surrender and completely trust that when ISSUES arise ( and they sometimes do ) that staff are right on it... and they all work to resolve any conflicts that occur.... not only that... respect and dignity is given to each and every person here. Issues are prayed about and I have on several occasions received some AWESOME Godly counsel from several staff members... when I have struggled with an "attitude" about something. HA.

Now... I am relaxed... and totally at peace here. I am just ME... and that is a wonderful thing.

I sound like a paid advertisement. HAHAHAHA... I assure you that my words are sincere and come from my heart.

It is much quieter than most forums... and that does take a bit of time to get used to... but the fellowship is worth it's weight in GOLD.

So there you have it... the little black sheep of the family has SPOKEN. HAHA.

Thank You so much for sharing this.
Funny but I really needed to hear this. I do not think I have been banned yet anywhere. I did ask the last group to do that privately.
As the settings made it hard to remove notifications.
I joined a small church in 2004. It was a place God was present in all his grace. The church was and old two story 1950's office building.
There was a lawyers office down stairs it held about 75-100 ppl. There was a local mission and the less fortunate area of town.
There was a 1930 hotel that many stayed that came there. It was not a shirt and tie. But jeans sneakers and a sweatshirt kind place.
My wife and I did not like the larger ones and heard about this place. It start was in the Highschool Auditorium on Sundays and they had this place like two years. The people there, had very little money, some even had pajamas. But no one cared. But the Lord was there as bright as the sun. I could see it in all of them. This would become my home. Having been homeless myself before I could care less about a persons appearance. This place was blessed. There was a moose lodge on the other side of town. That sold and the church I was at bought the land.
This was truly a gift from God I thought. We would all volunteer to help build it. I tried to give all my free time to it. As we still were downtown we would build this for two years. I have a Commercial Driver License and the Church had a bus. I knew this was too far for all those ppl downtown to get to as most walked to service now. I thought, I could pick them up. Bus held like 40 people and drop them off I went to the elders, I thought how amazing this would be, as I shared with them, this idea of how we could lift these people up that helped build it.
I actually was pretty hyped up about it. The reply was No. I clarified by reintroducing, if it was cost I would cover the fuel, even help with insurance if needed. As I figured that would be and issue. Just building this very nice building we did all sorts of fund raising to do it. So being I was doing pretty good financially. I would give my time and money and that would be the end of it.

The answer was a unanimous no. I think I felt my soul drop 6 feet and hit the ground. I tried not to show my contempt and anger.
I didn't understand. These were the people we want. Those who follow Jesus and give what little they could. These people many lived on disability would give every Sunday and I was hollow. This place had a massive 40ft stage, sound system, new chairs, and there was now room for Sunday schools and a Nursery. My wife would volunteer there. My in laws donated a 4K latte machines from their business.
This seemed a answer of prayers to grow, and share Gods Greatness and Grace. I was empty. I mean, desert no water empty.
I have seen satan followers do such deeds in my life. The Church became a upscale place. It began bringing many well to do members.
They would have their Sunday Bests. They were very prominent people in this new church. Allot of influenceable people.
No jeans, no sweat shirts or tshirts. I did not lose my faith in Jesus that day. I did lose faith in Organized groups.
I was a pastors and then became one with no home. We would leave after struggling, as we watched clicks and special groups developed.
The elders would soon forbid member to meet outside of church approved events, meetings etc. So our Growth and mens groups became dictated and controlled. This is not the largest church in the who county. I would go on to work as a supervisor at a drug and alcohol treatment center. Where I saw pain filled souls. It was so nice to there and see people come to Christ. It was a Christ based recovery. Until they changed board members and HR would forbid Christian activities. I was threated to be fire if I did not stop discussing the Lord. So I left I could not afford to lose my job two kids and a family to feed. So I left I would not allow evil to dictate where I spoke with the Lord. The HR person was a leader in a local church as well. At this point in a span of ten years I am in a place where I do not trust Christians. I know a bold statement. But I was beyond sad, and beyond disgusted.
I would then now, Id guess 6 years or so looking for a group I can fit in. Id look at other churches and find the exact same thing.
It was if I was a magnet to see all those I felt were failing Gods people. I say felt, because how would I know. It just felt that way.

I am directly honest when I say. I need to ground soon. This pain has been just now 20 years trying to find peace within the communities.
I am not 61 soon 62. I left the know often, I am tired. I keep seeing pain, and the darkness in so many people. Then a little over a month
things would change. I am now in the middle of this as we speak. Unsure where it is going. But I need to ground my self. I am already well rooted with in God. I think I am steady. But this is new. Something seems much darker. And it worries me. So again I pray this is a place.
As something is taking place. Maybe its just me locally, or worldly. I am unsure as the path so far seems illusive.
The Holy Spirit is amazing, I am so grateful.

