sad world we live in

It’s like 200 miles long😂

Edit: bookmarked for later
These are: the Reformation, the Great Awakening of the eighteenth century, the Revival of 1859 and the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905 (which in fact spread to many other parts of the UK).
the welsh revival is very interesting a group of rugged farmers who use to cuss and take on at the farm animals.. when they got save the animals didnt know how to react
I've heard people say about England that it's 'a nation of shopkeepers' I don't know if thats actually true...!

As for Wales, well wasn't it the coal mining that was the biggest industry and they had the unions, so, I suppose its more of a collective endeavour. Well the mining anyway. Some jobs you can do on your own but some jobs require teams or a corporate, especially jobs that require lots of labour like mining did.