Satan and his angels in Hell.

I choose a long time ago to NOT believe the myth of demons having sex with humans. The whole world is full of people who want conspiracy thoughts.

You have said that "You are more Calvinist than you know" and you may be right. But to me that is not a bad thing.

You say that like Calvin was some kind of dirt on the bottom of your shoe. I am not a Calvinist at all, however many of the things he believed in are Biblically true and I for accept them as such.

Did he not believe and preach the Total depravity of man? This is the belief that all human beings are sinful and are born with an inherent sin-nature. Every human is completely sinful from the moment of birth. Is that not what the Scriptures teach?

Did he not also believe and preach Perseverance of the saints, or as some say, Once Saved Always Saved?
This is the belief that once an individual is saved, he or she can never lose his or her salvation because he or she is eternally bound to Christ. Is that not what the Scriptures teach?

Did he not also preach Irresistible grace???

Did he not also preach the from the beginning of his life to the end the centrality and supremacy and majesty of the glory of God.

I do not accept some of his teachings on predestination and limited atonement, but in the same way I do not scourge him and demean him and his work as a reformist.
And Christians chose to believe the world was flat too once. They also believed Israel would never exist before 1948.
Funny you should say that, but that is EXACTLY what the devil is trying to do and why Noah was called perfect in his generations - his DNA was still 100% human, as well as his boys and their wives. Everyone else was modified. The VERY goal of the devil since Gen 3:15, to pollute the blood line of the Messiah and corrupt all flesh, and it's happening again just like in the days of Noah. These are the angels in chains until the end. It's all in the scriptures, but again, you can't get past your dogma and replace the scriptures. Sorry bother, but you're more Calvinist than you know. Still God bless. I'm done on this subject. Believe don't believe, it's no sweat off my nose.

So you are saying that everyone in the world was corrupted by the Nephillin (Demons) except Noah and his family.
You are saying that the verse in Genesis 6:8 that says Noah found grace and was a just man and perfect in his generation,
means that his DNA and that of his sons was pure and there was no demon DNA in them? YES, that is what you are saying.

First, how does a demon (Spirit) have DNA. Can you post a web site or proof of such a claim??????

Then, when did the word perfect become to mean ....."Free from DNA corruption?

By that kind of thinking, Mary then is sinless and ALL of her children are sinless.

But the Bible says that "ALL have sinned and come short of God's approval". That my friend includes Noah and Mary and everyone else.

BUT that is not what the Bible says. The Bible says that The Noah’s Flood was God’s judgment for the sinful unrighteous behavior of mankind. This is taught in both the Old and New Testaments ( Gen. 6:11-12; Ezek. 14:20, Heb. 11:7).

What you are proposing is a real problem at many levels, both biblically and scientifically. What It does is to ignore the problem of sin that leads to judgment (Heb. 10:26-27; 1 Pet. 4:17-18; 2 Pet. 2; Rev. 17:1; 20:4).

The message you are proposing is both seductive and full of potent and scary imagery. It is based on a corruption of Scripture mixed with ancient and New Age occult teachings. It seems plausible, but when one begins to ask the hard scientific and biblical questions, it begins to look more like its close cousin—science fiction. It is the classic error of Bible teaching in that we believe what we want to no matter how much the Bible says something different from what we want.

The Lord Jesus Christ paid the ultimate sacrifice on the Cross to deal with mankind’s sin once for all. His payment for our sin forms the backbone of the Gospel. There is no salvation apart from God’s dealing with our sin problem and our recognition and surrender to that vital truth.
And Christians chose to believe the world was flat too once. They also believed Israel would never exist before 1948.

See, there have been conspiracy proponents even back in the good ole days.

But those rooted in the Word of God knew that Israel would be back in the land. They just did not know when.