But this is why I am here. I truly enjoyed hearing your path, thank you.
I am directly honest when I say. I need to ground soon. This pain has been just now 20 years trying to find peace within the communities.
I am not 61 soon 62. I left the know often, I am tired. I keep seeing pain, and the darkness in so many people. Then a little over a month
things would change. I am now in the middle of this as we speak. Unsure where it is going. But I need to ground my self. I am already well rooted with in God. I think I am steady. But this is new. Something seems much darker. And it worries me. So again I pray this is a place.
As something is taking place. Maybe its just me locally, or worldly. I am unsure as the path so far seems illusive.
The Holy Spirit is amazing, I am so grateful.
WOW.... Your words have deeply touched me.... and my heart has much to say in response to what you have shared. I could probably type out a response this morning and it would be sufficient... however... this is such a profoundly serious and relevant issue that I am going to ask you to give me a few days of prayer... meditation and preparation of my words.

These next two days are crazy busy for me as I am serving the Fire Department a hot meal on Tuesday. There is much prep work to be done and my thoughts are all distracted.

I will get back to you on this.... and I think I will even start a new thread relevant to the topic... because this is your welcome to CFS thread.

I will be praying for you... these next few days and I sincerely look forward to sharing some IMPORTANT TRUTHS with you.

I am so HAPPY that you landed here... and I truly believe that you were directed here by God. You have come to the right place to be heard and tended to.

God Bless you and please be patient with me.
Hello everyone Id like to say thank you to everyone for the warm welcome that last few days.
To share a little more of myself. I find that I best relate myself when explaining what I am thinking, by Stories,
analogies something that makes sense in explaining what can be complicated and so on.
I am very technical when I work on projects. In the past when doing pastoral duties that was what I did best.
So I do apologies if I take longer then expected paths. But having worked with Homeless and addicts I found simplifying things through stories.
This is in no way to diminish the scripture. But many people can not digest the vary complexities in the Bible. Its why I am working on the Scripture conversion so I can make sure I honor the correct interpretation, at the same time.
Here is an example how my brain works, above was more business mode and trying to be accurate in explaining.


This is how I would explain to someone to look at the Lords gift and what it feels like to have it..
Ask yourself who are you? We are all somebody but what are we basing that on? Our home, our work, our friends and family.

But how do we even sift through all that.
Take a trip with me, close your eyes and now imagine you but 150 years ago. Let that job, worry, and burden melt away.
Imagine no social media, no phones. No cars, sidewalk, train, plains noise all gone.
You now sit upon a grassy hill. breeze passing by you. Let everything else melt away. Now do you see who you are?
That melting away you felt as you thought about how peaceful life would be? That is what life can be like now.
By accepting Christ into your life and accepting that he has risen and died for your sins. And by doing so you will feel that
peace as Christ carries that weight no matter how heavy if you let him.

Now I am just getting to know bobinfaith but I suppose this is where he would ask on that hill are there any bears near by?
This is how my brain works, I love to write lyrics and poetry and let my mind goes where God leads and sometimes its a ride.
But I am focused and the goal is to brig people closer so they can see the word, over being confused by its complexities.

Todays Post just popped in my head based on my experiences here the last few days.
I stopped asking why God has my mind explode like it does.
I am just a normal guy who loves God. And loves to,..l wait.... no I am grateful for this life. This journey has been so amazing.
I kneel down and pray and give thanks as I am so grateful for this life. Pain and all it has been and amazing ride.
And I probably would be sad in missing it. If it was not for the very awesome event that comes after this.
Hello Rooted;

I do love when a Christian tells their story, song or poem. I'm inquisitive and when I ask the other to elaborate I'm genuinely interested in having a conversation. Especially In Awe of Him, 2404, Ben Avraham, Cosia, BibleLover, Dave F, and many others.

I served Christian sites for 20 years and found too many posters love to give their interpretation of a doctrinal topic and Scripture leading to a "sermon" instead of a two way discussion. This results in a lack of their testimony or story. Instead, the topic becomes a debate, disagreement resulting in a dismissive reply that doesn't benefit anyone. Most of the time it's a lack of basic understanding the context of Scripture or more head knowledge and less application in life.

Some people online just love to argue, debate and will go out of their way to win the argument. I find many Christian sites and even "live" face to face conversation in the community are too "reactive."

There's always room for discussion and debate of God's Word but there has to be an arrival of common ground. Though we may disagree are we taking a step back for prayer and humility while being "receiving" of the current circumstance in a post or dialogue? This is the first step to wisdom. At the end of the day after we log off, are we still brothers and sisters in love with Christ and toward one another?

Personally, when I log on to the Friendly Christian Forum it's my time with the Lord to love, uplift, listen, pray and encourage my brothers and sisters. I also enjoy reading member's Signature so I know how to pray for them.

2024 has gone through a shift in the membership and I'm loving the presence of the Holy Spirit at God's site. I'm comfortable knowing I don't have to respond to every single thread / post like
netchaplain's Bible Study, thenami's Alphabet Soup Garden Varieties...I'm still trying to figure out In Awe of Him's the Garage without getting lost. 😅 lol!

I encourage everyone to be yourself, keep writing, tell your story and allow others who may be seasoned or growing in their new faith to feel welcomed, accepted, comfortable and loved.

I'm praying Christian Forum Site's members and future members will have a wonderful rest of 2024 and I'm looking forward to reading everyone's threads/posts.

Love in Christ.

B😎B 👍