Send more workers!

Send more workers!

But what kind of worker am I?

When he saw the crowds,
he felt compassion for them,
because they were weary and worn out,
like sheep without a shepherd.

Then he said to his disciples,
"The harvest is abundant
but workers are few.

Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest
to send out workers into his harvest." [Matthew 9:36-38]

There are many crowds who are not submitted to the Lord. They are disobedient, violent, seeking fame, of much deceit, following their greed, and without order. Jesus is telling me to pray for more workers for the crowds.

The workers who will have compassion for these unlovable people as Jesus did. The workers who will pray for them to the Father with loud cries as Jesus did.

But how can I pray for such workers if I am not one?
How can I ask other workers to be compassionate while I am not?
How can I expect them to pray with loud cries if I don't?

Lord Jesus,
Now I see that these words are more for me than for other workers.
You want me to be one first, before asking for more.
Shame becomes my name.
Though I pray, I become voiceless.

Remove this shame from me.
Give me voice of righteousness so that I can lift my prayer to the Father's throne.
I indeed must become a worker pleasing to your eyes.

(This will be tonight's prayer)

Amen Rupert.

:amen::amen:And that does not refer to workers in foreign countries as missionaries., but to you and I . Are we working for the Lord here and I beiieve that means ... being a happy worker in the church and volunteering for different programs .... where ever God is leading you , or working ... witnessing in our daily lives whether it be in the super market ., or our neibours.or at our workplace ... where He leads us we should follow.
Thank you, brother Rupert!
While reading, I was praying with you too. O, Lord! Change my life and make me a good vessel in Your hands so that you can use me anyway You need or like.