Ezek 39:27-29 "When I have brought them back from the nations and have gathered them from the countries of their enemies, I will show myself holy through them in the sight of many nations." 28 "Then they will know that I am the LORD their God, for though I sent them into exile among the nations, I will gather them to their own land, not leaving any behind." 29 "I will no longer hide my face from them, for I will pour out my Spirit on the house of Israel, declares the Sovereign LORD."

Amos 9:13-15 "The days are coming, declares the LORD, when the reaper will be overtaken by the plowman and the planter by the one treading grapes. New wine will drip from the mountains and flow from all the hills. 14 I will bring back my exiled people Israel; they will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them. They will plant vineyards and drink their wine; they will make gardens and eat their fruit. 15 I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them, says the LORD your God."

Jer 30:2 "This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: 'Write in a book all the words I have spoken to you. 3 The days are coming,' declares the LORD, 'when I will bring my people Israel and Judah back from captivity and restore them to the land I gave their forefathers to possess,' says the LORD."
@Major you spiritualize everything and make a clean break between the physical and the spiritual, but the word of God says otherwise. Since you cannot see the spiritual realm in the physical you dismiss its connection. For that reason, we'll never see eye-to-eye. Why else pray for anything, it's only going to be spiritualized and never manifest in the physical. Yet that thinking is 100% contrary to the word of God. The very definition of faith is the manifestation of the spiritual in the physical. God gave us grey matter to understand the physical and the Spirit gives us understanding of the spiritual. A LOT of Christians have this problem which is they believe the two shall never meet. Here's that website you wanted: HERE.
@Major you spiritualize everything and make a clean break between the physical and the spiritual, but the word of God says otherwise. Since you cannot see the spiritual realm in the physical you dismiss its connection. For that reason, we'll never see eye-to-eye. Why else pray for anything, it's only going to be spiritualized and never manifest in the physical. Yet that thinking is 100% contrary to the word of God. The very definition of faith is the manifestation of the spiritual in the physical. God gave us grey matter to understand the physical and the Spirit gives us understanding of the spiritual. A LOT of Christians have this problem which is they believe the two shall never meet. Here's that website you wanted: HERE.

Not so. What I do not do is to allow what I think and what I want to overtake and remove the Word of God and replace it with conjecture and New Age philosophy. What I will not do is bypass the first and most basic rule of biblical interpretation which is letting the Bible explain itself by looking at all the scriptures on the subject. Picking and choosing and overlooking the biblical thread of the verses can lead to some very flawed conclusions which the teaching of demons mating with humans really is.
Perfection has nothing to do with DNA.
It most certainly does. You're confusing sinless with perfection.

Genesis 6:9 (KJV)
These [are] the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man [and] perfect in his generations, [and] Noah walked with God.​

Perfect is
- Transliteration: Tamiym
- Phonetic: taw-meem'
- Definition:
1. complete, whole, entire, sound

Genesis 6:11-12 (KJV)
The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.​

All flesh was rotten. How can a newborn baby be "rotten"? Man, and the demons had messed with the DNA of everything, just like today, "as in the days of Noah". It's arrogant to think that because it happened so far in the past that no society was like ours, but just by today's birth rate applied to those days would have had over 10 billion people on it. Since they lived to be over 900 years, they could be everything... a bum for 100 years, an astronomer for 100 years, a doctor for 100 years, a carpenter for 100 years, and still only be 400 years old! This is what the earth is covered in monolithic structures our scientists cannot even understand how they were built let alone duplicate it. They were playing with the DNA of everything on the planet just like now, and they turned to better humans, just like today, with not just longevity but super powers, just like today. What happens to people's faith in God if an alien (aka demon posing as an alien) comes to the earth and promises long life and free of disease if only they took something or embedded something? If you dismiss the actual words of God for dogma or our own understanding we miss the warnings because "oh that can't be it". Yet that scenario is going to happen and everyone is already being groomed for it. Study the history of the radio program "War of the Worlds", people committed suicide because they thought it was real. Today, when CNN shows life aliens, the world will embrace them because of the programming of Star Trek, Star Wars, Iron Man, the Avengers, all these "hit" shows are putting in the idea that we can change to be changed physically into better humans. This is what the word of God teaches and warns about when it says "lying wonders" and "many shall be deceived."

Every word in the word of God is there for a very specific reason and a lot of Christians treat the word of God like a fiction book or treat it like history. Everyone loves the historical figure of Jesus like George Washington, but few live WITH Jesus. The word of God is a collection of real events in the history of man with the spiritual realm. No one questioned dragons and unicorns when they existed, today they're just fairy tales, myths and legends. The word of God is real today as it was when it was given to man. Every word of it. It is only NOW where science is encroaching into the spiritual that Christians dismiss what's been proven by man what has already been written in the word of God. Apply the word of God to your life today. This is the reason why so many are abandoning the churches today, because pastors do not know how to get the message across to the people that the word of God is very relevant to change our circumstances in our lives today, and not just a collection of historical facts. Where's the actionable faith?
Not so. What I do not do is to allow what I think and what I want to overtake and remove the Word of God and replace it with conjecture and New Age philosophy. What I will not do is bypass the first and most basic rule of biblical interpretation which is letting the Bible explain itself by looking at all the scriptures on the subject. Picking and choosing and overlooking the biblical thread of the verses can lead to some very flawed conclusions which the teaching of demons mating with humans really is.
But that is exactly what you're doing. It's all in there. Even Jude says that Sodom was destroyed because they sought out "strange flesh" which isn't just homosexuality. The word "strange" is "heteros" meaning "different" not "homo" meaning "like". They wanted to do what Noah's day did, merge with the supernatural. You really do dismiss a lot of what's plainly written. Sorry brother, but it's true.

Here's another link to it:

Jude 1:8 (KJV)
Likewise also these [filthy] dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.​

The word defile is to corrupt, and what are they corrupting, the flesh, just like in Noah's day. It's more than just "sin" which literally means to miss the mark, but to change their flesh. Sounds like the headlines of today.
DNA until recently, and in many scientific circles, was believed to be static - unchanging. With that thinking, scientists have been trying to first understand it since its discovery back in 1869. And it wasn't until 1950 when Watson and Crick demonstrated its structure. Just because "DNA - deoxyribonucleic acid" doesn't appear in the word of God doesn't mean it's not there. What is DNA? A simple search will show that it is the blueprint of life - all life, not just human, but animals, plants and other organisms as well. With this understanding, as so directed by the word of God to study His creation, man is able, yet unwilling, to understand the word of God. Noah was perfect in his generations. Generations, the very thing we know is DNA. The experiences of our parents are written there. The word of God is written there, and our experiences are stored there. Science has proven that fear can be programmed into our DNA by the experiences of our great grandparents. Another word for DNA in the word of God is our heart or our mind. It's not referring to the beating pump in our chest, or the grey matter between our ears, but the conscience, the who in who we are. It is the experiences we live through that make us who we are.

If something evil (or good) happened to a woman (or man) at a young age will have an influence on how she perceives men. If she has an abusive (or blessed) father, she's gravitate to that same type man when she's ready to marry. These facts are more than well documented, yet it's right there in the word of God for all to see and understand. This is why "family" histories are taken when you go to the doctor. Anyhow, believe it, don't, but the word of God speaks of all these things and we just can't see it because we're looking for three letters that are not in it: DNA.
But that is exactly what you're doing. It's all in there. Even Jude says that Sodom was destroyed because they sought out "strange flesh" which isn't just homosexuality. The word "strange" is "heteros" meaning "different" not "homo" meaning "like". They wanted to do what Noah's day did, merge with the supernatural. You really do dismiss a lot of what's plainly written. Sorry brother, but it's true.

