Not that I am trying to be pickey or anything...but your lead in was "BACK TO SCRIPTUAL REFERENCES TO THE 2nd BLESSING.
I read your post but I did not find a single Bible reference, only quotes from someones book.????????
You said that you "
hope this is worth discussing". Lets do that, shall we???
Are you able to see the beginning of this thread? I've only veered once from the initial conception of this topic. All other posts, though quoted from some early holiness books, refer to actual Bible passages. I will briefly state them here:
1. We know it is Scripturally sound to recognize that "in our weakness" we are able to be strong--that is, in our humbleness we are able to come into the presence of the Lord and obtain His strength (it is not our strength). This set the tone of the post.
2. In one of the Holiness books I quoted Rom 5:2 and Heb 9:28 which refers specifically to the 2nd blessing (not Jesus' second coming as so many think). Please read that post for the author's logical interpretation of those passages.
3. I shared some fascinating material from Leviticus about the two washings of the lepers, the two washings of the leprous garments and the two anointings of the leper. It is hard not to see the "twos" that are placed there by the inspired Bible writers in relationship to our "complete cleansing". I hope you'll take a look at these three posts. The Old Testament has many interesting references to a double blessing. Another one, not mentioned yet in any post here, refers to the Tabernacle's two rooms. One is for outer cleansing (sort of like Regeneration) and the other one is closed off except by one appointed priest, once a year. That room is the Holy of holies. Jesus' death on the cross "rent" or tore the curtain that separated the two rooms (His death made it possible for ALL of us to enter into the Holy of holies) but the curtain was only ripped, not removed. It is still necessary for us to seek this holiness, lift up the curtain and peer in, longingly.
Now correct me if I am assuming here, but it seems to me that you are promoting the Penacostal teaching of the "Second Blessing". Having some experience in that faith, lets identify what we are talking about.
Pentecostalism in general promotes a life that is marked by spiritual experience - deeper, higher, fuller, richer spiritual life. In a word, Pentecostals crave
more through the Holy Spirit. And the life Pentecostals life is marked by the seeking of and the striving for that "more" of the holy Spirit or as they teach........
"The Second Blessing".
Just so that we are clear, lets use their own words here to explain their teaching.
This is taken from their home page (, Point 7 on "The Baptism of the HG":
"All believers are entitled to and should ardently expect and earnestly seek the promise of the Father, the baptism in the Holy Spirit and fire, according to the command of our Lord Jesus Christ. This was the normal experience of all in the early church. With it comes the enduement of power for life and service, the bestowment of the gifts and their uses in the work of the ministry."Second, we quote from the
Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, as also set forth on their web page:
"The initial evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit is speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance, Acts 2:1-4, 39; 9:17; 1 Cor. 14:18. This experience is distinct from, and subsequent to, the experience of the new birth, Acts 8:12-17; 10:44-46."
In fact, Pentecostals even argue from the life and experience of Jesus Himself! They say that He too received His special baptism after He trusted in God, prayed, and obeyed (
cf. Matt. 3:16,17).
NOW...Should Christians be seeking this second blessing, this baptism with the Holy Spirit? Is there something more for us?
Personally I say NO!!! You are welcome to disagree with me on this and I am sure many will. I love you regardless. This Pentecostal teaching is a deception of the most serious sort! It has confused, misled, and shaken the faith of many. It is to be condemned and rejected, categorically! WHY?????????????????????
First of all, because the Bible simply does not support this position. What John the Baptist promised in connection with the work of Christ was promised to each and every believer, not to a select few. When the elect are saved, they are all baptized with the Holy Ghost and with fire. That is their one and only baptism with the Holy Spirit. At that moment they are purified and empowered to lead sanctified lives and to serve God for whatever He calls them to do and wherever He places them. At the moment of conversion, believers are filled with the Spirit, fully equipped with all they need for living the Christian life of holiness. They are in need of no second blessing; no further, greater, better salvation; no other baptism to seek for. They are complete in Christ, Colossians 2:10; they are given "all things that pertain unto life and godliness" (II Pet. 1:3).
Second of all.... this teaching ultimatly leads to the teaching of
Perfectionism. That is the teaching that because we have the 2nd blessing, and filled with the Holy Spirit, we are perfect and "can not sin". That also is a non-Biblical teaching.
I do not believe in "perfectionism" on this planet. Heaven, yes, earth, no. Although Jesus taught us to pray for it "in earth as it is in Heaven", I have found in examining those lives of people who had obtained the 2nd blessing, they often exhibit a kind of falling away from it over time. Its legitimacy is not in question, but its "perfectionism" is easily countered.
There are a lot of "regenerated" Christians who, having achieved their Justification, have stopped seeking for more, and have languished in their "justified" state, living lives that are not too different from their lives before they were "saved." God wants us to seek for His will for our lives, He wants to empower our lives in order that we can actually do His will, and that empowerment comes in "sanctification" in which we hold nothing back from Him (so that we might live our comfortable lives for us). Despite a lot of teaching that God wants us prosperous and comfortable, nowhere in the Bible do I see that any of the prophets or disciples enjoyed the luxury of the latest two story tent and newest style chariot to travel around in.