Serving God

Most all Christians desire to serve God, which is usually understood to be doing some great thing, which then almost always results in us becoming a stuffed shirt.
To serve God ultimately means to fulfill His purpose. Jesus our ultimate example served God by not opening His mouth in His atonement mission. For us serving God may mean 'taking a kicking' - working out some character in us for God's glory, on this side and the other.
We serve God in all that we do as we submit to God. At work, in the home, at church and a host of other situations we may find ourselves in.

How we serve God is important as well. Thankfully we have the Holy Spirit to guide us. There is much to learn on this narrow walk and avoiding the broadways that lead away from God is important as well. God will help us find the way again, but not without many bumps and bruises along the way.