May I add here that concerning the issue of eternal security,(OSAS) there are only 2 valid scriptural points of view.
1). A genuine Christian can NEVER lose his salvation ONCE he is saved.
2). A genuine Christian MAY lose his salvation, and when he does, he can get it back again and again.
Those are the only possible views on the subject. The bible does not allow for any other view. The belief that someone can lose his salvation, come back to Christ, lose it again, then come back again; is categorically unscriptural and doctrinally false. I say that so anyone can consider WHAT it
is Biblically that they are considering.
Eternal security is the belief that a genuine Christian can never be lost. They were predestined to be saved, and hence how could they eventually be lost if God predestined them to salvation? There are different versions of this. Some hold that if someone falls away, it is testament to the fact that they were never saved. Others say that if a genuine Christian falls away, it is only temporary and he/she will eventually come back. Still others say that it does not matter if they backslide, God will take them to heaven anyway, kicking and screaming and the works.
Free will on the other hand holds that believers are responsible for the decisions they make and may choose to stop being saved.
Allow me to say that this is NOT a new argument. OSAS has been waged for hundred's of years.
Not one single person has to agree with me but I felt that some would benifit from some thoughts.
One of the popular ideas out there today is the one that says..................
We must maintain our salvation by obeying and doing good things.
What is the TRUTH??? What does the Bible actuallt say about this????
Nowhere in the Bible are we taught that it is our job to keep ourselves saved. We are to keep ourselves pure, in God’s love, from idols etc. But it is God who keeps us by His grace. We are kept by his power (1 Pet. 1:5), He keeps us from the evil one (2Thess. 3:3), He keeps us from falling (Jude 24). It is by the grace of God that we stand and remain in the faith. It is never our job to keep ourselves saved by living right. Living right and confessing of sins are necessary to experience unbroken communion with God. Doing good is necessary to receive a full reward in heaven,but never to maintain our salvation.
Now if we are going to argue about Bible doctrine, we best know what the Bible says then. PLEASE just stop and think for just a moment about this.
The hypothetical question may be asked, “Suppose a genuine believer sins just before he dies, where will he go?” Some will say hell. They say that sin cannot enter heaven. In that case which of us will ever go there? More importantly why then did Jesus die? Didn’t he pay the price of sin in full? Tetelestai (it is finished) was a commercial word meaning the debt is paid in full. He died for every sin ever committed and even those yet to be committed.
Sin has lost its sting and cannot deter anyone from entering heaven, only unbelief can (John 3:18).
Some people teach that every time we sin we temporarily backslide (lose our salvation) until we repent, when we are re-saved. Now stop and THINK about that for just amoment. IF that is what we believe, then Salvation actually becomes a matter of beating the clock rather than depending on God’s grace. Such a concept is totally foreign to the New Testament. Actually the New Testament does not even use the word backslide.
I just wanted those who believe that they can lose their salvation and get saved over and over again to THINK about the ramifications of what they are saying.
Bless you all.
1). A genuine Christian can NEVER lose his salvation ONCE he is saved.
2). A genuine Christian MAY lose his salvation, and when he does, he can get it back again and again.
Those are the only possible views on the subject. The bible does not allow for any other view. The belief that someone can lose his salvation, come back to Christ, lose it again, then come back again; is categorically unscriptural and doctrinally false. I say that so anyone can consider WHAT it
is Biblically that they are considering.
Eternal security is the belief that a genuine Christian can never be lost. They were predestined to be saved, and hence how could they eventually be lost if God predestined them to salvation? There are different versions of this. Some hold that if someone falls away, it is testament to the fact that they were never saved. Others say that if a genuine Christian falls away, it is only temporary and he/she will eventually come back. Still others say that it does not matter if they backslide, God will take them to heaven anyway, kicking and screaming and the works.
Free will on the other hand holds that believers are responsible for the decisions they make and may choose to stop being saved.
Allow me to say that this is NOT a new argument. OSAS has been waged for hundred's of years.
Not one single person has to agree with me but I felt that some would benifit from some thoughts.
One of the popular ideas out there today is the one that says..................
We must maintain our salvation by obeying and doing good things.
What is the TRUTH??? What does the Bible actuallt say about this????
Nowhere in the Bible are we taught that it is our job to keep ourselves saved. We are to keep ourselves pure, in God’s love, from idols etc. But it is God who keeps us by His grace. We are kept by his power (1 Pet. 1:5), He keeps us from the evil one (2Thess. 3:3), He keeps us from falling (Jude 24). It is by the grace of God that we stand and remain in the faith. It is never our job to keep ourselves saved by living right. Living right and confessing of sins are necessary to experience unbroken communion with God. Doing good is necessary to receive a full reward in heaven,but never to maintain our salvation.
Now if we are going to argue about Bible doctrine, we best know what the Bible says then. PLEASE just stop and think for just a moment about this.
The hypothetical question may be asked, “Suppose a genuine believer sins just before he dies, where will he go?” Some will say hell. They say that sin cannot enter heaven. In that case which of us will ever go there? More importantly why then did Jesus die? Didn’t he pay the price of sin in full? Tetelestai (it is finished) was a commercial word meaning the debt is paid in full. He died for every sin ever committed and even those yet to be committed.
Sin has lost its sting and cannot deter anyone from entering heaven, only unbelief can (John 3:18).
Some people teach that every time we sin we temporarily backslide (lose our salvation) until we repent, when we are re-saved. Now stop and THINK about that for just amoment. IF that is what we believe, then Salvation actually becomes a matter of beating the clock rather than depending on God’s grace. Such a concept is totally foreign to the New Testament. Actually the New Testament does not even use the word backslide.
I just wanted those who believe that they can lose their salvation and get saved over and over again to THINK about the ramifications of what they are saying.
Bless you all.