Here's another link to it:

Jude 1:8 (KJV)
Likewise also these [filthy] dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.​

The word defile is to corrupt, and what are they corrupting, the flesh, just like in Noah's day. It's more than just "sin" which literally means to miss the mark, but to change their flesh. Sounds like the headlines of today.

I am equally sorry to see you to keep inventing what you want to see as real. You are still adding to what is literally said.

Jude 1:7.........clearly does not mention anything other than homosexuality.
"In the same way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them committed sexual immorality and practiced perversions, just as angels did, and serve as an example by undergoing the punishment of eternal fire."

In Jude 8 the word "filthy" is not in the original text but is added by mistake.........
"Dreamers" are FALSE prophets who claimed to have gotten their teachings from dreams.

The fact that the phrase "To defile flesh" which seems to mean men as opposed to angels and therefore connects them with the people of Sodom who "went after strange flesh" (MEN) but does not in any way indicate angels having sex with human women.

Now, the Greek word heteros. The term simply means “other, another” (Beyer, 1964, 2:702-704).

The meaning did not intend by this definition to imply that the difference extended to angelic flesh, as is evident from his treatment of the verse in his section dealing with sarx (flesh): ...........
“to follow after the flesh, is used of those who are on the search for persons with whom they can gratify their lust"(Jude 7” (p. 570; cf. p. 449).

In their handling of either “strange” or “flesh,” none of the lexicographers offers any support for the idea of nonhuman or extraterrestrial, i.e., angelic. It just is not there!
From what I understand Satan and his angels are not in Hell yet.
For now they roam the earth (invisible... or not so invisible) tempting people and leading them astray.

That is Satan's primary motivation IMO: despair, spite, and envy.

He is so bitter about his eternal fate in Hell, that he is determined to drag everyone else down with him
You are partially correct here. Your intake on how Satan comes at us is limited and not at all 100 percent correct.
God Bless
James W
committed sexual immorality and practiced perversions, just as angels did
Wow... there you go. Thanks for backing up the truth. Sexual immorality and practices perversions, JUST AS ANGELS DID... you're bible version is spot on. Thanks sir. Have a great day.
Wow... there you go. Thanks for backing up the truth. Sexual immorality and practices perversions, JUST AS ANGELS DID... you're bible version is spot on. Thanks sir. Have a great day.

That was not any Bible version but my typing error. You are correct and thanks for the correction. The "Just as angels did " is my error.
First of all.........I am glad to see you back. I thought that maybe you went to heaven before I did.
That was Jesus preparing a place for you..not me:)
I have missed your insights.
Thank you sir.
Second..............That is a well put together article based in the truth of God's Word with speculation and the thought of conspiracy,

Thank you for the address and web site and I would encourage all who are interested to know the Biblical truth on this to read the information you provided.
I feel called away from this forum to do other things, but not full time.

I would like to comment on a something that has been raised in this thread that I feel might have crept in somewhat unobtrusively, and also something that seems to always get 'swept under the carpet'.
Firstly I have no idea where DNA gets mentioned in the Bible. If it were an issue of importance, I would expect the Lord would have instructed Moses to just wipe a Lamb chop over the lintels and door posts to leave a smear of DNA to ward off the destroyer, as it is He instructed that blood be used. Not sure that Lamb's blood can represent human DNA, or even if it is supposed to, but that is just me.
The thing of importance that never gets mentioned in these friendly discussions is the last part of verse 8 in Jude.
A balanced view of verse 7 in my opinion does not promote the bringing of railing accusations against the glorious ones ..........dignities(Angels).
A careful read of verse 7 should show that it is Sodom and Gomorrha that are set forth as an example of sexual misconduct, not angels.
And so, we come to V8 and we see that bringing accusations against angels and speaking evil of them belong not to the children of our Father, but is better left the types mentioned in V4.

I will again soon be absent from here for a time and it might well be even longer before I will post.
May the Lord keep you and yours safe and well.
That was Jesus preparing a place for you..not me:) Thank you sir.
I feel called away from this forum to do other things, but not full time.

