Serve God And Not Religion!

I disagree.
It deserves explanation.

Christians adore Christ and know who He truly is.

Many Non- Christians acknowledge that He really existed but don't take Him to be the Son of God -- perhaps an eccentric or so. But for example, Dawkins once said "it's hard not to like someone who was devoted to compassion and forgiveness."

And even those who deny He even existed tend to like the concept of the man, Jesus.

Liking Jesus and liking Christianity are two different things. A lot of people despise Christianity, and on a broader spectrum, a lot of people hate religion. That's why it's not uncommon to hear buzz phrases like "I'm not religious, I'm spiritual."

But, this isn't important to the subject at hand. We're talking about the subject of religion--what it is, what it is not. Whether people like Jesus or not is beside the point.
Hello guys! This may sound off topic but i don't know another thread that better relates to this. When i get older, i really want to travel the world and visit all the countries. Im trying to study for a good job that would financially help me with this, but this is also a job that i would enjoy and is already aiming for. I've read about ambition in the bible but the "ambition" is about becoming better than your neighbor. But does anyone know if this type of ambition is a bad thing? Because it feels selfish since I'm exploring the world rather than using all that money to help the poor. And that I'm doing my own things rather than being with and helping others. Don't get me wrong, i still do donations and charity but is that regarded as a bad thing? Can Christians still full fill their dreams or devote their whole life to God? I know i have to ask God but what do other people say about ambition?

Thanks guys!:unsure:(y)
Dear Izabella,

What a beautiful question. I'm sure that it delights God's heart to see that you are exploring these questions and are keen to follow and honour Him in everything you do. There is a Bible verse that is very relevant to your search: Psalm 37:4 "Take delight in the Lord,
and he will give you your heart’s desires." We are also called to "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." (Matthew 6:33). In this same passage in Matthew Jesus gives us some priceless words of wisdom, which I'm sure you already know: “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today." (Matthew 6:34).

It is natural of course to look forwards and to plan and wonder about what will happen in your life in the future and that's not necessarily a bad thing, but this is a day-by-day journey of living in a relationship with God through His son Jesus, who will show you the way. No human being can tell you what to study, where to travel to, what to do with your life or how to plan your time. The most important thing is to humbly ask God to guide you in every step, and for Him to help you to keep your intentions clean and honourable. Be careful to guard your heart from the love of money, which is "the root of all kinds of evil." (1 Timothy 6:10).
Can you show me where in the Scriptures it says that Jesus came to abolish religion?

Dear Lysander,

I love all questions that start with "Can you show me where in the Scriptures it says ..." - this is how we should enter into dialogue with our brothers and sisters! If only we would learn to listen to the Word and put our own prejudices and pre-conceived ideas to one side and let it penetrate our hearts. I include myself in that; I want to open myself up to God's Word, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit of course, in order to be able to be continually learning, for "disciple" means "student" or "learner". How can I learn if I shut up my ears? Many times in the past I have shut up my ears, wanting to protect myself from false doctrine and "heresy", but I now realise that God will protect me as I investigate the Bible and other people's beliefs, if I "remain" in Christ (John 15:4).

To answer your question, chapter 18 of Revelation speaks of "The Fall of Babylon", which is generally understood by theologians and students of the Bible to represent false religion. We read in verse 8 that: "She will be completely consumed by fire, for the Lord God who judges her is mighty.” That is why we are urged and warned in verse 4 to “Come away from her, my people. Do not take part in her sins, or you will be punished with her."
Dear Lysander,

I love all questions that start with "Can you show me where in the Scriptures it says ..." - this is how we should enter into dialogue with our brothers and sisters! If only we would learn to listen to the Word and put our own prejudices and pre-conceived ideas to one side and let it penetrate our hearts. I include myself in that; I want to open myself up to God's Word, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit of course, in order to be able to be continually learning, for "disciple" means "student" or "learner". How can I learn if I shut up my ears? Many times in the past I have shut up my ears, wanting to protect myself from false doctrine and "heresy", but I now realise that God will protect me as I investigate the Bible and other people's beliefs, if I "remain" in Christ (John 15:4).

To answer your question, chapter 18 of Revelation speaks of "The Fall of Babylon", which is generally understood by theologians and students of the Bible to represent false religion. We read in verse 8 that: "She will be completely consumed by fire, for the Lord God who judges her is mighty.” That is why we are urged and warned in verse 4 to “Come away from her, my people. Do not take part in her sins, or you will be punished with her."

Thank you for the eloquent response.
While I disagree with your interpretation of this passage, I will agree that Christ had no intention to promote corrupt and false religion. Though is religion that is directed purely to God in the most sanctified way corrupt?
Thank you so much vengaturreino! Yeah I am aware of the corruption of money and I do try to not "focus my life on making money". And yeah I have heard of Mathew 6:34. I guess now that I should just focus on today and when I become the person I want to be (I wanna be a Vet) I'll start aiming towards my goal of travelling the world. I've heard people say that ambition is a bad thing and that you should just completely follow and obey God, but surely God wants you to do the things you love right? Otherwise God wouldn't have made us unique with different interests and talents, hence doing your interests. I believe God has brought me further than I ever thought I could, and now I realize that it's part of my path of my talent being put into God's love. So if He brought me this far then I'm sure He'll take me further. You just gotta have Faith and be with God in everything you do. Thanks alot vengaturreino. You have helped me understand what ambition really is to God. God Bless!!!(y):giggle:
Ambition is many times defined as "I want, I will strive and I will get what I want for my own glory." If you "reflect" what God wants for you - you are on the right path and will always reflect His Glory.
Yes I agree. But I don't want to travel the world for my own glory, I just want to do it for enjoyment in my life. But I think I want to explore God's wonders with Him. Like 'gazing upon the mountains with the Spirit Of God". Just to see what else He has created in the world and see what the world is like before you 'pass on'. Thanks guys!(y)
Perhaps I should have said "sometimes ambition is used" because I believe God wants us to enjoy His creation and celebrate it, according to His ways. There is more fullness to the feeling as opposed to an empty feeling when we go against those ways. I wish you well (y).
Thanks Silk! I wish you well too with your future! And I totally agree, there is emptiness in life and enjoyment if God isn't in it. God is the only One that can fill the Spiritual gap in life...