Sabbath 4/23/16 Seventh Day Baptist Daytona Pastor Wray sermon “Doing Good” John 5:28-29, Acts 10:38
Most people want to do good or at least say they want to do good. Our hearts go out to people in need out in 3rd world countries. The “Doing Good” in our text is not talking about social concerns. This “Doing Good” is not about doing good deeds or sending out a care package. This passage is talking about doing Righteousness. The subject in this text is talking about the resurrection of the Saints-the Christians. They that have done good have the resurrection to Life. A life in Heaven is for the saved people who have accepted Jesus to cover their sins.
**** The first “Doing Good” means you must be saved…AND…you can’t save yourself no matter how many good works you do. You MUST be saved by Jesus, that’s it! The Cross…Jesus dying on the cross saves us. He paid it all, the price of sin and He saved us. We must keep this clear in our minds. Salvation is eternal. Our first purpose in life must be to become saved. Period.
In verse 29, two kinds of people will be resurrected. The ones who “did good” in relationship to righteousness- the saved and the ones who “did evil” in regards to righteousness-the unsaved. How are you doing with this? There is resurrection of Life for the saved and resurrection of Damnation for the unsaved. The choice is yours and many put it off to the end. Don’t make the mistake of putting it off until it is too late. Get it right, right now while you can, before you die in your sins.
**** “Doing Good” is also soul winning. In the book of Acts, it says we are to seek and get other people saved. This is what Jesus told us to do. To make sure others have the knowledge of the saving grace that God has extended to us. In the book of James it says that “if we know to do good and don’t do it then this is sin”. Soul winning is a commandment from the Lord. If we don’t do this then we will stop the daily blessings we get from God in our lives.
**** “Doing Good” is also serving others. It is having godly concern and care for people in need. Jesus fed folk, healed folk and preached the Word. Jesus said we can and will do greater works than what He did once He goes to the Father. Jesus always healed people with the Word. It wasn’t magic that He used but it was His Word. We can’t heal people ourselves but the Word of God has the Power. If we know the Word of God, we should use it and pray it out to heal the sick. We need to have access to the power of God. We need to stay prayed up in the Lord. We must be fervent in our prayers and be immune to sin so we can help others. We must stay in the Bible, live a godly life and stay prayed up!
Are you really “doing good” as the Bible says you should do?
Are you “doing good” biblically?
Are you “doing good” in Christ?
Are you “doing good” for Eternity?
Most people want to do good or at least say they want to do good. Our hearts go out to people in need out in 3rd world countries. The “Doing Good” in our text is not talking about social concerns. This “Doing Good” is not about doing good deeds or sending out a care package. This passage is talking about doing Righteousness. The subject in this text is talking about the resurrection of the Saints-the Christians. They that have done good have the resurrection to Life. A life in Heaven is for the saved people who have accepted Jesus to cover their sins.
**** The first “Doing Good” means you must be saved…AND…you can’t save yourself no matter how many good works you do. You MUST be saved by Jesus, that’s it! The Cross…Jesus dying on the cross saves us. He paid it all, the price of sin and He saved us. We must keep this clear in our minds. Salvation is eternal. Our first purpose in life must be to become saved. Period.
In verse 29, two kinds of people will be resurrected. The ones who “did good” in relationship to righteousness- the saved and the ones who “did evil” in regards to righteousness-the unsaved. How are you doing with this? There is resurrection of Life for the saved and resurrection of Damnation for the unsaved. The choice is yours and many put it off to the end. Don’t make the mistake of putting it off until it is too late. Get it right, right now while you can, before you die in your sins.
**** “Doing Good” is also soul winning. In the book of Acts, it says we are to seek and get other people saved. This is what Jesus told us to do. To make sure others have the knowledge of the saving grace that God has extended to us. In the book of James it says that “if we know to do good and don’t do it then this is sin”. Soul winning is a commandment from the Lord. If we don’t do this then we will stop the daily blessings we get from God in our lives.
**** “Doing Good” is also serving others. It is having godly concern and care for people in need. Jesus fed folk, healed folk and preached the Word. Jesus said we can and will do greater works than what He did once He goes to the Father. Jesus always healed people with the Word. It wasn’t magic that He used but it was His Word. We can’t heal people ourselves but the Word of God has the Power. If we know the Word of God, we should use it and pray it out to heal the sick. We need to have access to the power of God. We need to stay prayed up in the Lord. We must be fervent in our prayers and be immune to sin so we can help others. We must stay in the Bible, live a godly life and stay prayed up!
Are you really “doing good” as the Bible says you should do?
Are you “doing good” biblically?
Are you “doing good” in Christ?
Are you “doing good” for Eternity?