I would like to comment on a something that has been raised in this thread that I feel might have crept in somewhat unobtrusively, and also something that seems to always get 'swept under the carpet'.
Firstly I have no idea where DNA gets mentioned in the Bible. If it were an issue of importance, I would expect the Lord would have instructed Moses to just wipe a Lamb chop over the lintels and door posts to leave a smear of DNA to ward off the destroyer, as it is He instructed that blood be used. Not sure that Lamb's blood can represent human DNA, or even if it is supposed to, but that is just me.
The thing of importance that never gets mentioned in these friendly discussions is the last part of verse 8 in Jude.
A balanced view of verse 7 in my opinion does not promote the bringing of railing accusations against the glorious ones ..........dignities(Angels).
A careful read of verse 7 should show that it is Sodom and Gomorrha that are set forth as an example of sexual misconduct, not angels.
And so, we come to V8 and we see that bringing accusations against angels and speaking evil of them belong not to the children of our Father, but is better left the types mentioned in V4.

I will again soon be absent from here for a time and it might well be even longer before I will post.
May the Lord keep you and yours safe and well.

Well said calvin and it is 100% Bible. I too have been on another project and just recently took a break from it as it was taking up all of my time.

You be well and may God richly bless you my brother.
That was Jesus preparing a place for you..not me:) Thank you sir.
I feel called away from this forum to do other things, but not full time.

I would like to comment on a something that has been raised in this thread that I feel might have crept in somewhat unobtrusively, and also something that seems to always get 'swept under the carpet'.
Firstly I have no idea where DNA gets mentioned in the Bible. If it were an issue of importance, I would expect the Lord would have instructed Moses to just wipe a Lamb chop over the lintels and door posts to leave a smear of DNA to ward off the destroyer, as it is He instructed that blood be used. Not sure that Lamb's blood can represent human DNA, or even if it is supposed to, but that is just me.
The thing of importance that never gets mentioned in these friendly discussions is the last part of verse 8 in Jude.
A balanced view of verse 7 in my opinion does not promote the bringing of railing accusations against the glorious ones ..........dignities(Angels).
A careful read of verse 7 should show that it is Sodom and Gomorrha that are set forth as an example of sexual misconduct, not angels.
And so, we come to V8 and we see that bringing accusations against angels and speaking evil of them belong not to the children of our Father, but is better left the types mentioned in V4.

I will again soon be absent from here for a time and it might well be even longer before I will post.
May the Lord keep you and yours safe and well.
The lamb's blood is a substitution and a shadow of what was to come. The lamb's blood covered sin, Jesus blood removed sin. Using the lamb's blood was God's commandment until time caught up to His appearance to bring the real deal. Both were DNA, one the shadow of the Other. DNA is just a specific combination of atoms of which everything in the universe is made of. Man ate of angels' food for 40 years. Jesus ate after His resurrection. So those in the spirit realm also eat. After all there is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in heaven. What is food? DNA. The angel's food sustain Israel for 40 years. So they too have DNA, different just like us compared to a slug, but DNA nonetheless. We all have the double helix, maybe they have a triple helix or quadruple, who knows.

My point in all of this the understandings we're getting from science allows us to better understand the word of God and put it first in our actual lives, not just some collection of philosophies, but a collection of reality. Else how are we to move in the spirit or in faith? We are both spirit and body and a lot is missed out on because they're kept separate. Some can take things as blind faith, and that's fine, but when those come that want more, those of blind faith are left shrugging their shoulders. That's why the church is allowing the world to go to hell, because they lack the why and the how. Paul says I will know them by their POWER. This is why many will/have abandon the church because the devil comes with power and signs and lying wonders. When those that ask the us "is this true" we can either reply with hollow words or we can demonstrate the power of God as Jesus did. Which is more effective?

1 Corinthians 4:20 (KJV)
For the kingdom of God [is] not in word, but in power.​