Sabbath 8/26/17 Seventh Day Baptist Edgewater Pastor Keith sermon “A Sermon Walking” Matt 7:15-23, Heb 13: 14-16
One time at a Chicago train station, the News reporters were waiting to meet a celebrity doctor. When he arrived, many shook his hand but then he excused himself. He went to help an elderly lady, who was struggling, to carry her suitcases to a taxi. Someone in the crowd said the doctor was a “sermon walking”. Question… how are we walking in the Lord? Our worship of God should make a difference in how we live our lives. We need to live out our faith and worship God. We need to live in the ways of the Lord and do His will. We are to be a “sermon walking”. Our worship should lead us to have a “walking sermon”
Christianity is not a spectator sport. We all should get involved in the kingdom of God’s mission. In Heb. 13:16 it says “don’t forget to do good and share”. This is pleasing to God and is worshipping Him.
The “Basin Theory”. Jesus washed the disciple’s feet in a basin as a sign that He was a servant, a helper to all. At Jesus’s trial, Pilate washed his hands in a basin to show that he wanted nothing to do with Jesus’s crucifixion or anything else. Today, we need to choose which basin we will use. Will we be a servant, a helper to others? Or will we wash our hands of all things?
Jesus said to let our light shine so they will praise God our father in Heaven. We live in a stench filled world with hurting and abused people. We should try to help to make a difference and be a “walking sermon”. Open your eyes, your hearts and your minds.
One time at a Chicago train station, the News reporters were waiting to meet a celebrity doctor. When he arrived, many shook his hand but then he excused himself. He went to help an elderly lady, who was struggling, to carry her suitcases to a taxi. Someone in the crowd said the doctor was a “sermon walking”. Question… how are we walking in the Lord? Our worship of God should make a difference in how we live our lives. We need to live out our faith and worship God. We need to live in the ways of the Lord and do His will. We are to be a “sermon walking”. Our worship should lead us to have a “walking sermon”
Christianity is not a spectator sport. We all should get involved in the kingdom of God’s mission. In Heb. 13:16 it says “don’t forget to do good and share”. This is pleasing to God and is worshipping Him.
The “Basin Theory”. Jesus washed the disciple’s feet in a basin as a sign that He was a servant, a helper to all. At Jesus’s trial, Pilate washed his hands in a basin to show that he wanted nothing to do with Jesus’s crucifixion or anything else. Today, we need to choose which basin we will use. Will we be a servant, a helper to others? Or will we wash our hands of all things?
Jesus said to let our light shine so they will praise God our father in Heaven. We live in a stench filled world with hurting and abused people. We should try to help to make a difference and be a “walking sermon”. Open your eyes, your hearts and your minds.