Sabbath 1/21/17 Seventh Day Baptist Alfred Station NY Pastor Ken sermon “Congregationalism”

Sabbath 1/21/17 Seventh Day Baptist Alfred Station NY Pastor Ken sermon “Congregationalism” Acts 13:1-4

This is Seventh Day Baptist Heritage Sabbath where we talk about our Baptist heritage. We’ve had many guest speakers in the past, who came to share our Baptist history. We have had to struggle with congregationalism.

Congregationalism: we will start with what it is NOT……

It’s Not religious democracy. It is not one person, one vote.

It’s Not the “one” who knows how to manipulate the best.

It’s Not politics or personal agenda.

Congregationalism: what it IS…..It is built on Biblical principles.

The Head: The body of the church is not the head but Christ Jesus is the Head. The Head, Jesus, must be in charge.

Unity: Unity and equality must be in the church. There is no Jew or Greek, free or slave, male or female when it comes to the congregation. In Jesus there is an equality of unity. God’s many gifts are given to different people whether Jew or Greek, free or slave, male or female. Everyone who has a gift does it for the purpose of unity in the body of Christ.

Family Principles: This principle of family is being part of the family of God. We are ALL brothers and sisters in Christ.

Believers: We are a priesthood of believers. The pastor had no more special prayer power than you do. We all can pray for each other thru Jesus. Jesus Christ is our High Priest and we are his believers.

In our text, the Antioch church ministered before the Lord. They prayed, they sang and they preached before the Lord. When we talk to our neighbor about Jesus, we are ministering before the Lord. When you pick up paper in the church parking lot, you are ministering before the Lord.

The Antioch church heard the Holy Spirit speak. The believed and listened to the Holy Spirit speak. The Holy Spirit spoke and they obeyed him. When they heard the Holy Spirt, He was clear in what they were to do. They did whatever they heard from the Holy Spirit. Congregationalism is listening for what God wants us to do and doing it before the Lord. Everything we do should involve listening and ministering before the Lord.
