Seeking Encouragement & Guidance

No not all Charismatics are that way. They are way over the limit with things labelled as the Holy Spirit. Jerking, shaking, laughing uncontrollably, screaming./crying uncontrollably [they believe this is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit] which is not as God is not the author of chaos. Like Bethel and Hillsong for example - they do grave soaking, and so much other very bizarre practices that are occultic. They believe in the NAR doctrine and kingdom now. Remember people can still read the "Word" but it has to be in context and in it's entirety. I agree we aren't all going to agree on certain but when occultic practices infiltrates the church or you start to believe in name it and claim it, word of faith, prosperity gospel, NAR and so many others - the point is Paul preaches that no other gospel is to be preached than the one they have preached. Accursed to them that preaches any other gospel. I grew up on all of that "experiential, voodoo type occultism practices within the church.

Bible warns of: Satan attacks God's program, the Church, by..
False philosophies - Colossians 2:8
False religions - 1 Corinthians 10:19
False ministers - 2 Corinthians 11:14-15
False doctrine - 1 John 2:18
False disciples - Matthew 13
False morals - 2 Thessalonians 2:7

It is very important to study all, measure it up to God's Word, test the Spirits [discernment] and see the fruits of the Spirits.
They called it Counterfeit Christianity, apparently at first was genuine (the charismatic outpouring) then Satan did a bogus copy-cat version.
It was those preachers that pushed you down when they smacked you on the forehead and called it being 'slain in spirit'. Just weird.