RootedWithGod - welcome to CFS

Good Afternoon Bob,
I hope you didn't mind the humor. Was not intended as disrespectful, just trying to get to know all of you.
I am here to help myself stay grounded. And help me in some ways escape the toils and attacks outside.
So humor or my attempt at it. Is just that part of the process. To see if I fit in. I have to just be tradesmen in my head.
Of Follower of Christ, Sinner, Pastor, Comedian, Poet, Day Dreamer, Husband, Father, Grandfather and then share some of that here.
To see if I fit, or very possibly irritate others. As a new person I find its easier to just be the Guy I am and, let the chips fall where they do.
If I am here in a month, 6 months etc. I will assume by prayer I am here with his blessings and grace.
I am hopeful over time I may help assist others here if ever that happens. But in service I am aware I need grounded, and to be rooted in it.
Then it tends to work out well most times.
I'm still trying to figure out In Awe of Him's the Garage without getting lost. 😅lol!
Oh my goodness... the Fire Department was almost an hour late in picking up the food.. I was beginning to panic. HA

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... and still HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... bobinfaith ... In your defence... it was supposed to be my journal... and then it turned into a jigsaw puzzle presentation... and then ... well... It's Cosia's fault... she sent me snails.... and then the moose arrived.... and well.... = the Garage ( where random stuff is stored ). You gotta try chocolate tomatoes Bob..... I had better NOT get in trouble for going off topic...

Hi RootedWithGod... I know this is your thread but when BOB is FUNNY... well.... I just have to HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :D ( oh... and this emoji has been in medical distress since I arrived.. and no one seems concerned that the guy is a pale shade of green ).

I'm off for a much needed REST.
Good Afternoon Bob,
I hope you didn't mind the humor. Was not intended as disrespectful, just trying to get to know all of you.
I am here to help myself stay grounded. And help me in some ways escape the toils and attacks outside.
So humor or my attempt at it. Is just that part of the process. To see if I fit in. I have to just be tradesmen in my head.
Of Follower of Christ, Sinner, Pastor, Comedian, Poet, Day Dreamer, Husband, Father, Grandfather and then share some of that here. To see if I fit, or very possibly irritate others. As a new person I find its easier to just be the Guy I am and, let the chips fall where they do. If I am here in a month, 6 months etc. I will assume by prayer I am here with his blessings and grace. I am hopeful over time I may help assist others here if ever that happens. But in service I am aware I need grounded, and to be rooted in it. Then it tends to work out well most times.
Oh my goodness... the Fire Department was almost an hour late in picking up the food.. I was beginning to panic. HA
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... and still HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....bobinfaith... In your defence... it was supposed to be my journal... and then it turned into a jigsaw puzzle presentation... and then ... well... It's Cosia's fault... she sent me snails.... and then the moose arrived.... and well.... = the Garage ( where random stuff is stored ). You gotta try chocolate tomatoes Bob..... I had better NOT get in trouble for going off topic...

Hi RootedWithGod... I know this is your thread but when BOB is FUNNY... well.... I just have to HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :D ( oh... and this emoji has been in medical distress since I arrived.. and no one seems concerned that the guy is a pale shade of green ).

I'm off for a much needed REST.

Hey Rooted and In Awe in Him;

It's all good! 😎👍 I'm mostly a happy guy and get along well with others.

I love you guys and everyone at CFS. I feel we're all on a blessed note and having a good time as long as God leads and guides us in our fellowship here.

God bless everyone and we'll will see you all out there.

Good morning, been surfing the forum, looking to see if I have any eviction papers yet? :coffee:
New guy here a week.

I keep praying this is my Grounding Group.
I feel pretty conformable here. And there is so much to read on here, going back many years.
I really enjoy reading the testimony of others.
I also enjoy the scriptures discussions and interpretations.
I found a weird place called the Garage where, pure random discussions take place.
Found place that has allot of research material.
Found place for Poetry which I really like. I used to write Poetry and write Lyrics. So a outlet is very nice.
I found the staff here to be very helpful, kind and they seem to work hard to keep a friendly respectful place.

I have found s certain peace here. I hope it does last. As I do already feel myself being grounded as I have shared
more in this group then any other the last few years I have tried.
( staff is now looking what did you do that you are not in those groups lol Is Rooted going to drop a shoe?)
No, I get along well with everyone. But I have a zero tolerance when ppl are being mean to others. Especially those
that struggle. Its a pet peeve I can not get past, nor do I want to. I believe ppl can be corrected and helped in the word
with out being aggressive and mean. When there are other ways to approach.

So thank you to all that have given me a warm welcome this last week.
I am feeling Grateful, and praying still that this is the place for me to set my roots in to be grounded
Good morning, been surfing the forum, looking to see if I have any eviction papers yet? :coffee:
New guy here a week.
Oh my goodness... YOU are like looking in the mirror... I remember so well... signing in and wondering if TODAY was the day that it
was all going to IMPLODE... HAHAHAHAHA... Like seriously.., They decided they love me and they want to keep me... IMAGINE THAT!!!!

STAY YOU... BE YOU.... CELEBRATE YOU!!!! ( and stay away from this emoji... I'm serious... He is not well :D )....
RootedWithGod - on behalf of the entire CFS Staff, we are very happy that you have come to our Christian Community.

CFS is unlike most other forums. Here at CFS we maintain order, under the published Rules and stipulations, to keep CFS as THE friendly Christian forum on the net, where members can feel safe and secure. We have ten senior moderators that work as a team, from 6 different time zones, so we have staff live coverage that many other forums do not have.

This is a haven from the demeaning, name calling and totally bad behavior found elsewhere. CFS has been on the net since early 2006 and since then, MANY other Forums, that have allowed bad behavior, have come and gone. Furthermore, other forums have changed administration several times and as such, have changed their Rules, causing confusion among those members. Many of those members have come over to CFS out of frustration with the way things have taken place elsewhere.

Again, we welcome you and we are confident that you will soon feel as if this is a second home.

May God Bless you and thank you for your kind words in the post just above.
