Sabbath 9/2/17 Seventh Day Baptist Edgewater Pastor Keith sermon “Kingdoms Come and Kingdoms Go”

Sabbath 9/2/17 Seventh Day Baptist Edgewater Pastor Keith sermon “Kingdoms Come and Kingdoms Go” Ephesians 4:7-16

Many people and groups of people have declared that they were starting a kingdom of their own. Many of these so called “kingdoms” failed and ended badly. In the Book of Luke, Mary was told that Jesus would reign forever and His Kingdom would never end. In the Book of Daniel, it says that God will set up a Kingdom that will stand FOREVER. The Kingdom that lasts forever is the Church. Jesus died and rose again for the Church. Jesus does everything for the benefit of the whole - the body of Christ, the Church. We should go to Jesus with all our decisions that we need to make, so that we don’t make any mistakes.

Jesus returned the responsibilities of the Church to us mortals – His children. God loves us and trusts us to do the equipping of the saints and to do the spreading of God’s Word. We should attend Bible study and Sabbath school so that we can grow in the Word of God. We should be speaking to others the Truth in love. But telling the Truth and not just saying what people want to hear.

We, Christians, have been entrusted to ALL work together. We, Christians, have been entrusted to take on the responsibilities together. We should all do our part and when we do this, the name of God will be Glorified. We are part of the Mightiest Nation. We are part of the Kingdom of Jesus and it will NEVER be destroyed!!!!
