Makes me speculate that the antichrist is already here then.
My point exactly!!!!
Makes me speculate that the antichrist is already here then.
I might even know who it is. However, I don't think that the antichrist is revealed yet.My point exactly!!!!
Does science then replace the commands given from God to us on behaviour?
My two cents are more of the Islamic thinking (seeing how I believe they're the AC's religion). They believe that women are second class citizens with only half a brain. So the phrase "desire of women" is not the absence of lust for a woman, but to reject the desires women have for a better life, the wishes of women. That's what fits best when you see the cruelty of Islam towards women.Have you considered that according to the prophet Daniel, the Anti-Christ '"may be" a homosexual?
So when would faith fit into this ? I mean if my people - He did not say if my people be perfect lacking nothing - But then it might be you meant walking in the spirit so they would believe it would make a differance....I certainly do, but we all need to remove man's teachings and live in the Spirit to effect change because then it'll be His doing not ours. If we do not walk in the Spirit then it's man's work and nothing will change, but will only become the work of the devil and get much worse.
If faith didn't change your works, then your faith is dead. Repentance requires a change in thinking that then changes your actions. You do what you think is right in your own mind which leads to destruction. When it's wrong and you change your thinking based on the word of God (faith in the information) you will change your works (faith in action). If you don't believe what you say can make a difference then you say nothing. If you repent and believe it's the word of God then you speak up. Repentance requires faith and humility and boldness. What you think is what you are.So when would faith fit into this ? I mean if my people - He did not say if my people be perfect lacking nothing - But then it might be you meant walking in the spirit so they would believe it would make a differance....
hehehehe me too. A tongue twister for sure LOLAnd after I read that......I need my Medication!
My two cents are more of the Islamic thinking (seeing how I believe they're the AC's religion). They believe that women are second class citizens with only half a brain. So the phrase "desire of women" is not the absence of lust for a woman, but to reject the desires women have for a better life, the wishes of women. That's what fits best when you see the cruelty of Islam towards women.
Of course not.I was just wondering how an unbeliever using scientific data to prove a point could rationally explain accepting the one while denying the other.
I might even know who it is. However, I don't think that the antichrist is revealed yet.
What does that even have to do with the supposed rapture?He is not and will not be known until the Rapture removes the believers. 2 Thess. 2:6-12.
"there are cases in which separation is inevitable. Sometimes it can even become morally necessary."
Separation = "The action or state of moving or being moved apart."
Inevitable = "Certain to happen; unavoidable."
Sometimes = "Occasionally, rather than all of the time."
Morally = "With respect to moral principles."
Necessary = "Required to be done, achieved, or present; needed; essential."
So it's OK, sometimes...
Paul said the same thing... but he spelled it out as for infidelity, not because of a bad spouse.
I've said all I'm going to say. God bless![]()
What does that even have to do with the supposed rapture?
But that passage does not talk about a rapture.IN comment #42 you said............"I don't think that the antichrist is revealed yet".
I am saying that according to 2 Thess. 2, the A/c will not be revealed until after the Rapture takes place.
Take a lot at this article on Time Magazine, it seems the godless lobby is wasting no time:
Today the Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage. The world is rejoicing. I'm not surprised. One of Satan's nicknames is "the prince of this world." Friends of mine are posting pictures on facebook and twitter with harshtags like #Equality and #OneHeart and #LoveConquersAll.
There is still a disconnect that people have when it comes to is still a uniquely sexual union, and this also means that sexuality is only a marital subject. Ask any regular schmoe off the street if marriage alone is a sexual union, first he'll say no. Then if you ask if marriage can only be a sexual union, he will then also most likely say no.
The final war between Satan and God is over the family. Why? Because the family is icon of the Holy Trinity. The communion of love between the three Divine Persons is the original family. This Divine communion is fruitful, that is, it brings forth life. It cannot help but do so. Life bursts forth from the love of the Holy Trinity. The family is the earthly image and icon of Trinitarian love. The communion of love between husband and wife is designed to be fruitful, to bring forth life.
Pray for the world and their salvation. Stay close to Our Lord. At some point as the world moves in this direction, choosing Christ or the World is going to look much more grim for Christians all over. Even if you don't die as a martyr, strive to live like one so that if you do die as one, you'll be prepared.
Well, even though I did just read a good part of it, the author's reasoning seems pretty good to me. I don't know if those heretical televangelists are still in business, but they made way too much money lying to people. But I think that a solution would be to hold church services in our houses instead of at a church. Sounds pretty good. But then we would have to find the members, and that would be hard.IT HAS BEGUN!
Take a lot at this article on Time Magazine, it seems the godless lobby is wasting no time: