
What is your routine throughout the day?

Mine - it's pretty much the same daily. Although I am so grateful for in home care and my complex medical health issues being manageable.

Right now my daughters just made lunch for me, for each other. My house cleaner just left. My PSW in home care worker is coming in half hour for 2 hours. I have another one at night too.

I am probably going to do some studying today. I would like to cross stitch but not sure what to do - if I can handle it strength wise.

Going to try and witness to my PSW - little seeds. 🌹

Now since everything is prepped for the worker my oldest daughter is squeezing in beside me on my recliner to peak at what I am doing and to snuggle 😉

I know my life isn't very exciting but I am grateful it's stable and consistent. I lack nothing despite of the challenges I face with my health and immobility. Thank you Lord. A glory to Him.
wake up, online, breakfast, Walk to school, work in library, morning tea, more library, lunch, library, walk home, eat dinner rest or garden, bath, read, bed, online, pray repeat...

my main social activities are karaoke, or quiz nite with teachers on Wednesdays. But I don't always go. Late nite thursdays shopping, or weekend shopping. The washing! Gardening!

I'd like to go on a holiday this year but not sure where at this stage. Always weather dependent etc.
When people used to ask me 'what do you do on weekends or anything exciting planned?' I would always disappoint them by saying on weekends I don't really do anything..I just don't work. Sometimes I have a nap. lol

I thought they were being nosy but they just wanted me to ask them about THEIR weekends by asking about mine. When I did gardening 7 days a week for others on the weekends I would then do my own garden lol
I haven't really witnessed to anyone for a while (not online) but I did buy some Bibles in the bookshop to sneak into the collection in the library because we only had very old looking Bibles.

So I got a Minecraft Bible and two Diary of a Disciples. It is easter coming up and I have bunny books, but that was for Year of the Rabbit. I think some of these children don't know the christian meaning of Easter time. So I've got to have a few books about Jesus in case they ask questions.

One child asked me if I was a Christian and I said yes, and if she wanted to find out more we have Bibles in the library. At least we still have a 'religion' or beliefs section in the library cos some schools want the entire 200s of the Dewey Decimal done away with which isn't right. I just can't make it too obvious knowing it just takes one atheist to object and make a fuss and they start trashing Jesus.
What is your routine throughout the day?

Mine - it's pretty much the same daily. Although I am so grateful for in home care and my complex medical health issues being manageable.

Right now my daughters just made lunch for me, for each other. My house cleaner just left. My PSW in home care worker is coming in half hour for 2 hours. I have another one at night too.

I am probably going to do some studying today. I would like to cross stitch but not sure what to do - if I can handle it strength wise.

Going to try and witness to my PSW - little seeds. 🌹

Now since everything is prepped for the worker my oldest daughter is squeezing in beside me on my recliner to peak at what I am doing and to snuggle 😉

I know my life isn't very exciting but I am grateful it's stable and consistent. I lack nothing despite of the challenges I face with my health and immobility. Thank you Lord. A glory to Him.

Beloved sister, what is excitement in life?

The massive amount of subjective measure for things such as excitement can leave us sometimes calling into doubt the measure of our lives. For some, riding the newest and gnarliest roller coaster is "REAL" excitement, or driving 200 MPH in a race car, or skydiving, or bungi jumping off the highest bridge at the Royal Gorge...on and on the comparisons go.

You already know that being in Christ on a daily basis is the greatest of all adventures, even if confined in a chair, or bed. The enemies of our souls work hard to get us looking at the measure of our lives in comparison to those other fleshly pursuits I mentioned here, and many others.

The quiet moments we spend in communion with the Lord, even in the midst of physical infirmity, they are what is needed even more by those able to go out there and live out those allegedly "exciting" activities.

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose.

Isn't it wonderful what that verse says? It's such a blessing that it does NOT say, "And we know that SOME things work together for good if we're lucky and blessed with the health to do things for God...and for ourselves..."

We easily fall into a false sense of our lack in joy and fulfillment in life when faced with a lower level in physical abilities and health. Many people in care homes I've observed over the years have that sense of detachment from joy and fulfillment, and even other people, seemingly because they see their limitations as having stolen the joy that they might otherwise possess if only they understood the enemy who works upon them day and night.

Ahh, but I have also met some who were overcomers of those temptations to see themselves as miserable and joyless. Some of the staff saw them as psychologically imbalanced. Care workers do indeed sometimes give themselves over to thinking that misery of soul is what should be the norm among the physically infirmed. They do sometimes delight in the victors over the depressive spirit in those places, but many of the workers are themselves lacking in true, godly joy in their lives, even though they can go out and do those other "exciting" things. I thank the Lord for those infirmed people who can and do bring light into the lives and hearts of their care workers. Being admired by your care worker, that is indeed what makes them WANT to spend more time with you, drinking in that joy that you can shine into their lives because of the Light of Christ Jesus in you. They may even run down the hall just to spend more time with the "encourager."

Bless you, dear one. It's wonderful to have daughters who will snuggle with you. I praise the Lord for that, and pray for those who didn't cultivate that love in their children for them to want to snuggle and love on their ailing parents. That's a good prayer request for others...that the Lord would break through the gloom of spiritually depressive forces and power at work in the lives of the infirmed, that they too may receive and reflect that Light out to others, such as their care workers, and especially their family members.

Rollercoasters can make people sick but they can be fun for 2 minutes.

But after you go on them a few times, they become routine right?

When I was suffering from manic depression, it was exciting being manic, but then depression would set in, and then the cycle would begin was honestly so boring, I don't know how I got through it, all those highs and lows. The highs were when I was up all night, can't sleep, can't eat and out of sync with everyone, want to do everything right there and then and have heaps of energy. Lows were when I literally could not get out of bed.

I would rather have a steady and stable medium and thankful I have that now - and have joy in the quiet things.

In the holidays I DID go on a rollercoaster even though there are plenty of warnings not to go on them, but my 10 year old cousin wanted to, and I couldn't let her go on by herself, so I and her older brother hopped on with her, I shut my eyes throughout and was mercifully over, so I didn't feel too disorientated and it only did one round. Though my stomach was a bit unsteady afterward.

I know my body can be fragile and doesn't like to be knocked about too much though if you have plenty of oil your bones can snap back quick. Its just if you have had any trauma the blow can affect you inside - and that can play havoc with nerves and brain connections. This is why, I'm amazed that some people seem to think that spanking or hitting or beating someone up doesn't actually hurt them. It does. Especially children.

I don't know where people get this idea that our bodies don't hurt or are never supposed to feel pain. We do feel pain. This is why so many people turn to drugs, to stop pain. But they become addicted instead. Babies DO need to cry. That is also the way they communicate something is not right. They don't have the words or vocab to say what's wrong. But they instinctively feel it.